Dating someone older than 18


  1. Statutory Rape: The Age of Consent
  2. What Is Statutory Rape?
  3. My Son Is Dating a Minor | CRC Health Group
  4. What Do I Need to Know About Age of Consent?

Fights are costly and since the 'other guy' is much bigger, your chances are slim to none in prevailing. Its wiser to avoid a fight. What's truly remarkable about Mr. Blackout, is that you are doing it in advance!

This will come in handy over the next few decades. Congratulations on making a good choice and taking care of both of you. The "dad is a cop" angle is delightful. Are you freaking serious? Wisdom in music yes, I know you plan to keep it non-physical: When true love knocked on my door, she'd just barely turned sixteen; And I was a little bit nervous, if you know just what I mean. But I heard somewhere that true love conquers all, and figured that was that, then I started havin' dreams 'bout bein' chased out of town wearin' nothing but my cowboy hat. I said, "No deal We did not actually have sex, though it was very difficult.

Statutory Rape: The Age of Consent

In the end, despite that she was very mature for fifteen, the age difference wound up being a problem. That little voice saying it doesn't seem right? Not too many people seem to comprehend the idea that she might actually want to have sex with you. This is a distinct possibility that complicates things further.

Shame about the law, but there it is. A friend of mine dated a girl that was under 18 in Phoenix, AZ. He was probably 19 or This was a few years back, so I don't remember exact age. But, he got consent from the parents and started dating this chick. A month down the road, he pissed the girl off, which in turn pissed off the parents and they took it to the cops.

They warned him to stay away, but how could he? He already spent a month dating this chick like every day and he wanted to work things out.

What Is Statutory Rape?

And you know she probably only stayed upset for like a day or two, while the parents never forgot. So while trying to work things out picking her up from school, taking her out more, etc he somehow ended up in prison for few years. I guess the moral of the story is that parents can change their mind about consent while you too are deeply in love.

Run away right now. Especially with this discussion here, now, in the public record. When I was 15 I briefly dated a guy about your age. There were upsides and downsides but ultimately it didn't work out. I couldn't go to bars with him which was a pain. His friends' girlfriends were older and thought I was too young and weren't particilarly nice about it. He wanted to have sex and I didn't want to. In my world this was normal and in his world it totally wasn't.

What Is the Age of Consent?

When I stayed out late with him it was, again, normal for him and really not normal for me. In fact, my Mom flipped out once when I came home at 3 am and threatened to have him arrested for statutory. That fight has created a rift between us to this day my Mom and I. In the end, we broke up because I didn't want to have sex with him. In looking back at it, he was somewhat immature and generally into dating high school girls, which seemed cool to me, a high school girl, at the time, but now I'm sort of like "what was he thinking?

If it were me, I'd wait and see what college brings her, assuming she'll ber more independent from her family, out on her own etc. On the off chance that she's the one for you, she'll still be there. Do you remember the old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"?

Ok, good, my work here is done for those of you who are late to the game. Congreve posted by bilabial at 8: I know a guy who is in jail for multiple years for a consensual relationship with an underage girl she was You don't want nothin' to do with this. Be nice, but be clear that she is too young for you to date. Recommend she date some young men nearer her own age.

Even without the "jailbait" angle, this guy could murder you or get a cop buddy to do it and get away with it.

My Son Is Dating a Minor | CRC Health Group

You could be shot while "resisting arrest" or something; not too long ago a cop in my city shot a guy in the back as he was running away "because he feared for his life". I say date her. Try to stay out of jail. This means having a little sexual discipline, but it isn't like you can't touch each other. Try to take it very slow. She's really young and naive and her parents are divorced so she'll have some issues. This is always essential when dating. Be open and honest with yours. Having a cop in the family is always good. What a bunch of whiners on this thread.

Like age gaps never worked out in relationships. Check out the divorce rate. Being the same age never helped anyone. I agree with almost all others. Wait until she is 18 to start dating her. If you fall in love for 'er and 'er and get married, it'll be a romantic story. I would run run run run from any grown man who dated a high school girl. Sorry, there should be a sentence between sentence 2 and 3: If you don't, there are two things that will happen- you'll stay together until you die, or you'll break up.

What Do I Need to Know About Age of Consent?

If you fall in love A friend of mine, at the age of 22 or so, started dating a year-old. He learned the valuable lesson that if you actually have to look up statutory rape laws in your area to make sure your relationship is legal, you really shouldn't be in that relationship.

A good friend of mine discovered a beautiful girl who wanted a relationship with him He didn't let it happen They've been married over 30 years now and have raised 3 great kids. Wait it out, be a family friend or what not till then. I tried that with some one older than me once. Turned out, I was in love and he just wanted to bang me. It is good to get perspective on intentions for all parties. Let's keep this simple. Your question was, is it okay socially and legally for you date this girl? The answer is no, and no. Just a recap of what I said before I don't intend, now, to go after some sort of relationship with her.

One thing I don't understand is why love keeps coming up.

  1. My Son Is Dating a Minor: Should I Be Worried About the Legal Implications?;
  2. What Do I Need to Know About Age of Consent? - Teen Health Source!
  3. dating show adam looking for eve.
  4. Statutory Rape: The Age of Consent | LegalMatch Law Library!

I don't know about you guys but I can't fall in love with someone after a month a month of not dating even.