Need dating tips


  1. CitySwoon Dating | Speed Dating Tips
  2. Speed Dating Tips for the Best in Dating Life
  3. How to Navigate New Relationships and Find Lasting Love
  4. What’s preventing you from finding love?

We all have speed dating questions and here are a few answers to help you on to the wonderful adventures that await you!

CitySwoon Dating | Speed Dating Tips

How do I dress? For men, being dressed in a comfortable, clean and decent way matters most. Don't overdo it if it is a casual dating evening. Wear a suit, only if that is what you feel confident in on a daily basis. Otherwise, a clean outfit of jeans or slacks, a nice shirt, and a clean presence matter most- wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable. The best way to impress, is to be yourself. No sloppy clothes, but don't feel you need to wear a black tie suit either.

For women, many tend to overdress to feel confident. Consider the evening venue, how far you will walk and how much interaction. Will those stilettos really be comfortable?

Speed Dating Tips for the Best in Dating Life

Perhaps a nice pair of slacks or jeans and a nice top. You don't have to dress up and wear your finest jewelry and most expensive dress- you're not there to scare them away, you are there to meet someone realistic. When we first meet- How to be me You are a bit uncomfortable and that is to be expected at the beginning of a speed dating evening. That is ok, so is everyone else! When you first meet your date, take a moment to look them in the eyes, shake hands or say hello, and be sure that you are fully present in the date.

Don't check your phone, instead, give them undivided attention, so that they know you are there because you really do want to know who they are.

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What should I talk about on a first speed dating date? Above all, be genuine. Ask the other person about easy things- perhaps their job, what kind of pets they may have, where do they like to go for an evening out. This reveals a lot about a person's real interests. Are they boating on the weekends? Perhaps they like going to movies, or out to the bars.

Maybe they reveal that they are interested in art.

All of these simple conversations can easily turn into interests to learn more about each other. Be truthful about yourself.

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Tell your speed dating partner about your genuine interests. Even if you don't share interests, you may want to learn more about theirs, or, you will find out that you don't share common interests, and that's ok, you can both move on to someone that suits you better, with a very small investment of honesty. What not to say when speed dating- is this a real thing?

How to Navigate New Relationships and Find Lasting Love

Many profiles on dating websites start with statements like: The writers are doing themselves no favours. Confidence is sexy; arrogance is not. The aim of the online dating game is to catch the eye of someone you have lots in common with. You do this by being original and, above all, specific about your interests. State which tracks you enjoy, and your favourite place to see your friends.

Specific information does more than make you sound interesting — it also gives potential dates something to write to you about. Most grown-ups have a history of exes, hang-ups and maybe a nervous breakdown or two. But never admit it to a new or potential lover. Keep schtum until you know each other better. Some online dating profiles read like shopping lists.

What’s preventing you from finding love?

These lists are off-putting for two reasons. First, they make the writer sound like a control freak. A picture-less ad says: Everyone who likes your main photo will want to see more. Post at least two snaps.

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An overly flattering photo will backfire. The potential dates come knocking, and then what? You meet, and the blood drains from their face as they realise that your photo was taken 10 years, five stone and wrinkles ago. You may be disappointed in person. Find out more on how to tell if a guy likes you.

10 Things Everyone Should Know Before A First Date