Dating someone who used to have an eating disorder


  1. We’re not trying to please you
  2. How Eating Disorders Affect Relationships
  3. What It’s Like To Date Someone With An Eating Disorder | MadameNoire

But recovery is my life right now.

We’re not trying to please you

I go to therapy twice a week, nutrition once a week, MD biweekly, support group once a week. I want to let him into my life and telling him I think is going to be part of it which is another reason to tell him. My third and final reason is this, I pick a happy life. I want a happy life and my eating disorder does not let me have it. This is why I pick recovery.

It sucks and I hate it sometimes but I have to do it. It would be a great follow up article to discuss possible ways to open up about it when you are dating someone? Would be happy to contribute articles as well. Thank you so much for this article. I find touching my collarbones and hip bones reassuring but when my partner touches me I feel my bones and feel repulsed; how could he love this body? I have started the journey and embrace the obstacles which I come up against; recognising that moving forwards is not always realistic and sometimes a sideways step or failure is required to learn to be able to move forwards again.

This website is a huge support and Jessica said something great in a podcast today about being fearful of situations and embracing them with a sense of curiosity. This is a warrior moment! Strangely enough my sex drive never went away but actually decreased ss I became healthier and less confident in my recovery body.

My marriage has completely broken down after a traumatic 8 month period where ED has completely consumed my relationship with my wife. We have been together 10 years and I have recently learned that we have been living with ED for our whole relationship. We suffered a miscarriage in December last year and from then things have spiralled out of control. Following the miscarriage, my wife has suffered heavy depression and had suicidal thoughts.

Intimacy has been an ongoing issue in or relationship for the last 5 or 6 years. We always asked each other, is this normal? Do other couples go through this? We had a healthy sex life in the first few years of our relationship but things would go in cycles as the years passed. Sex for a couple of weeks and then months of no activity. For a few years we would still show affection to one another, hugging and keeping in close contact.

But as things nose dived we became more distant and stopped opening up, communicating and being intimate. My wife admitted to myself and her Mum about a year ago that she had been taking laxatives to flush out her system. It became apparent that she had been doing this for a long period and it was greatly affecting her health. How naive we were. I want to support my wife.

How Eating Disorders Affect Relationships

ED has taken over and I feel helpless. No-one has any answers. Has ED affected our relationship all this time? Would we have encountered intimacy issues without ED? How can we ever rebuild our relationship? It feels almost impossible.

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  4. How Eating Disorders Affect Relationships | Recovery Warriors?

I will never give up on my wife but it feels like I will have no choice in the matter. I have learned a valuable lesson. I just wish my wife could accept the hand of help. She feels so distant from us all. Those struggling with eating disorders usually have very specific routines. They go to bed at the same time every night, get up at the same time every morning, work out for the exact same amount of time at the same time each day and only eat very specific foods.

Traveling can, naturally, interfere with their routines. People with anorexia or who use exercise as a form of purging often keep very strict bed times. Women with anorexia may not want to stay up late, because they want to avoid cravings in the middle of the night, or throwing off their specific eating schedule.

Exercise purgers want to be up at a certain time to exercise. Your female friends recognize an eating disorder when they see one. Many of them may have suffered from eating disorders themselves. Your female friends might judge you for dating someone with an eating disorder, or just feel very skeptical of the relationship entirely. These could range from repeating certain mantras to themselves, to eating odd combinations of food, to purging.

If your girlfriend wants suddenly and often to be alone at random times, this could be why.

What It’s Like To Date Someone With An Eating Disorder | MadameNoire

If you do have even just mild body insecurities of your own, well, unfortunately, those will have to go on the back burner. After 2 years of dating I would say I found my person. Well I'm not sure about other people but I have a selective eating disorder which makes me extremely picky. I wouldn't say it's too difficult for my girlfriend but it's very difficult for me.

Could be smell,looks, or just my brain saying F No but it's a very crippling thing to live with. If you ever live with or meet someone who has ant sort of eating disorder please try not to judge and be patient with them. For as weird it looks like to you it's more mentally handicapping for them.

Ask New Question Sign In. What is it like to date someone with an eating disorder? It really depends on a couple things. It depends on where you, the dater, are at in your life. It depends on where they, the date, are at in their recovery. That makes it all worth it. Would you date a girl with bulimia? Would you date a girl with an eating disorder or someone 20 pounds overweight? How do eating disorders affect relationships?

How can I help someone with an eating disorder? Answered Jan 30, Answered Jul 14, More food for you…. Related Questions Why do people hide their eating disorders? Do people with eating disorders know they have eating disorders? What's it like to have an eating disorder? What do you think about eating disorders? When is it an eating disorder? How do I deal with an eating disorder? Why would someone fake an eating disorder? What did you typically eat with an eating disorder? Why would someone go on a date with you?

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