Dating a taurus man personality


  1. The Core Personality of the Taurus Man
  2. Dating a Taurus Man is Quite a Challenge. No Kidding!
  3. Dating a Taurus Man
  4. Taurus man questions

Consistent, dedicated, and kind-hearted, the Bull is a family man to the core.

Taurus Men Show Feelings

Taurean dudes are solid, helpful, super sweet, and strong as hell. Always good with their hands, Taurus men usually enjoy playing music, making stuff, fixing broken things, or creating art. They tend to be rather handy in unconventional ways and have a formidable work ethic that sometimes becomes a little too intense. While his insane stamina under pressure is admirable, the slow-and-steady-wins-the-race approach often puts the Taurus man way behind deadline, forcing him to pull long hours to make it happen.

These guys may have trouble getting out of their own way and could benefit from learning how to conserve their energy. Show your Taurus that you love him through actions, not words, and you will win his everlasting loyalty. These men will work tirelessly to help those they adore, and they love it when others reciprocate that.

7 Negative Traits of the Taurus Man

Books and musical instruments also make for thoughtful gifts, and you will never go wrong by getting him some kind of gourmet food item like fine chocolate. He likes what he likes, so do not try to change him to fit an idea in your head, or mold him to your ideal. See also Sun sign compatibility. However, there is a lot more to compatibility than only the comparison of the Sun signs.

For example, how do your Venus signs compare? Find out Venus signs here.

The Core Personality of the Taurus Man

Discover Venus sign compatibility here. With the bull as his Zodiac sign, you have to know that the Taurus man can be extremely stubborn. On the other hand, this very trait makes him uniquely persistent and the Taurus man will finish what he starts. This gentleman tends to be cautious in life and will keep within his comfort zone.

Dating a Taurus Man is Quite a Challenge. No Kidding!

Adventure will be sacrificed for practicality, and stability will win over change. Beneath the composed, easy-going exterior of the Taurus man lays a tenacious temper — when you borrow something, remember to bring it back in the same condition you received it. The Taurus man enjoys the good life and will make sure that his partner is spoiled to the best of his ability.

Investments will be sound choices offering safe returns rather than high-yield, high-risk undertakings. He is forever attracted to things that promise to last. The refined Taurus man will highlight his wardrobe with mauve and pale blues, so you can expect to see silk ties and casual shirts in these colors. Always on top of the fashion scene, the Taurus man enjoys shopping for the latest styles in clothing and shoes. Even though he dresses well and is proud of the way he looks, the Taurus man will rarely flaunt what he has. He buys to please himself.

Dating a Taurus Man

As long as his partner is committed to their relationship, the Taurus man will give himself completely to the success of their union. Usually quiet and subdued, this man can be extremely jealous and will show another side of his nature if it becomes necessary to protect what he feels is his. The Taurus man is an affectionate and sensual individual who enjoys the romantic pleasures of courting, but practices a great deal of patience before entering into a relationship.

His voice and manner are generally calm, soothing, and even healing.

  • Taurus Traits!
  • Taurus Man: Love, Personality Traits & More.
  • Taurus Traits.

These things are part of his overall appeal. This man takes pleasure in the warmth of physical contact, but is not an overly daring person in the bedroom — although the right partner could change that. When it comes right down to it, the Taurus man knows what he likes and will make sure his partner knows exactly what that is! High stamina levels generally keep this man healthy, although there is often the threat of extra weight with his hearty appetite and love of great food.

Taurus man questions

This describes Taurus stubborn nature. However, this innate stubbornness is a strength that can be used to their advantage. In fact, a Taurus man's ability to dig in and hold his position often makes him highly successful in business. Some of the tactics used in business are similar to the ones a bull uses when protecting his herd. There can be a lot of posturing made in business to present the impression of strength and power. Being stubborn and steadfast in whatever position he takes makes a Taurus businessman formidable.

The ability to carve out his own niche in the world, become rich, famous and successful, and enjoy the good life is the ultimate status symbol for Taurus. A successful Taurus is well-traveled, has a sophisticated worldly air about him and feels right at home rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. Taurus men aren't braggarts, they just seem to know that flaunting their success really does speak louder than words. They don't mind showing off all the trappings of their financial success, such as a glamorous wife, a grandiose home, a luxury car or two and a getaway vacation villa.

Venus , the ruler of Taurus, bestows these men with charm in spades and when they fall in love, they love deeply and completely. This is a truly beautiful quality and dating a Taurus man can be divine. It's not uncommon for a Taurus man to shower his beloved with gifts, leave a rose on her pillow every night, and spoil her with expensive dinners out. However, love has to come to him. He's not going to chase it.