Matchmaking 59-16


  1. mt 25 unpreferential matchmaking?
  2. | China | Tankopedia | World of Tanks
  3. 59-16: Stick With 57mm, or Upgrade to 76mm Auto-Loader?

Finally, every so often the devs make bigger tweaks than others and change the game's playing dynamics, forcing players to adjust their play style. More recently they increased track repair time which makes it very difficult to recover against 2 tanks or auto-loaders when tracked. Or they modify a tank's parameter. For example, a new premium tank is introduced and for months it's the new terror of the game until enough are sold, then its parameters are toned down to be like all other tanks. The devs first tested this sales tactic with the Chinese Type 59 years ago.

It garners enough excitements from wins and frustrations from losses to get players hooked on it.

mt 25 unpreferential matchmaking?

It's also an expense side kick Despite having a maths degree and 5 other science based degrees! In terms of matchmaking though IMO and experience, a great player in a bottom tier tank can have a greater effect on the overall performance of the team than a crap player in a top tier tank. MM based on the tank alone means a top tier tank has an increased weighting than the average but if it has a cannon-fodder type commander player then that weighting is rendered to a lower effect, thus an increased chance of loss.

To be fair to WG, it must be much harder to hammer out the MM than it is to make the game itself. Despite fifteen years at uni and I wouldn't know where to start with it! Still, great game though! What makes this company respond to anything at all. Is this company about making a buck? I'd say they just want to make a buck So what would it take to convince a bunch of greedy ties to adhear to it's player base?

Cause this comment section isn't doing it's job. Many, many people complain about this yet it has never been addressed to our satisfaction.

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Now back on Tier 8 EU and its the same This recent run of high tiers matches my past experience. It had never occurred to me that the MM would be intentionally rigged - but the posts suggest it is to motivate gold. Pretty shitty if you ask me - intentionally making the game a shooting gallery for higher tiers with lower tiers struggling to pen unless they pay.

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| China | Tankopedia | World of Tanks

I would recomend as others to wait untill you have more experience to play scout tanks. I played some scouts myself when i was new and it was not very fun. Personally i would rather stick to heavies and meds in the beginning. Coldspell, on 06 September - I dont usually play low tier lights anymore outside of team battles or strnk. I guess your odds for it to happen go up when the ammount of queing players is low, but its still a fluke. Time of day had nothing to do with it, MM just decided to throw together a tier n game with no tier n tanks.

This means that the battle only has two tiers present and has, I think, in every case been almost all n-1 tier tanks I. Can lights be top tier? Yes, because it depends on battle tier, so if you are a 13 90 in a tier IX game you are top tier since 13 90 will see battle tier And when you end up top tier in a tier VIII game, it's not actually a tier 8 game but a battle tier 9 game only without any tier IX tanks which can happen rarely.

As you get more familliar with the maps and the tanks you can speed ahead and have a fight with the enemies scout, if he is stupid enough to fight you! If you can kill the enemies scout and survive that gives you a great advantage. When you are low on health you can return to your friendlies and snipe away if you cant spot safely. No point getting blown up trying to spot, unless its that last tank and you are confident your allies have got you well covered. When you play a tank like the your first priority is to MOVE AHEAD of your allies and spot the enemy team, whilst staying hidden or at least not being blown up while you spot.

The best advice we can give you is to study the game a little more while you play. OR simply play another class of tank that is not a scout. Please do not play a scout if you are not going to scout. If you do not scout then a stronger tank on your team is weakened because they must expose themselves to use their better gun. Use your eyes instead of your gun to allow someone on your team with a bigger gun to fire safely and accurately.

59-16: Stick With 57mm, or Upgrade to 76mm Auto-Loader?

Thats the basic role of a scout. You are basically a drone relaying info for your team. You are a ninja not a mounted knight on horseback. You could try the non-autoloader gun loaded with gold ammo but then you will lose credits to get something more like the damage your expecting. In a tier 9 game this may be hard for you to accept but you are going to get absolutely mullered. You may well be a hinderance to your team because they have to make up for your lack of ability.

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In a tier 9 game you must accept often there is not much you can do UNTIL the game is half-way through already. I wont go into details because its probably too much for you at the moment.

Community Forum Software by IP. Search Advanced Search section: The word "scout " is the clue and a experienced scout will be along shortly. Slyspy 3 Posted 05 September - GhostintheTenk 5 Posted 05 September - Edited by GhostintheTenk, 05 September - FarCall 6 Posted 05 September - Coldspell 7 Posted 05 September - Balc0ra 8 Posted 06 September -