Questions to ask when dating an older man


  1. 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start Dating A Much Older Man!
  2. Here are 30 questions to ask a guy you're dating to get to know him better - HelloGiggles
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Even if a man earns much more than you and can easily take care of all your expenses, he will feel stifled if he has to take care of all the bills and expenses, as well as make all the decisions on where to go out for dinner, where to shop, and other simple things.

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start Dating A Much Older Man!

So stay self-assured, confident, and fairly independent. Your past and his past are different. So avoid talking about past events, especially cultural events, like movies or trends. When you talk about these things, it emphasizes the age difference and creates an awkward feeling for both of you.

#1 Where Were You Born?

Stay centered on what is happening now or how the future might look. When you meet an older man that you want to date, don't let age be a barrier. As Lori Gorshow, a professional dating coach with Dating Made Simple points out, "Science has shown us that chronological age is only a number.


Areas like health, family history, exercise and mental attitude are more of an indicator of body age than the birth number. If you really like someone who is considerably older, the relationship is usually based on compatible personalities, common interests, and chemistry. An age difference between two people who really like each other is something that quickly becomes a non-issue.

Here are 30 questions to ask a guy you're dating to get to know him better - HelloGiggles

But how do you decide your bench mark for dating an older guy? I mean how old is really just too old….

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Has he been married and does he have children? If the man is on amicable terms with his ex-wife and great terms with his children, that is a good sign. If his ex and kids hate him then you should wonder why? What is his relationship like with his work? By this I mean is he a workaholic?

Questions to Ask a Guy: 125 Things to Ask to Keep You Talking

Many women find that after dating an older man for a while, they discover that the only thing he is really committed to is his job and toping up his k. What is his outlook on life? Does he actually have a life? Bottom line is you may feel more comfortable being true to yourself with someone more mature.

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Since time is on his side and he is older, he has had time to realize what may not have been effective and ineffective in the bedroom. Men, as they mature, also start to crave more of an emotional connection versus a purely physical one.

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  • And what this equates to in your relationship is someone who is willing to put in the work to get to know you, which usually results in a better sexual experience with you. Maturity brings some insights along with a different perspective on life. With some maturity comes some real-life experiences. You go through ups and downs and you learn to navigate through various obstacles to move forward. Dating someone older means they can provide you with some insights and different perspectives when you encounter something which can seem insurmountable.

    It can save you time and needless energy overthinking a problem and more importantly help you move forward quicker. Being with an older man can be a good balance for you especially in a world where things move at a hyper pace. With maturity comes a greater appreciation for the little things in life and being with someone mature can help you learn to slow down, relax, and recalibrate.

    There might be a need to outdo one another when you are closer in age and achievements.

    Now, you might get some pushback from the guy you’re dating.

    When someone is older and because they are more established, they may not have the same need to compete with you. This age dynamic can dial back the immaturity of poor communication and ego-busting that can happen with someone that is closer to your age. In fact, they may become your biggest cheerleader pushing you to levels you may not have felt you could accomplish. They had a life before you.