Corey wayne online dating


  1. Corey wayne the ultimate online women dating profile
  2. Corey wayne the ultimate online women dating profile | Withers Broadcasting
  3. The Douchiest Online Dating Coaches

I actually searched his name trying to find dirt of him and I found this article to be incredibly invalid and what seems to be inacurate. Almost like you read that back and and stopped there. I was intrigued by how much my friend loved his work and tried it myself. If there's one thing I've learned solid, it's to take care of myself to create a more confident character.

Corey wayne the ultimate online women dating profile

It does seem a little harsh to leave a girl alone if she's not pursuing you, but why waste time wanting someone that doesn't want you? Trina 22 May Thank you for this list. Or Evan Marc Katz amd so many others? Each and every one of these people spout out the silliest nonsense!

I think this list should be longer if you ask me. Bobby 26 May Long on accusations, short on facts.

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Just started looking into Corey Wayne, seems legitimate, but early. He does come across like a good man. Corey Wayne's material saved my marriage of 5 years. Things are not perfect with my wife and I but it went from her leaving me, to us having fun and falling in love again. Nothing douchey about saving a marriage with kids involved. Emmy 11 July Corey Wayne is a joke. He is praying on people's heart ache.

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Sadly he couldn't make his relationship work, and he is punishing his parents for nor showing him love. Super douche, I had to let my boyfriend speak with my married friends husbands to get him on the right track.

When I met him he was trying this idiots advice with me, pft, he learned quick. Love is work, you don't have to lie, pretend, have a plan. You want to call someone call them, how dumb do you have to be to follow this guy. Rule 1, sometimes you may get that ex back but at what expense.

Love fearlessly, if the person's not the one you will know. Most of all lobe your children, show them affection and set a good example. Or else they will be following adice from a person who had no clue. If you want to hook up save your money just jump on a dating site. Clearly he is a nerd. Fernando 17 July I'm sorry to tell you and I might be wrong, but you sound like a depressed man.

I suggest you to stay open and humble to receive advise professional if you are willing , stop being so full of yourself and accept that you have a problem being negative and close minded and you would like to get out of it, most of us commenters have done it It might be a good start to begin reading to Corey Wayne Dave 02 September I agree with most comments about Corey Wayne's material being good stuff.

I don't agree with any advice about getting an ex-back, however. There's a reason you are exes, and once that's happened, you should move on. As far as the remainder of Corey Wayne's teachings, he seems to really try to help raise confidence, and I think that one thing is the key. I don't see him as arrogant; I see him as someone trying to tell the male populous to "snap out of it" and get in the game. There's nothing wrong with guys knowing the rules. Roshan Rajan 25 September I was looking for negative criticism against doc love and I knew it's easy Doc has interviewed over ten thousands of women and that's why I trust him The reason he gets so much criticism is because he tells you the truth about what works on the street and you have to put your ego aside and follow his principles But then again he knew it's the most difficult thing for men to do.

Doug 06 October Say what you want, Jason Capital's shit has helped me become a better man. Just because he acts a certain way, speaks a certain way, and behaves like someone ripped out of their mind on coke I really like that his stuff digs deeper than just "game" and women. He's more of a lifestyle coach than a dating coach. Just my humble opinion.

John 27 October I do not know about others but Corey Wayne's book worked for me. And I even helped a friend with getting over his ex, have numerous girlfriends, changing his views about females in general and building self confidence about love life. AAdil 28 October I have gone through Corey's book and videos and somebody who doesn't get it will forever remain challenged in his relationships. After reading his book and watching his videos I'm in a state where I want to be. Dating is effortless, I don't waste time on women who don't reciprocate and I move on to better things in life.

Sometimes 3rd party perspective helps put things together. I'm still trying to get my ex back. If she comes Great if she doesnt I'm still in a great place.

Corey wayne the ultimate online women dating profile | Withers Broadcasting

To understand his teaching you need to be coming from a state of desperation and then you begin to see light. If you read his book just to review it you will find 20 things that wont make sense to you. Anon 29 November I never had a good relationship with a woman until I started following Corey Wayne There was just always something wrong with the relationship. What he teaches is spot on for building a solid relationship where there is real happiness.

I don't know what you are criticizing here, but try to at least be objective. GudrunSassel 02 Desember I see your page needs some fresh content. Writing manually is time consuming, but there is tool for this task.

The Douchiest Online Dating Coaches

Jason 08 Desember Coach Corey helped me out after divorce at Played the field well with his insights, and now ready to marry a high quality woman. Your lack of action is not CW fault, maybe it's just you being a little bitch lol. Li 29 Desember Jason capital sells rehashed programs.

Specially many of his later programs are just literally rehashed segments of his Status system, which information you could get from other better dating coaches without having to dish out hundreds to thousands of dollars. Extremely douchey, I met him at a club before and he is nothing like his online 'persona'..

He's a great marketer though, targeting people with low self esteem with promises of great things. Roy 06 January Steve 03 February Corey Wayne is legit. I have been using his approaches on and off for a couple of years. Do they "get you laid like a champ? He just teaches you to make women only ONE part of your fulfilling and rewarding life.

Jon d 09 March Yeah this article is depressing as fuck. I hope to not be such a sad case in 10 years. Point is that if u dress decent , take care of yourself , go socialize and learn some skill. You have a shot All that crap thats out right now is based off of RSD inspired craziness And if u follow it.. Now as for settling for 40 something year olds that just want a "baby daddy" That really sounds like a great giving two way relationship As a famous motivational speakers says Grow a pair and go after what u want intelligently Don't try to live up to their expectations of u I'd get out of a small town too.

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I'm in one and its horse shit. Apostle 10 March Read the book ten to fifteen times! Sal 18 March Coach Corey is the best and i thiink you suck!! I wonder how many of those comments are written by Corey Wayne's staff: John 22 March Corey's actually really good. He only contradicts himself as much as anyone else. His philosophy rings true but you need to understadn his philosophy well, hence reading the book a lot.

Now, his book is a little tedious to read over and over. None of these ppl work for him, I guarantee, his model breeds loyalty and we have all seen results. We don't want a moronic article like this, written by a broken man, to discredit a person than actually empowers men and women to be their best. As for the other coaches, I know of three of them and I agree they are not worth following.

The Modern Man in Australia also gives good advice that works. Striking Tan 26 March This article fucking sucks lol. You labeled Corey Wayne as a douche.