Drug dealers dating


  1. Pros and Cons of dating a drug dealer
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  3. Her Story: Inside the Life of A Drug Dealer’s Girlfriend | Desi Today Magazine
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  5. Her Story: Inside the Life of A Drug Dealer’s Girlfriend

He was a really good boyfriend. Did you ever feel your life could have been in danger while with him? Where did you two meet?

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Did you guys get along right away? He asked again and I said no. He asked me again and again and I said no, no, no. He saw me like glued to my phone and I remember he just came up to me, grabbed my phone, and took it away from me. And then he took his own phone out of his pocket and gave both of our phones to his friend and he asked me to go on a walk with him. Within 5 minutes, he won me over. What were your first impressions of him? He got into a fight that night actually. Some guy at the party said something dumb to his friend, and they got into a fight and I think he hit him with a bat.

I mean I knew that this other guy ended up leaving the party bloodied because of what my ex-boyfriend did to him. How long into your relationship did he begin dealing drugs?

Oh, really early on. Before he was with me. He always dealt like petty drugs all throughout high school. And it was selling to other like—you know what it was?

Pros and Cons of dating a drug dealer

And that was fine. It was all fine. What do you think led him to selling more than just weed? Can you remember anything anyone did to you personally that put you in danger? I guess just being mixed up in that crowd, not even just dating a drug dealer, but just being around that lifestyle, things happen. We were at a party and one thing led to another and a guy there got stabbed.

I saw a knife pierced into his body—just sticking out of him. The weird part was, after I found out my boyfriend was okay, I ordered McDonalds. I just went and ordered a cheeseburger.

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What was I doing? When I sat back down I realized how desensitized I had gotten to all this craziness. I started thinking and it really freaked me out. How long was all of this going on for? We dated for a little over two years so for most of that time, I guess. Not to say it was like that all the time. You have no idea, like the way these guys think, and plan, and scheme, and retaliate, I could honestly write a movie.

This is going to sound really weird but these guys were sharp like they knew exactly what they were doing. So you had some sort of respect for these guys? I mean yeah, I guess. And even with my boyfriend, it was hard to separate the person he was with me and with them, you know? I mean this is the guy who would hold my hand at a movie theater! Yeah, he was a sweet boyfriend but he a terrible person—which should make him a terrible boyfriend too. Was that realization what led to you two breaking up?

It was a combination of a few things but it started out with my younger brother. My boyfriend used to always be very protective of my younger brother. He always would like ask him about like what schools he wanted to go to, and what he wanted to be, and made jokes about how he was too smart to ever go down the wrong path.

He like encouraged it, and I was so taken aback and so angry.

Her Story: Inside the Life of A Drug Dealer’s Girlfriend | Desi Today Magazine

We got into a lot of fights over that. Like, how could he do that?! It was romantic … for about five minutes.

One night he came home later than he had said he would, and I was rightfully worried. He explained that he had to take the bus because his car was confiscated. None of it made sense. Why did he have all that weed? Why was he lighting up a joint at a time like this? I wasn't so upset that he was in the pot business — I was more upset that he was terrible at it.

The next day, I stopped asking myself why.

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The charismatic and entrepreneurial guy I'd met at Finn McCool's had faded fast. That morning when he left to do whatever small-time, unsuccessful weed dealers do, I gathered all his belongings up and dropped them into two paper bags. He didn't say much in return, he knew his failings. I watched him walk across the street to the bus stop where he had to wait 20 minutes for the next bus.

I felt terrible, watching him on that bus bench, his head hung low, almost as if weighed down by a giant panda head. She is on Instagram at tiniv A Affairs chronicles the dating scene in and around Los Angeles.

Her Story: Inside the Life of A Drug Dealer’s Girlfriend

If you have comments, or a true story to tell, email us at LAAffairs latimes. To read the article in Spanish, click here. This is how I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. I knew she was the one when we began arguing -- over the election. I'm a senior citizen.

Here's what happened when I tried online dating. The 8 lessons I've learned about being single in L. Jan 20, 7: But my whirlwind soon began to feel more like a weird-wind. And at first, they seemed harmless.