How to take a dating relationship to the next level


  1. How to Take Your Relationship to The Next Level | Dating Tips
  2. 3 Signs It’s Time To Take Your Relationship to The Next Level
  3. How to Take Your Relationship to The Next Level

In many relationships, one person is more interested in moving the relationship forward than the other person. Some people feel that overall the woman is more interested in taking it to the next step before the man might be.

How to Take Your Relationship to The Next Level | Dating Tips

While another common misconception is that men are much more focused on sex than women. At least during the first few dates, however, this isn't always the case. However, if one person is bound and determined to force the relationship into a more serious commitment, and the other person is just looking for fun, chances are that a natural progression may not follow. Other than smacking your partner over the head to wake him or her up, progressing your relationship from friendship to something more may take some work. Sometimes, it's easy to settle into a pattern.

That pattern may involve a date once or twice a week which ends with a peck on the cheek.

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It may involve a series of dates with a group of people, but you're never really alone. This only creates built up resentment and unspoken assumptions - including a world of hurt down the road when your lives have become more blended.

3 Signs It’s Time To Take Your Relationship to The Next Level

If he chooses to rise to the challenge and get on board — great! If he decides to walk away — also great! I guarantee following my 5 simple steps below will help ease your nerves and remove any potential awkwardness that might be coming up for you. If needing a deeper commitment is fear based ie: Does he fit into your life? Have you already introduced him to friends and family members in your inner circle?

My recommendation is to have this talk either at your place or someplace neutral — like a restaurant, on the beach etc… Talking about this at his place his cave and domain can be a little disempowering — better to stay on your own turf. Be Unattached to the Outcome Your goal is to stay anchored in the energy of openness and allowing him to make the best decision for himself.

Do NOT present this as an ultimatum or with a crowbar behind your back, coercing him into what you want. Stay neutral and treat him just like you would a friend.

How to Take Your Relationship to The Next Level

When considering taking the next step in a relationship, there are some things you'll want to do to help the transition go smoothly. Check out these tips for learning how to take your relationship to the next level so that it flourishes and grows in healthy way. Communicate with your partner the wishes you have for the relationship. In order to make a healthy transition to the next level in your relationship, it's important to always speak your thoughts and desires to your partner.

Whether your just starting out by living together or looking for something more long term such as marriage, you'll want to let your partner know what you expect in the relationship during the journey. On the same hand, you'll need to listen to your partner's wishes as well. Communication also involves being a good listener and accepting what your partner desires as well as speaking about your own needs. Be sure both partners want the same thing before pushing the issue of going to the next level. If your partner is not ready, ask that he talk about his feelings and try to be patient with him.

A relationship that is meant to be will grow in time without being rushed. A partner who is not ready to take the relationship to the next level will feel resentment and fear if rushed into a decision. It's important that you both want the same things before diving into a situation that could cause harm to the relationship.

It's okay to take it slow. In fact, relationships that are not rushed seem to be the ones that stand the greatest chance of lasting over time. Understand that your partner may not have the same wishes as you. Try not to be upset if your partner does not want to get as serious as you do right away.

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He may need more time, assurance, or reason to move ahead in the relationship.