Matchmaking ground forces


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  4. War Thunder Ground Forces Matchmaking

The MM should probably be made aware of both a tanks role, as well as possible replacements to help make matches more even and avoid steam-roles. I know the MM cannot and will never really be able to account for player skill since that changes, and is highly susceptible to circumstances, but if you had shown this lineup as an E-Sport match do you think anyone in their right mind would have bet on the losing team?

I called this game almost right from the start, and apologized for the MM in the chat.

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That is how obvious it was that it would end in their spawn. The MM needs to take a few more variables into account in order to avoid games like this. And this type of game really does happen all too often. The MM doesn't work based on players stats.

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You are in a good team or a bad team, that's all about luck. Sorry, finished the post, I was just saving it so it would not be lost. Take a look at the final matchup, or even go look at the replay. This game was definitely the fault of the MM, pretty much anyone could have predicted the results.

Looks like poor players because they didn't do a thing. Capping all the points doesn't mean anything if you and you're team can't hold them. You all had the ball but you dropped it. I am not sure about the game in the screenshot, but in the game I played there were more kills by the losing team. However a significant number of shots were bounced by myself and the other German heavies.

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  5. Tanks Matchmaking is unplayable. - Ground Forces Discussion - War Thunder - Official Forum!
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The American M4 series just does not have the power to pen the German heavies from the front, and as long as the German tanks have support on the flanks there is nothing an M4 heavy team can really do to stop an overrun. Germans roll forward, kill the M4s from the front while bouncing all the shots and flank anything with better armor. It does not help that when the other team had their heavies killed there were no backups to replace them, thus exacerbating the overrun.

I watched the replay again, and I am leaning to the M4s being the real weak link for the enemy team. Everywhere I went they were killed quickly, and had many wasted bounced shots. Once they were down they left a hole in the lines that my team quickly exploited to kill the harder targets. We had no such holes, so our heavies could roll forward with no fear of being penned from the side. They soaked many shots that could have been used to kill our supporting units had they been exposed. Seriously, watch the linked replay and follow a few of the heavy tanks on my team.

It was a bloodbath, and there was not much the enemy team could do about it. Posted December 17, edited. Battles are regularly updated, so the team composition options also change. A relatively broad but simple matchmaking method. Can be done differently for every tournament. For more about tournament rules and actual battles, go to https: Going further, there used to be other custom matchmaking types apart from matchmaking by BR and vehicle ranks:.

As an example for this type of battle, let's have a look at the missions from "Events and Tournaments". Matchmaking for this mode is made only from the vehicles that were specially selected for every mission. This type of Matchmaking allows developers to carefully reconstruct historical events from different battlegrounds, while paying attention to power balance. This also aims for the creation alternative history missions and holding events with a number of possible finals.

Poor matchmaking for tanks :: War Thunder General Discussions

Sessions are made from all vehicles allowed, without looking at BR or vehicle ranks. Teams can have different numbers of players, and that is also controlled in the mission settings. The exact matchmaking settings for every mission can be obtained from the mission descriptions shown in the in-game client for each mission in the "Events and Tournaments" list. All missions in this mode have different difficulty levels and can have a mix of ground and air vehicles. Matchmaking is able to create sessions depending on a player's personal skills level, and that's an important feature of the game.

This type of matchmaking fits to 'duel' and 'sparring' forms of battle tournaments and challenges, where personal expertise plays a key role in success.

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Creating a session based on player personal rankings allows to equalize forces of teams, squadrons, and particular players, and makes sessions more fair and attractive. Rating battles of all types do not have mutual effect, meaning that player rating gained in one mode will not affect other rating battle modes. Player rating can also be reset after a corresponding tournament or event ending. Squadron battles are a subset of rating battles. The key difference here is that matchmaking is made by teammate average scores, taken as the arithmetical mean of all teammate ratings.

Who Gets What: The New Economics of Matchmaking and Market Design

To participate in this type of battle, one needs to be a part of squadron clan. A player's personal rating is calculated from his personal battle results for clan events, and 'only' clan events. The initial player rating is 0. In case of victory, the player's rating is recalculated as if it was , and in case of failure, the player rating changes from that current rating value so that it can be lower than Map Rotation refers to the chance one has to be placed into a game on one or another location, depending on pre-determined conditions.

In War Thunder, there is only one such condition - the rank of your chosen ground vehicles. Suppose you play with the T, being a tank of the first rank. In this case, you will only be able to get into battles on locations that are specifically selected for vehicles of the first rank.

War Thunder Ground Forces Matchmaking

If your vehicle lineup comprises of vehicles with several different ranks, the rotation of locations will then work pursuant to the highest ranked vehicle within your lineup. Therefore, if your lineup has both the T and T, your battles will occur in accordance with the category of locations provided for the vehicles of rank IV. The need for the rotation of maps revolves around map size, as well as gameplay complexity.

The bigger and more difficult a location is in terms of gameplay, the more experienced should those players which are to battle upon it be. Below you can see detailed tables, divided by game modes, listing all locations for ground battles and the corresponding ranks of ground vehicles for which those locations are designed:.

Locations for ground vehicles BR 1.

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