Interracial dating in minneapolis mn


  1. Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided? | InterracialDatingCentral
  2. Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided?
  3. The Good Life: Pioneering interracial couples in Minnesota share their experiences
  4. 88 responses to "Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided?"

Heading out the door. You will stop disrespecting my sister though. You gone need to dat soon bro. Keep it that way. Laughing Are you going to check me?

Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided? | InterracialDatingCentral

Fly down to Orlando Florida. Oh yea, you should be mad your sister asking for hair tips. Where is that tough talk when one of the white men she was seeing was "humping her". LOL This board is hilarious. To the dude who calls himself Laurelton, Let me check you on something right now bro, you can talk any kind of way you want to about women, Black or white - it's all good. I don't know nothing about your issues, but check yourself when you talking to my sister.

Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided?

If you don't care for her comments, keep it moving. You're a young punk who hides his face behind a keyboard an talk shit. You don't know anything about my sister. Eddie PetiteChick's Brother You can hit me up here if you want to get real with it Tatted I'm tired of the stereotypes about Black women, much as the Black men claim. I ain't having it. That comment about Black women not wanting White men cause their nerdy clearly shows people who have not come to the realization that we are a race of people who just as different in their thinking, behavior and achievements as any other group.

It wouldn't be nice if one said "the Irish men who drink a lot" don't like Italian women because they are associated with the mob. Time for the stereotypes to be checked. I don't know who you think you're talking to, and quite frankly I don't give a fly'n shit anymore.

The Good Life: Pioneering interracial couples in Minnesota share their experiences

Nothing you say makes any sense to me so it goes in one ear and right out the other. I'll write, post, holler, cuss, question where and when I feel like it. We are the epitome of manhood. What are you rambling about Tatt that on your forehead?

88 responses to "Is interracial dating in Minnesota really one-sided?"

I got more than 1 degree. I lift weight and stay in shape. My job financially satisfies my needs. There is no myths. That sex myth is true. Stop all your bullshit. You are just mad black men pulled down your pantie, spanked you, and left you. I can understand the frustration.

But I am no longer going to let you emasculate men anymore. The more successful you are as a black woman. They call you arrogant, bitter and mean. Why should we "temper" our talents to make insecure black women happy. Fuck that, we are the alpha males and you will bow down and kiss the ring. You can always be with a white man If they want you. Get used to it!

Pointing at Petite Watch your step!

When you starting riding with Tatt. You will get it next! He said black women are the ones fucking up.

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Their bad attitudes and prickly personalities turn off white men. Stop trying to make excuses. Take the information and use it. This is some more B. Why can't a woman of color just recognize and be a attracted to a man that just so happens to be white??? Some black men need to just stop Some think they are the epitome of "manliness" simply because of "myths" and who knows what. Some can't shut up about what they do and don't have because of someone else yet they are the "strong" ones Good day, Good People tatted2death.

LOL Glad to see you handling business over in this thread as well. This is a pet-peeve of mine as well You ask some very important questions that no doubt will be misconstrued some how Hey, I even have a few of my own Maybe, just maybe it had a little something to do with the double-standard going around with men of color dating whomever they choose but women getting the stink-eye AND worse from dayum near anyone if she even glanced at a white dude. Although I can't fully relate to people's "peer-pressure" issues when it comes to most things, I am sure that in at least some of these cases it had something to do with it.

Peace and Blessings tatted2death P. I sense you are the same way Aquariunsun Thanks for your comments. I don't know a doggone thing about MN but let me ask you the following with regard to this statement: I saw it more of a problem of black women making the choice.

There were many very beautiful black women there that could have charmed that white man, but more than likely they were turned off. Things may have changed now. I also see the younger college age of all races more receptive to dating outside their race. From what I'm reading here that doesn't appear to be the case. I coud be wrong of course Do you think all Black women whether living in MN or otherwise are "monolithic" as though we all want a non-intelligent gentleman regardless of race?

This to your point that "White men are nerdy? So you say it was "our approach? The same holds true for the man with woman. I presently live in AZ 9yrs moved from MN. I have to say that back when I lived in MN I knew many black women that felt white women were taking away their men. When I talked with them about dating a white man a common respose was that white men were sort nerdy " had no soul", and they were not open to dating them.

In AZ I see people of all colors together, and it is not at all oncommon to see a white man with a black women. If someone is attracted to someone regardless of race give a few hints and flirtations; you may be very surprised at the results. I don't live in Minesota but I do have cousins who live there and say the same thing about how black men pass her up for white women. So in light of everything spoken on here, I'm not surprised one bit.

Alot of black men are very colour-struck and self-hating. They don't like for their dirty laundry to be aired out, but oh well if it was clean in the first place, then there would be nothing to air out. Thats why in this society as a whole, although it's they are still considered ignorant and only good for entertainment and sexing.

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  4. Needless to say I do not feel sorry for such black men. However, I'm happy to have a very self-loving black man whom I can treat like a king while he treats me like his black Nubian queen. Jessica I have to ask, if this is ALL a bunch of hype then why are you worried about it? You have a white husband and most of your friends do, then you shouldn't be worried right? I am a white woman and really have never been attracted to black guys, I do think it seems like in black culture men and women are fighting a lot.

    White women have same problem losing a lot of good white men to other cultures. I lived in California and in a lot of areas asian and latin women and many are very pretty are taking the white men in big numbers. I think the IR thing been going on for years in secret just like how gays been sleeping with each other for years, only difference is now its out in the open instead of hidden.