Dating a girl with oral herpes


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  2. Would you date someone with oral herpes (HSV1)? : OneY

I just found out 2 weeks ago my bf has had it since he's a kid. And I guess I'm scared I'd eventually get it, if I havent already become infected by him.

Share Share this post on Digg Del. I don't think it is something that is breakup worthy. I'm not incredibly familiar with how they are spread but at the very least do not kiss him or let him go down on you when he has a breakout. But even if you did catch them from him, are they really the end of the world? I'm dating a girl currently who has it. She tells me she got it when she was younger from her mother.

She had a breakout recently, and she wouldn't kiss me.

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That was fine with me, obviously. But I continue to date her because I love her to death. I hope that works, because that has been my policy with her. You might already have it because it is so very common and a lot of people don't get symptoms. Here are some basic facts: It's not usually very troublesome. Some people don't know they have it, some get a single breakout and then no more. With people who get recurrences, the interval between breakouts tends to get progressively longer and the symptoms less severe so that it becomes less troublesome as time goes on.

Kissing and oral sex should be avoided during a breakout. Though the chance of spreading it is still significant even when there are no symptoms which is why so many people contract it. In very rare cases, HSV1 can spread to the brain causing encephaltis, an inflammation that can cause brain injury or death. I emphasize that this is extremely rare. There is a small risk of any virus spreading to the brain. There is also HSV2 which can occur orally but more usually genitally. It's just a location.

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Yeah, you get a cold sore once a year but that's not something terrible due to which other people shouldn't date you. If it's asymptomatic then it's by definition not a disease. If it is the norm to carry the virus, it's not an abnormal condition affecting the body. The anecdotal being that a disease being very common somehow makes having it the normal state of the human body. I am not arguing about how common it is, but your proclamation of it as the "new norm of good health".

You came up with this definition and it's self-serving bullshit. Having your body infected by a virus is an impermanent of normal functioning. That has nothing to do with how many manage to get it during their lifetime. You might as well say that the normal state of being for people is dead, since we all attain that condition eventually.

It's abnormal even if it is prodigious and the chances of you having contracted it late in life are quite high. It's painful and serves no purpose. It is a disease. It is a perfectly "normal" state. And actually you can consider it that having a cold sore is an indicator that you need to reassess your life - ie. Chances are you have herpes too because I doubt she's just recently acquired it and once upon a time, just as we all have been, you were a sticky fingered child wanting mummys attention and affection and kisses and you couldn't have ever understood why not You might as well change the title of this to "Would you date someone?

You're going to get it if you don't have it already, and unless you've been tested and you know for sure, chances are you do. Most people are just asymptomatic. The infectiousness and amount of symptoms in a host also decrease with the amount of time you have had it. I am disease free also dating someone who has not only cold sores but vaginal herpes. It really isn't that big of a deal don't let it cloud your mind about it.

OneY gave me some really good advice back in Jul of last year, read this. Yep, my ex-girlfriend got cold sores, it was never an issue, she took meds to control outbreaks and such. It's merely a virus she had since birth. It really isn't a big deal. There are creams and stuff that make them go away quickly. You just have to be smart about it. From my perspective, it's sort of like a period of the mouth Minus all the fun hormone stuff. Sorta like worrying about a bladder infection or yeast infection.

I once had a herpes scare because a girl and I slept together and then she got genital herpes. She immediately told me it had to be me because I was the only one she had slept with. She ended up testing positive for HSV1 while I remained clean. It turned out a guy with cold sores ate her out and she contracted HSV1 as genital herpes. I know this case is very rare, but as a personal anecdote that scared the shit out of me, I definitely stay away from cold sores. Everything from drinking out of the same straw to kissing. In addition, HSV1 has a nasty habit of hiding, so you may have it and not even know.

It just shows up on it's own sort of clock. I was getting cold sores so frequently that my doctor recommended a daily preventive medicine for me. I've been taking it for a while now, and nary a cold sore. You could recommend it to her, boom. It's fucking cold sores, dude. It's like lip pimples but contagious. It's not a big deal. Even if you do have cold-sores, it rarely breaks out. I haven't had a cold-sore for like 20 years.

Would you date someone with oral herpes (HSV1)? : OneY

I've had two cold sores my whole life. My mom has the virus- so I've probably had it near my whole life.

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  • Two cold sores in my entire 25 years seems fairly inconsequential. Just be careful with your activities when she has an outbreak and you should be completely fine. Also, forgot to add, kudos to her for telling you. When I've told some guys they've freaked out and treated me like a leper. My boyfriend of 5 years gets cold sores and I've never gotten one.

    Don't kiss or share drinks or let her give you oral while she's having an outbreak. It's not difficult to remain HSV1 free while with someone who has it. Ok since you said that, why not date her and see where it goes? HSV-2 appears as red or white bumps that may open, ooze, and form ulcers before scabbing and healing. HSV-2 can be spread to any location in the body, but is most likely to appear on the genitals. Recurrence of HSV-2 is common. Get yourself tested for herpes.

    If you are with a partner who has herpes, it is important to know if you are a carrier of the virus yourself. You might have a strain of herpes but no symptoms, meaning that you do not have to worry about getting infected with that strain. If you and the girl you are dating have the same strain of herpes, you can't "re-infect" one another because you are both carriers. If you have different strains of herpes, you can transmit that infection. For instance, if she has HSV-2 and you have HSV-1, it's possible for either of you to get infected with the other strain.


    A simple blood test can tell you whether you are a carrier of either herpes virus. You can get this test at a Planned Parenthood center, other health clinics, or private health care providers such as your general practitioner, or GP. Remember that herpes isn't dangerous. While herpes can be uncomfortable, the infection is generally not dangerous in healthy adults.