If he likes me why is he still online dating


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  4. If he likes me so much why still on dating sites?

Because I only hang out with you. I try not to mention it to him now Because I don't want to appear eager or desperate. I even went on a date he texted me during it lol When to tell someone you're dating you have cancer? Which dress do you think is more attractive for going on a date? Is it rude to ask a person how many people they have dated? What are some good things to do on a first date? Do guys or girls find female firefighters attractive?

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Here we are, I have doubts and feel uneasy about the whole thing. So this morning I texted him the usual good morning text, please be safe out there etc. I struggled with myself whether to bring it up or not about what I had found out, but then I decided to confront him. So I texted him jokingly that then Whatsapp must be messing with me, because it says he was last online last night around 9pm.

He also said that I should know that if he had a chance to get online, he would have texted me as he always does. Also that he got to go and wished me a great day and that we would talk soon. I also said that I wanted to be there for him and support him, and that what he gets from me is honesty and loyalty, but that I require the same. I have to add that he struck me to be honest and good from the very beginning, and he never gave me reason to not trust him. Always texted me when he was out with friends, letting me know where he was and that he would call me once he got home etc.

Whenever he said he would call or text, he did, and in situations when he was held up, he would always let me know. I really need your advice! I know this has become a long message, but I really hope you find the time to reply. Thank you so much in advance!

My story is I am over 45 and back into dating I was single for 3 years. I joined POF with some nice photos. I had 4 dates with 4 different men and 2 more wanted to date but were no shows. The last one he was a no show the first date which was an odd time sunday morning! Hes a single dad with two grown kids at home, they sepd at xmas.

He apologized 5 days later online that is was not me and said I was so gracious etc. He said he did not show that day as he ex came to his home and found him on POF and freaked out.

If he Likes you So Much, Why is he Still on Dating Websites? | Futurescopes

This was the reason. But he told me its long over their marriage and said she wont be allowed in his house or at least where his computer is anymore- I could hear anger in his voice. So then a few days goes by he asks if he can see me, so he comes over for coffee it was sunday evening.

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Things went well I felt a good connection, we made out etc. Saw him one more time a few days later, then he said hes getting a hip surgery and has to work a lot of OT plus his daughter is moving to another city for college with her things hes been moving her. I offered to help with anything esp.

He said he wanted to see me this Monday which is tomorrow holiday. So 2 hrs later he messaged me.

Ask a Guy: We’re Dating, But He Still Checks Match.com

He said he enjoys being around me too. He said I not an option.

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He said he does not want to lead me on! He said maybe its best if we stop contact until after his surgery and hes well again which could be weeks! Then he said he may not get to his computer much to message me!. But he has a phone, why would he say that? It that a way to twist my brain? So I then thanked him and said im going out for birthday drinks. I left him a voicemail 1 hr later just one , its now sunday, he never called me back!!

So I went in and deleted mine as well! One guy got mad cause I wanted him to confirm IM hes still coming!! He already has pictures of me, I have sent by phone and I asked him that he had been online, he said it was because he was checking whether I had been online, I have left it a week and sure enough he has been online in the last 24 hours.

Just recently went through this on another site. We dated for two months, spent a lot of good times together, dinners out, movies, nights out with friends, and eventually sex was involved. He told me that I made him very happy etc. Then he started pulling away, less texting, calls stopped, excuses started.

I had a feeling he was lying to me about the excuses its happened before. Seems likes bs to me. Well, I shut down my profile a week after meeting him. He continues to be online at unusual times really late at night or early in the morning. If I make him happy, why look at others? Plus, he said he wanted space? This guy i met online and he said he needed space to get over an ex. Its been 6 weeks no contact.

His profile was still on but he took down his pictures and remained inactive for a month but just yesterday went online and reattached his pictures. Anyway i think its A. Is he trying to test my reaction and call him out on it? Why do guys do this??? I thought he was a genuine nice guy. He told me he loves me and he said he meant it, and would never cheat on me, and I believed it.

He constantly went on dating apps to talk to other girls and he confessed to me and told me he cheated on me.

If he likes me so much why still on dating sites?

I felt hurt because I thought I knew him and I thought cheating would be the last thing he would to do me. I never thought he would do that to me because of all the words he had said to me about how much he loves me and so on. He said he is serious about me and called me wifey. He brought me to his parents but seem to be quite scared of letting his friends see me.

My boyfriend is very self-centered, which he also admitted. Sometimes I feel like he only cares about himself, pays a lot of attention on himself rather than on me now. I even flew all the way just to get him to talk about this with me because I thought I had to talk about this with him. Since our last huge fight regarding him talking to other girls he said he had deleted the dating apps.

But he would still talk to a few girls he met on okcupid on whatsapp. I asked him why, he said because this girl called Dion had recently been to korea and he just wanted to ask information about traveling to korea. So that obviously was an excuse.

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  5. Although my trust to him is kind of broken but I still want to trust him again. We talked about this issue almost every night and I told him I feel hurt that he still talks to girls from dating app. Then I asked him if he wants to meet friends then why only talk to pretty slim girls but not guys? Why only pick pretty girls to talk to to be his new friend? Why does he stil want to meet other pretty girls?

    After another conflict again his mind changed a bit. I said nothing, because minimizing still means he still gets to talk to them. Although we are ok now but I just feel so helpless. My friends kept telling me to dump him. But what about me? Why are men like that? Hello, I read ur full story.