Legal dating age in korea


  2. The Confusing (Legal) Age of (Sexual) Consent in South Korea |
  3. The Confusing (Legal) Age of (Sexual) Consent in South Korea
  4. Ages of consent in Asia

No, there are 16 countries, with the limit of 14 or younger, I wouldn't call it "few", maybe "fewer". Didn't they update this in ? I think an adult having sex with a minor is statutory rape now since it's considered abuse of power. It was written somewhere in here http: First, was there no effort in post-colonial days to get rid of the Japanese legacy? In ex-European colonies in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, such movements were common.

Second, why has no one in all the decades since independence thought that there was anything wrong with the age of consent being so low? Korea revised the law in It's now 19 if "force" is used. Force seems to mean an abuse of power when having sex with minor under Patriarchy also has nothing to do with anarchy and anarchism.


Korean culture tolerates seeming contradictions very well. That's something I've always liked about Korea. It's maddening at times, too. I don't see the contradictions you seem to see. All undeveloped countries necessarily have a high level of anarchy. Little infrastructure, corrupt police, undeveloped legal system. Yet Korea was a military dictatorship and very patriarchical, too. Is Korea already a nanny state?

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It seems like the Kpop generation is. Don't wanna sound arrogant, but it looks like you're misinformed about the term "anarchy", and I tell you this as a linguistics' student. Anarchy and anarchism are complex political ideas that promote a liberal utopian system which is based on having no government. That means also no police or legal systems and it doesn't have anything to do with infrastructure.

The Confusing (Legal) Age of (Sexual) Consent in South Korea |

You might believe it would be hell without a government, as many people do, but anarchists actually offer peaceful and considerable sollutions above all, and a system based on consensus, love, respect and trust for each other. It is true, however, that the word has been wrongly exploited for negative notions, which confuses ordinary people who won't bother getting head aches exploring various political ideas.

Just to let you know. Can you point me to the law that you are referring to? I know the high school meaning of anarchy. I'm using the term simply to mean less government veering toward zero. Korea during the 60s, when I lived there, was "close to nature". Nobody was very educated then, everyone hated the few police that were around, you'd never see a lawyer, we used see snakes in trees after big rains, markets just meant any who could grab table and sell anything.

To me that's "anarchy". BTW, it's also why I love Kpop. Damn fun to see the first generation Korean culture and the kids living it that never experienced dictatorship. The Korean It's from Wikipedia. Wow, that Wikipedia entry is entirely wrong. Don't count on that one. And that is the wrong interpretation of the term "anarchy", which I was talking about and that unfortunately is quite common.

I'm just advising you to be careful and more sensitive, because it's just not fair Take "femminism" as a comparison - what initially was merely a cry for freedom is sadly being transformed into hatered for men? The Korean What's wrong with the entry? Are you saying the law is wrongly interpreted? DXL It was simply my interpretation as I explained. In no way am I going to get into academic nitpicks here. Let's not go there.

Recently here in Korea, a 9-year-old boy confessed to throwing a brick from the rooftop of an apartment building. The brick hit two people on the ground who happened to be feeding stray cats. One person was killed, the other severely injured.

The Confusing (Legal) Age of (Sexual) Consent in South Korea

The age of criminal responsibility in Korea is FYI, two other kids were with him that day ages 8 and 11, respectively. The year-old will be tried as a juvenile for being an accomplice. What Exactly Constitutes Rape in Korea? Jack and Jill are boyfriend and girlfriend here in Korea. One night in a motel room, Jack gets extremely angry at Jill over a trifle. He leaves the room to cool down. After 20 minutes, Jack comes back and demands they have intercourse. Korean courts are still somewhat strict in their interpretation of rape.

Initially saying no, but later obliging is more likely to be considered a change of mind. The Ruling In a similar case, the Supreme Court of Korea reversed and remanded an appellate court decision which had found Mr. In , it was again raised to Although, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, initially sought to lower the age to 16, it was set at 18 due to political pressure from conservative parties. A man is said to commit "rape" if he Sixthly — With or without her consent, when she is under eighteen years of age. Children from Sexual Offences Act, disallows any such sexual relationships and puts such crimes within marriages as an aggravated offense.

