Dating a guy 12 years older than me


  1. All Campus Chapters
  2. He Might Be Stuck In His Ways…
  3. Topic: Dating a Guy who is 12 years older. Thoughts?
  4. I'm Sleeping With a Guy 10 Years Older Than Me

When I tell people my current situation and how old he is, I'm always looked at with big eyes and a dropped jaw. Talk about it openly, and run if you ever get uncomfortable. Fortunately for me, this man's age was just another characteristic about him like his hair or smile or eyes. As far as other people's opinions: I don't really care.

All Campus Chapters

For one thing, he's not my boyfriend. It's not like we have something to prove or expectations to live up to or parents to tell.

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  • I'm Sleeping With a Guy 10 Years Older Than Me | Her Campus?
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He's my friend, and we give each other the same respect that we give to our other friends. When we met, we had lost ourselves, and we were simply trying to find who we were again. Along the way, we found each other. For us, it's worked out perfectly for the last five months, and I'm grateful for the experience. Please be safe with whoever you choose to sleep with or date, regardless of their age.

Always make sure every action is legal and consensual. Most of all, don't discount people just because of their age. You may end up completely surprised and thrilled, just like me.

He Might Be Stuck In His Ways…

Skip to main content. When I read or see negative behavior toward me, I sometimes want to scream and cry. Moreover, I often want to hide away — to avoid family functions, social outings, and not have to face people eye to eye. But I know that hiding, crying and shouting does no good; I must show up as myself, courageously and yet graciously, and be the best person I can be. For those of you reading: Be a catalyst for change: And for those readers who are in a similar position and find your relationship judged because of religion, race, sexual orientation, age, or something else, be proud of what you have.

Love harder, stronger and with more passion and show the world that love can prevail. Food has the power to create a happier and healthier world. Celebrity Nutritionist Kelly LeVeque will show you how. Group 8 Created with Sketch.

Topic: Dating a Guy who is 12 years older. Thoughts?

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I'm Sleeping With a Guy 10 Years Older Than Me

Group 4 Created with Sketch. I have learned a few things to help me get by, and to remind me that our love is worth fighting for: I remind myself that no one can predict the future. I love him more openly. If you are attracted to him and he treats you well then I say go for it, but that is from someone who is from the free-love era.

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Dating a Guy who is 12 years older. Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 of 5 total. December 6, at 1: December 6, at 2: December 7, at 1: December 7, at 6: January 20, at 9: