How long should you talk to a girl before dating


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If you go to school together, walk up to her in the halls and say hello after you've talked in class a couple times. You will make a good impression if you do nice things, like holding a door for her to go through or tying her shoe if you notice it has come undone.

Does She Want You to Call Instead of Text? Here's How to Tell

Do not go out of your way to do these things all the time. She will think it is weird instead of sweet. Become friends with her. Many guys prefer to cut to the chase, but if she is worth asking out, it is worth building a friendship. If you ask her out without getting to know her first, she might turn you down just because she doesn't know enough about you to say yes. Text or chat with her for long periods of time. Girls love it when this happens. After you've texted her for a while and you think she's good enough friends with you, try to ask her who she likes. Make sure she asks you too, otherwise it will most likely end up being a different guy.

Also try to make it late—that's extra cute! Make sure that the two of you are compatible.

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Do you have common interests? Are you around the same age? If you are going to date this girl, make sure that she is someone with whom you actually want to spend a lot of time.

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It is easy to build up unrealistic fantasies in your head, but it isn't always easy to gauge whether you would truly be happy with someone. Try talking about what motivates her; by doing so, you will create a bond between you two. See if she wants to hang out in a group. Ask her and some of your other friends if they would like to go somewhere such as the mall or movies.

Eventually if you two are comfortable with each other you could ask her to hang out at your house with a group of people. A group of people will make it seem less awkward. Don't ask her specifically to something and build it up.

Instead, arrange something with a group of friends and say she is welcome to come along. That way, if she can't make it, no harm done and you can recover from the rejection without problems. When inviting her out, it has to be something fun that isn't a big deal for her to join in on. Make sure she isn't already interested in or dating someone.

If she is already dating someone, then that is her business, and you need to respect it. If she's obviously interested in someone else, then it might be worth your while to win her over—but do not get your hopes up. Play it cool, but don't make her think that you aren't interested. When you two start hanging out a lot, people will start talking and wondering if you two are dating or if you have a "thing. Invite her to hang out one-on-one.


Ask her if she would like to hang out sometime, but don't make it sound like a date. As you spend more time with her, invite fewer and fewer people, so that eventually you can just say, "Want to hang out this weekend? She is likely not comfortable enough with you, but she may come around if you keep talking to her. You could explain that it wouldn't be a date, just going to the movies as friends, or hanging out and going swimming. Aim to ask her out somewhere you feel comfortable. You want to find a place that is quiet, somewhat secluded, and easily accessible.

Most importantly, do it in a location where you feel relaxed and confident. The better you feel about things, the more relaxed and assured you will be when you finally ask her out. Make sure she is in a good mood as well -- if she had a terrible day or seems cross, wait until she is in a better mood. Whenever possible, ask her out in person. It may be harder and more nerve-wracking, but you're more likely to succeed and can gauge her response in person.

Know that you don't need a large romantic gesture to ask someone out. Movies and TV have conditioned many people to think that the only way to get the girl is a big, expressive moment. But that couldn't be farther from the truth in the real world. Simply pulling her aside after class or work, catching her on her way out the door, or sitting next to each other on the bus is enough.

It is not what you do that really matters here, it is what you say. Prepare what you want to say if you feel nervous. Don't try and over-rehearse the conversation, as you cannot predict what she is going to say.

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However, practice keeping it brief and saying what you want to say quickly and easily. Have a specific date in mind. At the very least, be ready to offer one or two days that work for you. Asking with specifics is a much better way to gauge her answer. If she wants to go on a date, have a suggestion ready: How about dinner on Thursday? Go ahead and say it, even if it feels awkward. And the end of the day, you just have to blurt it out.

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It is not easy, but it is the only way to do it. Keep it short and to the point. Remember why you want to talk to her, and know that any answer is better than sitting and waiting for one.

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Count to 3 and make yourself ask when you get to zero. Avoid talking too much beforehand. Say hello, ask how she is doing, then get right to the point. The longer you wait, the colder your feet are going to get. Once you know you want to ask her out, you need to go ahead and do it. If she is going to ditch you because of a little initial awkwardness, is she worth dating? Just be yourself and put yourself out there, even if you are nervous, awkward, weird, or uncomfortable. Do you best to launch into the conversation.

Relax and go slowly. Take as much time progressing the "dating" relationship as you did progressing the 'friend' relationship. You don't need to dive into anything. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. A feeling that there was something there, but nothing was moving forward.

How Many Dates Before Relationship Talk?

You do everything a couple would do, but without being a couple. You feel pressure not to be with or talk to other people, but you know that they are probably doing it, so you decide to as well. Once both of you figures out the other one has been talking to someone, jealousy ensues and you go back to square one all over again. Then, one day, drunk us decides to send a text to them saying how much we like them and how you care so much about them.

But then both parties completely fail to acknowledge this once together again. Is this just us being friends or is this something more? Is this going anywhere and if so, when? How should I know? Are you willing to keep whatever is happening going until they eventually start dating someone else and you end up in tears again with little to no closure?

More times than not the talking phase never turns into something more. It continues to maintain its made up love, or lack thereof, status until one or both find someone more interesting. Talking leaves more questions than answers. It takes everything and gives nothing back in return.