League of legends matchmaking sound


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LeagueofLegends’s tracks

I personally would consider it fine if people use mods to get around those "cheater" skins like that old TF skins where you could barely see the cards. There are official skins and modded skins. Even some official skins are banned in tournaments. There make enough shitty new skins and money of them, so they could start by setting up a guideline for new skins and change pld ones accordingly to ensure that skins and there animations are not p2w or p2l.

You have to draw the line somewhere as otherwise the potential to abuse the modding is too big. An aggressivly pink nidalee spear is just way easier to spot thus dodge than a brownish one especially if alot is going on. In counterstrike there are no mod skins alot in official matches. Of course that sucks for people with awesome selfmade gloves and weapon skins but there are just too many people abusing it e. Naw, I re-read the post and its a lot about how the anti-cheat system has ruined the game for him because of a very specific condition he has regarding sound.

There are a lot of valid complaints but no real comments about the system itself except to say that in OP's opinion the system cause significantly more harm to the player base than good. Something I wholeheartedly disagree with I was gonna say, I feel for everyone with weird diseases, you got a shit hand dealt, but if it's something in the game engine that affects maybe 1 out of 2 million games you can't expect them to rework it all for you You don't get a pass just because you internet pinky promise you are only changing game files because of your hearing problem.

Ear damage is a strange thing. Some people don't even just have tinnitus some people develop hyperacusis as well - pain from some or all sound. And some people have different tinnitus from others some people get low pitched or chainsaw-like noises, and some people get tones. Very strange indeed, I thought that most of it was just the common ringing noise with it being in the high kHz range, but whenever I saw a video about people who had it described different noises. I personally have it off and on, but I have very sensitive hearing hyperacusis as you stated so whenever I hear specific noises I hear them louder than other people and hurts my brain in a sense.

Ironically enough gunshots aren't even one of the things that hurt my ear more than the next person, although it is loud as hell. Even more strange is that I do not have tinnitus but I too have all sounds muted and play with music.

I do however have an auditory phobia called misophonia. You might want to research it for your benefit and see if it's something you also have. That's pretty normal though. One of my "trigger" sounds is actually the sounds of a door latching, you know that small click to let you know the door is closed? Too much of that and I go apeshit.


I turn the door knobs to prevent the should because it gets so bad. Post is about the AC in general, he's just giving his personal example. As I understand, the new system affects a pretty broad range of applications like custom textures and VMware; it's like a wall that keeps everything out. Stuff like Discord overlay are specifically allowed through, but anything that isn't popular enough for Riot to bother with gets shafted.

Honestly I don't care much about cheat bots playing Coop AI games to level up; they don't really affect me whereas this change has a tangible, significant negative effect on some players. Plus I kinda question how much it's actually going to prevent cheating. They might get banned for a week but then find a way around and go right back in on new accounts. Blizzard had to spend the better part of a decade and countless resources to mostly shut down bots, and they aren't a small indie company.

Except the cheat bots do affect new players who end up in coop v ai games where half of the people playing are bots that feed their asses off. Yes it sucks for the latter, but unless it's easy to fix, not every vocal minority can expect riot to change their game for them. Just because it doesn't shut it down completely, doesn't mean it's not effective. Tinnitus that you can't drown out with a fan is really bad.

He also said he has hearing damage. I have tinnitus that is that bad, not the hearing damage though. I think his complaint is fair. I mute all client sound since 2 years, and only play league with sounds of pings and champs habilities to track enemies and teammates. I can't play with the league music anymore. I still have the queue pop sound so i can tab to another window whilst in queue.

I disabled all the sounds of the client, but I wish it were possible to leave only the sound of the queue, not the song, but that sfx when it appears to accept the match. Just bring back the old champ select music and I won't care about being able to mute it The nostalgia, the hype of it: For people saying Riot shouldn't care because he's a minority, Riot has a color blind mode which are a minority but I'm not a color blind and I'm using it because I feel comfortable that way.

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It should be there anyway for the people who don't want to hear certain sounds that they don't like. It doesn't matter if he's a minority or not there are more people who want or need this to play the game. Don't be harsh on people. Colorblind mode does jack shit ever since they made all ally abilities blue lol. Hell even back in the day Trundle's W was really the only ability that got changed.

It doesn't change the fact that red green colorblind players most common colorblindness btw, and I have it too have a hard time seeing red abilities and red outlines. Also it changes your health to yellow even though yellow blue ally health bars are blue colorblindness exists. Especially when they are pretty much exclusive to skins.

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Omega Squad Veigar is near impossible for me to play against as I cant see his w when it's over grass, and the e is hard to see. The rogue paragon blitz skin or whatever it's called, I can't see the red Hook. I think Riot at this point should add option to disable all skins and make everyone look default..

A lot of people would stop buying skins if that option ever becomes popular - and it sure as hell would become popular. I'd legit pay for this. I think it should be an option to disable all enemy skins. I don't think this would make people not buy skins honestly. If I'm playing CS, I buy skins so I can see them while playing, and it doesn't effect the enemies at all.

There would be no point in buying skins anymore for lots of people if others can't see them. I also play on colorblind mode, even tho I have perfect eye sight. It's just so much easier on your eyes. Yet they shouldn't loosen their anti-cheat mechanics because of such and rather find another solution. How could anyone argue against that then: Yeah I'm not happy about this, custom content was awesome I've been using them for years and I'm not happy that Riot is starting to block them, it's ruining the game a little bit for me, loved using things like the Filthy Frank announcer, or the Gangplank announcer for Howling Abyss And changing the map to Butcher Bridge as well , custom stuff is freaking awesome and I hate it when a game doesn't offer things like mod support.

Modified WADs cause League to bugsplat unless you patch the exe. And the exe is encrypted now can't be patched.

League of Legends "Accept/Decline" Sound Effects

I completely agree the "no mana" and "ability on cooldown" sounds are annoying. Yikes why is everyone here being such a cunt about this. The guy isn't threatening or twisting anyone's arm over this. I was using blood moon summoners rift from Wooxy to make it much, much easier on my eyes. Sadly it seems that from this post that my mod will no longer work, as unfortunate as that is, it's not near as bad as your hearing issue so I do genuinely hope that Riot can do something to accommodate you.

As for me, I'll just have to deal with the bright rift. But you probably should create a custom color profile for your monitor instead. Adjust the curve so maximum brightness has a lower limit.

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Your video card utility will probably have this capability. Afaik looking at a screen in the dark isn't bad for your eyes, it just causes eye strain.