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FeatureManagement in general, so if they're new to you, I suggest reading the previous posts in this series. I'll start with the settings class, as we'll use that inside our custom feature filter.

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For this example, we want to enable a feature for only those users that have a certain set of claims. For simplicity, I'm only going to require the presence of a claim type and ignore the claim's value, but extending the example in this post should be simple enough.

The settings object contains an array of claim types:. There's nothing special about this settings class; it will be bound to your app's configuration, so you're only restricted by the limitations of the standard ASP. Extensions configuration binder. To create a feature filter, you must implement the IFeatureFilter interface, which consists of a single method:.

The FeatureFilterEvaluationContext argument passed in to the method contains the name of the feature requested, and an IConfiguration object that allows you to access the settings for the feature:. It's worth noting that there's nothing specific to ASP. Luckily, your class is pulled from the DI container, so you should be able to get everything you need in your feature filter's constructor.

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In order to implement our custom feature filter, we need to know who the current user is for the request. To do so, we need to access the HttpContext. The correct way to do that when you don't have direct access to it as you do in MVC controllers etc is to use the IHttpContextAccessor. I named this feature filter "Claims" using the [FilterAlias] attribute. This is the string you need to add in configuration to enable the filter, as you'll see shortly. You can retrieve the ClaimsFilterSettings associated with a given instance of the custom feature filter by calling context. The logic of the filter is relatively straightforward - if the ClaimsPrincipal for the request has all of the required claims, the associated feature is enabled, otherwise the feature is disabled.

To use the custom feature filter, you must explicitly register it with the feature management system in Startup. Depending on which framework and third-party services you've already added to your app, IHttpContextAccessor may already be available. It's safe to call AddHttpContextAccessor multiple times though, so worth including just in case.

That's all the custom configuration needed to enable our ClaimsFeatureFilter. To actually use it in an app, we'll add a feature flag called "Beta":. The Parameters object corresponds to the ClaimsFilterSettings settings object.

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With this configuration, user's who have the "Internal" claim will have the Beta feature flag enabled - other user's will find it's disabled. To test out the feature filter, it's easiest to start with an ASP. NET Core app that has individual authentication enabled. For demonstration purposes, I updated the home page Index. The "Beta" banner is hidden because by default. Our ClaimsFeatureFilter checked the user's claims for the required "Internal" claim, which is absent by default, and so returned false for IsEnabled. dating site source code

To enable the feature we need to add an extra claim to the user. There are a number of ways to add claims to users - either when the user is created , at a later time, or when they sign in. I'm taking the easy route here and just manually adding the claim in the database. With ASP. These are stored in the AspNetUserClaims table by default. I used VisualStudio server explorer to add a new row in this table associated with my user, using the claim type "Internal".

If you log out and then sign back in to ensure the new claim is picked up the "Beta" banner is now visible - the custom feature filter works! The custom feature filter ClaimsFeatureFilter described in this post is only intended as an example of a filter you could use. You also need to be careful about using it in a background thread, as HttpContext is not thread safe. One of the slightly dangerous implications of this is that consumers of the feature flags don't necessarily know which features are safe to interrogate in which context. There's nothing in the following code that suggests it could throw when used on a background thread, or in a hosted service.

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