Heroesofthestorm matchmaking


  1. Heroes of the Storm Development Updates – April 12, 2018
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  4. Blizzard apologise for Heroes of the Storm’s ranked matchmaking problems with free stuff | PCGamesN

Matchmaking Rating also known as "MMR" is a behind-the-scenes number calculated for each player to match them with players of similar skill. In order for the matchmaker to place similarly skilled players together, it assigns everyone a matchmaking rating that indicates how skilled the system thinks the player is.

The players Matchmaking Rating is only used for matchmaking.

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Your rank is supposed to express your MMR, but it moves faster after wins and losses. The intent behind MMR is to match players by skill. This is accomplished by comparing an assigned number MMR that adjusts based on the relative MMR of the opponents players win or lose to. Matching players by their effectiveness or performance helps make sure that less experienced players aren't always getting stomped by expert players, and that competitors at all levels are earning their victories by battling players of roughly equivalent ability.

An individual player's Matchmaking Rating MMR is primarily determined by the amount of games that player wins versus how many the player loses. When you win a game, your MMR goes up, while the opposite is true for when you lose.

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The start of the latest ranked season for Heroes of the Storm saw a number of issues crop up regarding matchmaking and player rankings. Hotfixes came soon after, but these created their own issues which Blizzard are now apologising for.

Heroes of the Storm Development Updates – April 12, 2018

In a new update on the official site, the developers address the problems that have plagued the latest season and promise to make things right. As a result, new players can no longer place higher than Platinum 5 at the end of their placement matches going forward. Additionally, we believe the introduction of MMR and rank decay will help account for players who take long breaks from ranked play.

As such, these returning players will no longer be re-seeded into placements based on their skill in other game modes. This will enable us to keep drafts moving quickly, so that players can get to the action. It also allows teams to use that additional mid-ban to react to the draft as it unfolds. Second, and more nebulous, is the addition of a Hero swap feature.

We do our best to provide fun and satisfying experiences with every new Hero we release. We received a lot of feedback from players who felt that both Maiev and Fenix were too powerful on release, and we agree.

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In the past, many of our Hero releases have been considered balanced, or even weaker than they should be. We want new Heroes to feel compelling for players at launch, but we also want to do that while maintaining the core gameplay balance of Heroes of the Storm.

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This gives us enough time to collect data and allows players to learn how to play with and against the latest additions to the Nexus. It also means we have to make these decisions with very little data and live play experience.

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Our goals are to avoid knee-jerk reactions, to give players enough time to learn new Heroes, and to gather data before we make any balance adjustments. Despite this concern, Hero League data is critical for us to fine-tune a new Hero and hit their two-week patch timing. We hope the addition of a third ban in ranked play will help relieve the pressure when expending a ban on any new or reworked Hero that may be considered too strong.

We want to make this clear: Toxic behavior will not be tolerated.

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Our internal testing shows the new system allows us to take action against many times the number of reports than we could using our previous methods, while also maintaining an even higher level of confidence in those actions. Currently, repeated abusive chat penalties result in an escalating silence duration. This has proven to be enough for most players to get the message, but a subset of players continually return to their toxic behavior, continuing to ruin games for everyone around them.

Going AFK during a match, leaving matches early, and dying intentionally are all behaviors that harm the game and compromise a match.

Blizzard apologise for Heroes of the Storm’s ranked matchmaking problems with free stuff | PCGamesN

The leaver will be penalized for the loss and repeated offenses will result in harsher penalties. The system will initially only forgive losses caused by leavers, but we plan to expand it to include AFK players and intentional dying in the future.

One of the challenging parts about combating toxicity is that most of the action happens behind the scenes, so it can seem like nothing is being done. We hope our post today has addressed some of your questions about our plans for Heroes of the Storm in the near future.