Smite unbalanced matchmaking


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If all of these things were implemented as you stated, matchmaking would take long amounts of time to find players that meet these criteria. The playerbase of the game isnt big enough for matchmaking to apply these fair rules. Atm it will be a grind until more players fall in and the luxury of being able to pick players closer in mmr will become available.

Players hate bad matchmaking, players hate long queue times What are they suppose to do? It comes down to queue times versus match quality. Right now Hi-Rez is seriously lowering the match quality to speed up queue times. Unfortunately, that means the average player is not likely to get even a remotely decent match.

Matches are filled with premade teams or top players versus brand new ones, which should never be happening.

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As an animator, having watched all the younger ones put out crappy videos per week, I get that quantity is enticing. Why make one when you can cut corners and make five? But quality is just as important. I could make as many videos as I want, but if they aren't higher quality nobody's going to care about them. The same thing applies here: It's already happening, and yet Hi-Rez seems to be willfully ignoring the major issues, as usual. Youtube Soundcloud Deviantart Picarto.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. Premades themselves are not a problem but yes that's another discussion that has been done to death several times over, thanks Khepri. But I've noticed worse matchmaking as well. Though it is a lot more noticable in adventure people with absolutely no common sense.

But in every mode I've played, either my team has terrible players, or terrible team mates. Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. TL;DR Not a horrible idea, but it is too general, good synergy sounds fun but you realise someone has to figure out every synergy out there and put it into the matchmaking, then compare to the individual god elos. Also what synergy does Raijin fill?

TL;DR 2 I don't think this will work well as it is. Last edited by Zero ; 15 Aug, 1: Picking first is not a great choice.

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  2. Matchmaking unbalanced? :: SMITE General Discussions?
  3. Here's one of the problems with Smite's match making that could be easily fixed.;
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It severely limits your capability to pick a good team comp. I don't see any upside to that suggestion.

Matchmaking is unbalanced. - SMITE Message Board for Xbox One - GameFAQs

WIth the Stone of Gaia changes that prevent his ult working, plus beads, you never get caught by him. If you get Magi's as well, that just makes that combo useless on you. So, in a way, they have thought about that. I do agree that matchmaking is bad though, and needs some work. Zeros points about syngergy having to go through each god to determine it also isn't a great one, as it takes time, or someone might want to try something different, and that's now messed up the matchmaking.

Thank you for your attention guys. Originally posted by Zero Last edited by GloomDoom ; 15 Aug, 3: The problem of 5 people picking Assassins isn't their fault. It would then be the fault of how matchmaking and queueing works. They don't know that the other 4 people they bare being matched with also picked an assassin.

They just picked it because they wanted to play it. It removes any sense of coordination in the team before the game even starts. Your roles description isn't something I agree with implementing. If you want to play certain characters is different roles typical conquest roles - adc, support, mid etc , they will play differently as a result. If you wan't more control, or more damage, or more "pushing", or more initiating or You get what I'm saying, right?

It removes choice from the player, which is almost always a bad thing.

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Then or course, you have to determine who is good at what. Do a group of people decide then have a vote? Do the players decide? What if some people vastly disagree on the values of initiator, or damage dealer? What if a premade wants to try something different? What if they want to have all tanks, or all damage dealers? There are more problems caused with this than solutions imo.

  1. Here's one of the problems with Smite's match making that could be easily fixed.?
  2. Hi-Rez, if EVERYONE is complaining about matchmaking, why not make it more strict??
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  5. Hi-Rez, if EVERYONE is complaining about matchmaking, why not make it more strict?;
  6. Why smite has so bad matchmaking for casual players and what to do :: SMITE General Discussions?

Last edited by RecalledDread ; 15 Aug, 3: Originally posted by RecalledDread:. Choosing roles before lobby also doesn't work.


I keep saying this as an example in these threads; - I choose support role due to shorter queue times - I actually want to play mid, so in lobby I pick Janus. We now have 2 mid laners, and no support since everyone else picked their roles. Assign roles to each character and lock them from others. Problem with this is; - Removes choice again, not a good idea at all - Stops people from experimenting and potentially finding something that works great. Again, it creates or shifts problems, it doesn't actually solve them.