Ages of consent in Asia

A Public Interest Litigation filled by Independent Thought, an organization working on child rights law, was heard in the Supreme Court of India for declaring the exception allowing marital rape within prohibited child marriages as unconstitutional: Union of India [W. P civil of ]. Lokur and Deepak Gupta read down Exception 2 to Section of the Indian Penal Code IPC to hold that sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife if she is below 18 years of age would amount to rape.

The Section of the Indian Penal Code , an old British-era law, bans "carnal intercourse against the order of nature". It was used to prosecute people for having anal or oral sex, although prosecutions are rare. The law was constitutionally challenged at the Delhi High Court in for violating the human rights of sexual minorities. But, after the Delhi High Court declared some parts of the law unconstitutional on the issue, the age of consent for consensual homosexual sex was set at According to the Indonesian Penal Code article , the age of consent in Indonesia is 15 years old.

Individuals aged 14 or younger in Indonesia are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape or the equivalent local law. Even though the age of consent is 15 years old, the offender can only be charged and prosecuted if a legal complaint is lodged to the law enforcement.

Exception to this law is when the age of the victim is under 12 years old, or under certain circumstances such as bodily injury or incest. However, under the Child Protection Act, the age of consent could be raised to A reported court verdict using the Child Protection Act was done in against an Australian national.

How to Calculate Korean Age (Explained Again, More Simply)

Sexuality outside marriage is illegal in Iran. The age of consent in Iraq is However, the age of consent might change in the future to age nine for females and 15 for males. According to the Israeli Penal Code of the age of consent in Israel is 16 regardless of gender or sexual orientation, for any form of sexual relations involving penetration unless the person above 16 is the one being penetrated - in that case the age of consent is In all cases that don't involve penetration, the age of consent is 14 for both heterosexual and homosexual activities.

A special case arises when a person aged 14 or 15 had sexual relations with an older partner; in this case the older partner would be exempt of criminal liability if three conditions are met: In Japan, the Japanese Penal Code sets a minimal age of consent of 13 regardless of gender or sexual orientation. The age of consent in Jordan is 16 regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Sexual activity outside marriage is illegal in Kuwait. The age of consent in Kyrgyzstan is The age of consent in Laos is 15 regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

The age of consent for sex in Lebanon is 18 for both males and females in regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Article of the Penal Code states, "Whoever commits a sexual act with a minor of less than fifteen 15 years, shall be punished with hard labor of up to fifteen 15 years. This penalty shall be for a minimum of five 5 years, if the victim has not attained the age of twelve 12 years. And whoever commits a sexual act with a minor aged more than fifteen 15 years but less than eighteen 18 years, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period varying between 2 months and 2 years.

The general age of consent in Macau is 14, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Sex with minors younger than 14 years old is more severely punished 1 to 8 years' imprisonment than with minors aged 14 to 16 years old up to 4 years' imprisonment if the perpetrator abused the minor's inexperience. Anal sex, irrespective of the gender or orientation of the participants male-male, female-female, male-female , has an aggravated punishment 3 to 10 years of jail if practiced with a minor under the age of 14 and up to 4 years if practiced with an older minor.

The age of consent for heterosexual sex in Malaysia is 16 for both sexes [57] as homosexual activity in Malaysia is illegal. A man is said to commit "rape" who, except in the case hereinafter excepted, has sexual intercourse with a woman under circumstances falling under any of the following descriptions: Sixthly — With or without her consent, when she is under sixteen years of age.

Sexual activity outside marriage is illegal in Maldives. The legal age of marriage is 18 for both males and females. As Maldivians follow the Islamic Shariah, girls below the age of 18 can get married with parental consent. Done otherwise, it would be a crime. Engaging in any type of sexual interaction is illegal before marriage. The age of consent in Mongolia is 16, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

The Indian Penal Code was also inherited in Myanmar , making the age of consent 14 there as well. A man is said to commit "rape" who, except in the case hereinafter excepted, has sexual intercourse with a woman under circumstances falling under any of the five following descriptions:.