Scorpio rising dating


  1. Mercury enters Aquarius
  2. Your Ascendant is Scorpio
  3. Scorpio Ascendant • The Astro Codex
  4. How to Understand a Scorpio Rising Sign

If the planet Mars is below the earth and afflicting the luminaries the character of the native is very considerably weakened. If Mars is above the earth, but not setting, it is improved.

Mercury enters Aquarius

Planets rising in Scorpio will affect the whole horoscope: See to the fourth and twelfth houses. When the second decanate of Scorpio ascends note aspects between Mars and Jupiter ; if in affliction the native is very unfortunate, and not well disposed. Observe also the twelfth house. When the third decanate of Scorpio ascends note the aspects between the Moon and the planet Mars, also the contents of the fourth house.

Your Ascendant is Scorpio

The horoscope is improved if the Moon is well placed and favourably aspected, but the reverse if much afflicted. Before we continue with the traits the sign grants, we should mention that depending on the geographical latitude, each sign needs slightly different time to ascend.

Scorpio Rising vs. Scorpio Sun: The Magnetizing Duo

If we are born near the equator, the differences are hardly visible. Yet, the closer we are born to any of the two poles, the better the differences between signs can be visible. This is also the reason why people born in rather extreme northern or southern latitudes can experience rather strange natal charts, with some houses being huge while some others quite small.

As always, we propose to our readers to use the Placidus system in calculating their houses, because we find it to function better both on our own charts and on the charts of other people that we have analyzed. In the northern hemisphere, Libra is rising rather slowly. When someone is born at 50 degrees Northern latitude, the sign will need two hours and forty minutes to rise fully. At a city placed at 60 degrees Northern latitude, the sign will need around three hours and fifteen minutes.

Scorpio Ascendant • The Astro Codex

Thus, a person born on the Northern hemisphere has statistically more possibilities to have a Scorpio Ascendant, when the average time a sign needs to Ascend is two hours. As we already mentioned, individuals with a Scorpio Ascendant will have Pluto as their chart ruler. The planet of death and transformation will be very important in their lives, and also strongly connected with their physical body, vitality and appearance. Mars, as the old ruler of the sign, will have his part of influence too.

Their body and self will be affected not only by transits of planets through their Ascendant, but also by transits to Pluto and Mars.

How to Understand a Scorpio Rising Sign

In addition, natal aspects of other planets to the chart ruler, while also its location in a particular house, will play a strong role. People with Scorpio rising, must take care to empower their Pluto and Mars in healthy ways, as their functions will always have a positive or negative effect overall on their chart, touching all their life areas. Having Scorpio as your Ascendant feels like having Pluto in your 1st house. The native has a seductive look, and a highly sexual body.

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The eyes are piercing and hide promises, full of mystery and lust. The nose can frequently be crooked, and the eyebrows may be representing some nightly bird. The overall appearance of the face is usually quite powerful, and could be more easily described as dangerous than sweet. The muscles are well-shaped and the overall condition of the body appears to be athletic, even if the individual is not exercising.

Even when a Scorpio Ascendant person is not beautiful, he still has those dark erotic vibes, luring others to become their sexual prey. As Scorpio is a water sign, it will make the overall presence of a Scorpio Ascendant person liquid. People with this natal placement will dance in a seductive way, while also will have good athletic abilities mostly because of Mars being the co-ruler of Scorpio. Scorpio Ascendant people have this deadly sex-appeal, both fascinating and frightening, which even if it easily attracts may also make fears rise in other individuals.

Even the most dominant signs will sense the creeping anxiety of losing a power battle to a Scorpio Ascendant. Dark hair usually prevails in their appearance, combined with dark or green eyes. Scorpio rising is an expert at obsession! For a Scorpio rising, love is forever.

Sex is a transcendental experience and there is enormous potential for sexual gratification with this sign. However, if this sign is betrayed, the sting could be torturous. Scorpio Rising - Ascendant Scorpio. Sun Sign Taurus with Scorpio Rising.