How to get her number online dating


  1. How to Ask a Girl for Her Number on a Dating Site
  2. Why go for the number?
  3. How to Ask a Girl for Her Number on a Dating Site | Our Everyday Life
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Would you like to see her again? A lot of times, the best call is the most subjective.

How to Ask a Girl for Her Number on a Dating Site

Did you two have a connection? Did she laugh at your jokes? Did you laugh at hers? Do you guys have stuff in common? Do you want to learn more about her?

Why go for the number?

Answering yes to these questions is a definite yes. Do you want to take her out on a date?

This is really what it comes down to. On the other hand, she might have hot friends, so consider inviting her to your next party.

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While talking to a girl, just tell her that you need her number so the two of you can get together some time. Have Your Phone Ready: We want to make it as easy as possible for her to say yes. So have your phone out and ready for her to input her phone number.

How to Ask a Girl for Her Number on a Dating Site | Our Everyday Life

Hand Her Your Phone: Physically hand her your phone. Put it in her personal space bubble. Asking for a number does not have to be a parting gesture unless you have a good reason, of course. Because, like they say, strike while the iron is hot.

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  7. And since the two of you are having such a great time together. And tell her to type her number in so that the two of you can get together some time.

    Because telling her to give you her number is a much stronger and more confident move than simply asking, it will increase your chances of collecting phone numbers. Save surprises for her birthday or other celebrations. You can say to her something like: Another way is to plant an activity or an upcoming event early in the conversation. I would love to get to know you more. Another way that leads to her number ending in your hand is… instead of just the vague idea of hanging out, you ask her out directly.

    Instead of exchanging numbers. Or you can go for her Email or Facebook and try something like this: Pass her your phone so she has it in her hand to type in her name and email address. Remove any reasons for her to say no because, sometimes, even minor obstacles can stand in the way of you getting her number. Put your phone in her personal space and hand it to her. And make sure the phone is on the screen where she enters her number and contact info.

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    Get your phone ready on the contacts page with her name typed in and the cursor in the mobile phone field. Stay for a few minutes and continue the conversation. If the girl has no intention of answering your call or seeing you again then that number is as useful as dog fart. Mention mutual interests the two of your have talked about throughout your conversation.

    Show her that you want to do something really fun with her, not some boring stuff like going to the movies. Either way, you can build more trust and comfort that lets her get to know you a little better and builds a stronger connection. Because before you attempt to get her number, there should be some level of attraction and rapport between you and her. To get her out on a date through text messaging check out Magnetic Messaging , and Text God for other text messaging ideas.

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    • How To Ask a Girl for Her Number Online With Great Results.

    Want to get a girl to give you her number?