Common mistakes guys make in dating


  1. Tracey Cox reveals the 27 mistakes men make on a first date
  3. Related Stories
  4. 10 Dating Mistakes Men Make - and How to Avoid Them | Phoenix New Times
Dating is difficult, but it doesn't have to be painful. Here are a few things to avoid.

Guys do some really dumb stuff, particularly when around a woman they like. Making too many stupid mistakes while still in the courting process can end a relationship before it had time to get off the ground. Here are 10 dumb dating mistakes guys make and despite their ineptitude being in the best interest of guys with a little common sense how to avoid them. Show up without a gameplan While you should never have a rigid plan for much of anything in life, you should at least have a concept of how you want your date to go. How to Avoid It: Where will we eat?

Tracey Cox reveals the 27 mistakes men make on a first date

What will we do after? Forget or not listen to what you know about her How annoying is it to be asked the same question multiple times? Women are way better at subtle hints than guys are, so think of it like a game of Clue.

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Pick out a handful of important things to remember about her and use whatever methods used to work for you on high school tests to keep them fresh in your head before a date. Okay fellas, the ladies have to hand it to you— you do a lot of things to make our hearts swoon. You surprise us by taking the initiative to invite us out to dinner— where we will undoubtedly enjoy a romantic meal by candlelight, talk for hours, spoon feed each other creme brulee— wait a minute, are those your friends from college about to sit with us? Needless to say, sometimes guys trip up their own game with the ladies without even realizing it.


Except that chick from Twilight — we guess there are a few here and there that are into that whole creepily possessive, smothering, super jealous deal. Acting like a tough guy Oh, you have muscles and testosterone? News flash— fights just make us scared, not impressed. So just play it cool and save everyone the stress. Acting differently around your friends The merging of the two worlds of friends and GF is a delicate task one that most guys seem to bomb. Play it cool, keep the conversations neutral, and your friends will like your new girl as much as you do well hopefully not as much.

So stop making excuses and just call a girl when you say you will. Letting the odd word slip is fine, especially if he's nervous. So is him taking his cue from you if you swear every second sentence. Spending all night on his phone is her 'most hated' trait and says he should keep his phone out of view. Being horrible to the waiter. Being racist, sexist or homophobic. A crime punishable by you going to the loo and never coming back. Spending all night playing with his phone.

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This is the most common and most hated date behaviour of all. His phone should be out of view. The first black mark is leaving it on the table. Constantly picking it up to check and send messages or check social media without an explanation as to why he needs to is disrespectful. Taking anything other than emergency calls is another turn-off.

If you spot him flicking through Tinder the second you go to the loo, why bother going back? Not making eye contact. Tucking into his meal before yours has even arrived. Talking with his mouth full. Not putting his knife and fork together when finished. Slouching all over the table. If he didn't listen to Mum when she tried to teach him these basics, he's going to call you a nag for even mentioning it.

Ogling other women or flirting with the waitress.

Some men seem to think this will make us want them more. Flirting with the waitress in full view of his date is another sign which Tracey finds off-putting. Being super critical of the food or service. Not so nice is banging fists on the table and making a scene because the mash is a bit lumpy. Being too eager or territorial.

Launching into how wonderful we are too soon is unflattering: Talking constantly about an ex. Tracey encourages women to ditch men who are doing any of these dating mistakes. If he's not over her, why is he out with us?

10 Dating Mistakes Men Make - and How to Avoid Them | Phoenix New Times

Bad-mouthing all his exes. Nutters, all of them.

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Clashing on key issues. Talking about health problems or addictions. A first date is way too soon to admit to addiction issues or mental struggles. Not offering to pay, unwarranted quibbling about the bill, leaving a lousy tip or none at all. But relentlessly trying to persuade you to go home with him and getting angry or sulky when you refuse is a massive warning sign he's extremely bad news. Not checking to see if you got home OK. Even if the date wasn't particularly fizzy, he should at least have the courtesy to check you actually made it home, regardless of whether you jumped on a late tube or got into a black cab.