45 dating question and answer


  1. 100+ Speed Dating Questions to Get to Know Someone
  2. Dating Questions for Successful Relationships
  3. Icebreakers
  4. Dating Questions for Successful Relationships - Solotopia

What is your favorite candy bar? What is your favorite guilty pleasure? What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite thing to order at a fast food place? What is your favorite dessert?

100+ Speed Dating Questions to Get to Know Someone

What was your favorite subject in school? What is your favorite thing to learn about in your free time? What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite time of day? What is your favorite season? What is your favorite weather? What is your favorite outfit you own? What is your favorite memory with your best friend? Who is your favorite tv show character? What is your favorite thing to do outside? What is your favorite quiet activity? What is your favorite website? What is your favorite tv show right now? What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

What is your favorite store?

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  • The 45 best speed dating questions you can ask a prospective date.
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What is your favorite Disney movie? Getting to Know You The goal of speed dating is to learn if you might like someone, right? How do you like your coffee? What do you do for work? Do you enjoy your current job? Why or why not? What kind of car do you drive? What form of exercise?

What is your astrological sign? When is your birthday? Do you have kids? Do you eventually want kids? Do you like to travel? Do you play any sports? What are some of your hobbies? Do you have any pets? What is something you wish you could change in today's world? Do you follow any religion? Are you close with your family? Can you tell me some things about your family?

  • 45 Great Getting to Know You Questions.
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  • 50 Speed Dating Questions that Prove Surprisingly Effective!.

What is your typical, everyday outfit like? On a holiday, where do you go?

Dating Questions for Successful Relationships

Do you know how to cook? Do you enjoy it? What are some little things that bring happiness into your everyday life? Where did you grow up? Do you plan on staying here for the long run? How many close friends do you have? If you had to pick any animated character to portray you in a documentary about your life, who would it be?

If you had to kiss any animated character, who would it be? Do you like pickles? Are you a Democrat or a Republican? You can spar on your political affiliations. What a person is sentimental about reveals a great deal about his personality. Is it his bike or a locket presented by a sister?

Does he like to sweat it out in summer activities or curl up like a cat in winter? Both of you can discuss why you like a book or a movie - throws further in sight into personality.


Throws light on likes and dislikes. Do you share musical tastes? Are you going to clash on this issue - one an animal hater, the other a pet lover? This is important, as it will really help if both love to do the same things in spare time. Watch out if he has no definite goals for the future and is in a rut. A positive mark for her if she has her life and career planned out positively. Silly, amusing question to get the laughs.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? What are the deepest regrets of a person? Amusing question just for laughs. Really important and throws light on personality. When is your birthday? What is in your fridge right now? What are you worse at than 90 percent of the population? Do you believe in aliens? Have you ever been out of the country?

Would You Date a 45 Year Old Rich Man? Brutally Honest Answers- So Effin Cray

What fact about you surprises people the most? What do you do for a living? If you could live in any other U. What was your favorite family vacation growing up? Are you a big fan of any major pro sports team? What was your favorite subject in school? If you could travel back to any one point in time what would it be?

What is the proudest moment or greatest achievement of your life so far? If you could be any animal, what would you be? Salty snacks or desserts? What is a family tradition your family has?

Dating Questions for Successful Relationships - Solotopia

What do you think is the most important life lesson for someone to learn? What was your favorite toy growing up? Who was your favorite teacher or professor?