Youth group talks on dating


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Take care to avoid the temptation to engage in sexual discussion especially when on-line. Mark Kayo has been a writer for over 30 years and has work published on various websites. He has over 25 years experience writing copy for advertisements, marketing projects, catalogs and television commercials. Kayo has a bachelor's degree in advertising and marketing. Mark Kayo - Updated April 27, Christian youth dating topics include sex, marriage and love. Meet Singles in your Area! Real Christians How does one identify another as a "real" Christian?

Worldly Relationships Understanding what God wants from a relationship leads to better understanding of what to look for in a potential dating partner. Sex and Christian Teen Dating Sex has so many different definitions these days. Online Dating The process of dating means meeting and interacting online with all kinds of young people who may have different value systems, attitudes and backgrounds.

Godly Advice for Dating Relationships.

Resources Answers to Tough Questions: Dating Ignite Your Faith: View Singles Near You. Christian Dating Tips and Advice. Dating Tips for Christians. Topics on Christian Youth Dating. A couple can go together for years without really knowing each other. They get married and sooner or later discover the real person they married. At the right time God stirs up their interest in the opposite sex. The big question then becomes: How will I find the one God has in mind for me? While there can be some benefits from dating, it is based on the wrong motive—getting instead of giving.

It has the wrong goal—go as far as you can. And it can produce wrong results—broken hearts and damaged emotions.

So you think you can date? | Teen Life Christian Youth Articles, Daily Devotions

Each time, as the pain caused from the last relationship fades into the background, the guy and girl develop a new romance with a different partner. The whole scenario of getting deeply involved romantically, breaking up, and doing the same thing over and over again becomes a dress rehearsal for divorce. Is there a better way? Courtship is a relationship in which both guy and girl have the same long-term purpose in view.

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The requirement for courtship involves a commitment on the part of both guy and girl to certain guidelines:. Lust is a getting proposition and it demands immediate satisfaction. Real love will wait for the right time and right circumstances. It is not unusual for two committed Christians to agree to refrain from all physical contact beyond holding hands until marriage. Some of the happiest married couples can testify to the fact that their first kiss was at the marriage altar!

In a God-ordained courtship, there should be the approval of the parents on both sides. If one or both sets of parents disapprove of the relationship, that is a danger signal which should not be ignored. A successful marriage involves serious preparation on the part of both the guy and girl. Financial freedom is a necessity in a happy marriage. The couple should seriously consider a budget. You may be madly in love with each other, but if you do not have a good education and financial freedom, you may not be ready for courtship.

Ideally, both husband and wife should be committed Christians who love the Lord Jesus with all their hearts. There will be serious problems if one partner is a fully-committed Christian and the other is complacent about the things of God. Under no circumstances should a born-again Christian marry an unbeliever.

Topics on Christian Youth Dating

Courtship brings a new freedom in relationships with the opposite sex. You are focused on one person and not wondering about every guy or girl you meet. It avoids envy and jealousy.

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Courtship promotes self-control and moral purity. It promotes responsibility—you are seriously planning and preparing for life. God delights in the happiness of His children. Every command of God is an expression of His love and His desire that we enjoy the best He has in mind for us. Let us see what God says about sexual matters. Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are not married is called fornication.

God hates all sins, but He has a special hatred for the sin of fornication. God hates this sin because it destroys the beautiful plan that God has in mind for you. For you are bought with a price: In business, defrauding is cheating—leading someone to expect certain benefits which you know are false. When a guy professes to love a girl and talks about their getting married some day in order to entice her to have sex with him, that is defrauding.

This means God will punish those who commit this sin. A good rule for guys and girls is this: Do not give or take that which may some day rightfully belong to another person. God does not hate homosexuals; He loves them! He loves them so much that He gave His only Son to die for them. But God hates their sin. The Bible tells us that God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of this sin.

For a Christian to marry an unbeliever is a violation of the will of God.

In no uncertain terms God warns us against this sin. Let this fact impress itself on your mind: A researcher has discovered a way to forecast the future of four-year olds by watching how they interact with a marshmallow. It also says that when you are dating someone, you are to show purity and not take advantage of them. But the Bible says that there is a right way to date and a wrong way to date.

Dating can be a good thing if done in the right way. Jesus says that the right way is with the aim of marriage and with absolute purity.

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Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. There are things to do with love that need to wait until after you are married. They are not to be done before the proper time. For example, driving is a good thing. It gets you from A to B quicker than walking. But driving through a playground full of small children is not a good thing. A good thing at the wrong time is a wrong thing. Or say I said to Harrizon my son who is 4 , you can drive this car. If the purpose of dating is marriage, the question you need to ask yourself is this: Am I ready to get married? Am I ready for this commitment?

Could I support a family? Now this kind of thinking is different from that out in the world.

New Rules For Love, Sex, and Dating Small Group Bible Study by Andy Stanley - Session One

Leaving aside the basics such as they need to be of the opposite sex and issues of compatibility.