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Any tips for a solo female traveler? Other than the things you would watch out for in any city, is there anything else to be aware of?

  • My 5 Year Experience Dating Colombian Women in Medellin – (07/10/18).
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The media often portrays Colombia as extremely dangerous for females—not being able to walk out into the street alone during the day, people robbing you at knifepoint, etc. Hello Andrew…many thanks for a very informative blog. Muchas gracias mi hermano…take care… David.

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Thank you for the insightful information you have provided about your life experiences living in Medellin. Can you give input on living in other cities in Colombia? I have heard about some other cities in Colombia, that I would like to visit and spend time. Bogota the capital, obviously , Villavicencio, Cali, and Bucaramanga. I was thinking of coming to Colombia to live for a bit or longer in the near future.

Jobwise, I would look to do a computer job and teach English. Any input, dating and otherwise, would be greatly appreciated. I currently live in Miami, Florida and was raised here. Thank you in advance. Xavier, I lived in Bogota for 6 months 5 years ago and it was great. Loads of things to do, restaurants, bars, nightlife, etc. Andrew, just wanted to complement you for your blog. I just returned from Medellin last night. For years I heard about the women in Medellin so I finally decided to go and see what was all the fuss about.

Let me tell you!! We are from Southern California, we both speak Spanish so that was very helpful. The women and the people in Medellin are very social and very helpful. The beauty of their women was beyond my expectation. I have been to approximately 25 countries around the world but the GDP of beautiful women per capita in Medellin is off the chart. By talking to women I met I was able to tell that they are very open minded and things are a little bit different than in the US.

My Unique Perspective on Dating Medellin Women

I am writing about my own experience and these are my personal opinions. Though, I will have to better discribe them their butts as badankadonks. My advise to anyone going there with the intent to meet women there for a relationship, friendship or dating is to do the work before getting there. Get on a dating site to talk and meet people so that you are set once you get there. Establish friendship before getting there to maximize your opportunities!! For women plastic surgery is more important than getting a car or a motorcycle.

Because they want to be attractive for their men. There are more women than men. You can get around the city with Uber it works great. You can get money from most ATMs make sure you let your bank know about it before you go. Bring a buddy all girls will set you up with their friends and you can share the hotel cost.

Yes most foreigners are welcome, they are very curious to meet people from other countries even other Latin countries. Be safe, be courteous, and have fun. Therefore, I wanted to ask you, if you know some people who did wwoofing and maybe know some, who actually need some help somewhere in Medellin or anywhere else in Colombia? Plus, do you have any recommandations, like places to visit, restaurants in Medellin, Street arts, music festivals and more? I really want to feel and be part of that culture! Hi Anthony, thanks for the comment. So you might want to plan you trip around festivals.

Yeah, your blog is always entertaining and interesting to read and then revisit at times… I travel quite often, working in Afghanistan with lots of time off in between tours but I have yet to travel through south America. Plan on visiting for the first time, maybe AirBnB a week here n there, for a total of a month or so to start this july … Medellin, cali, etc.

My buddy from argentina says I look argentine but should get that gringo effect you mentioned with my gringo look with longer dark hair, obvious American accent. Dunno what im gonna do for shoes yet but im sure some pants like you have and some V-necks and I should be ok. What about the other way around? Are Colombian guys as interested in American girls as Colombian girls are in American guys?

Will being American work to my advantage or will it just make me stand out? Hi Nicole, thanks for the comment. I have quite a few white, girl friends here. From the US and Europe and all of them have great luck here. They are seen as exotic…and sexy by guys here. Even the not so attractive ones get play. Just for their blond hair and white skin. She wrote a pretty good guest blog post about her experience here: This is her site: Here are a couple other great posts: It seems you are still paying attention to this blog of yours and I take the opportunity to ventilate my roller-coaster feelings after writing a Colombian girl via hotmail.

Normally I am a quite suspicious person and I give notice to inconsistencies in a story that leads me to believe that bogus is going on. Maybe I can believe this girl or she is a master to deceive me and trick money out of me. So far what she tells me about herself is possible.

Some questions about financial support are reasonable. I met her as a camgirl, yes I know, red alert, but wait.

We came to talk a lot with each other in pvt, she was fully dressed all the time but she did a good show for me some days earlier. She told me she felt dirty, used and disgusted to be there and her mother disliked it. She is 24 years and lives with her parents.


Many Colombian girls are doing that, she said. Yes, that seems to be true, many write that in their bios. She wanted to quit the site within the next two days, it was pure coincidence I was there before she checked out. I never thought she would write.

We have exchanged about 25 mails each since. She sent non-nude photos of herself to prove that she was the one I saw on the cam site. I offered her to learn English if I pay her, asked her to find an institute and show me the costs. When I recently got angry at her for asking for money, she pointed out to me that I was the one offering her to go to English classes, not her. She is right about that. She showed me an institute and it was about 85 dollars a month. Already during the webcam chat she mentioned her father was diagnosed with cancer and the medication and the treatment was very expensive.

She did not expressively ask for money, but it was a difficult financial situation. Then her father got a heart attack. She made selfies with herself in the intensive care station with a man in the bed behind.

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She needs to go to an internet cafe all the time, we would be able to be so much closer if I bought a computer for her — okay, I have heard this story many times. She sent a picture of what she wanted, dollars, I said the computers I buy here are maybe dollars and are perfectly okay for internet and chatting.

I never bought that computer. I will never do that. She does not insist, but now and then returns to the fact that it would be so much easier to chat. I have agreed to send her dollars every month to finance the English class and give some extra, two payments so far. Recently she wrote about all the trouble she goes through at home with fighting parents, her siblings want her to pay everything for her parents as she is the child living at home.

She cannot stand the unrest and will rent a small room somewhere else. That will increase her spending and my monthly support will not be sufficient for English class and an own living.

3 Best Colombian Dating Sites - Lovely Pandas

Okay, could be true. To be able to send her money by bank wire the Colombian bank required her personal data, full name, birth date and address. She hesitated for several mails to give it to me. She said I could spread pictures of her from her webcam period, send them to the address, and her life would be destroyed for ever. No employer would employ a person with nude pictures spread all around over the net. I found some of her on the net, by her webcam alias name, which is the same she uses for hotmail, I did not spread them.

I got her full name, full address and birth date, and she received the money. Because of the huge fees she wants me to use Western Union next time. She writes long mails, up to 4 pages, run through a translator. She has looked up info regarding my country, read about the history, the culture, looked at fotos, commented on it as any girl who wants to learn about a new country.