Dating a man 25 years older than you


  1. What You Must Know Before Dating an Older Man | PairedLife
  2. My boyfriend is 23 years older than me and I worry about being left alone when he dies
  4. What You Must Know Before Dating an Older Man
  5. Why Do Women Choose Older Men?

He may not have the strength or energy to travel the world with a women, go out dancing. His interests may be a lot different.

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Please live your life. The truth is that everyone's romantic partner is their choice. Stop listening to society and follow your heart. It's no one else's business what the two of you decide. That being said, obviously the man should be single. Honestly, that's just common sense though. I'm fallen for a man that is 21 years older than me. I'm 43 he's He's so sexy though and still full of energy. I regret big time even I live with him till now for the sake of my young son.

What You Must Know Before Dating an Older Man | PairedLife

TBO, what is your problem? In her world you are the Alpha Man.

Her Boyfriend is 40 Years Older?! -- Age Gap Couple Q&A

However, marriage and kids so fast? Whether she is a virgin or not is not an issue. The issue at hand is trust! What really worries me is that she is 17, a teenager that changes her wants, ideals and ideas every 5 minutes. For her, what is the meaning of love? Today she loves you, tommorrow she will be in love with Justin Beaver or with the new Policeman in town.

You are looking for trouble! I have feelings for this older guy When I'm around him Most of the things in this article is true But, I think relationships are personal and therefore subjective.

My boyfriend is 23 years older than me and I worry about being left alone when he dies

I have been with my guy for 14 yrs. We just clicked from the get go.

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  • Home - He's 25 Years Older.

All the things you listed here are subjective. I wanted to have children. But its not imperative to have biological children. Adoption is an option if I decide to go ahead with it. At first, I did fall prey to most of the negative reasons you cited in your blog and decided to try dating younger guys. They were a bust. Nothing compared to my relationship with my older mature guy. I would rather have a short but truly fulfilling marriage with my older guy than marry a younger man who may make my life miserable in the short future.

A high Quality of Life is based on less superficial things. Suzzana, whatever you think is also inconsequential! It is just a mere personal opinion without any sociological or scientific fact! My comnent is based on series of books written by scientist that are well respected on the academia and based on actual research. My other source that I did mentioned comes from the Bible. If you do not agree with science and research nor me or any other educated person cannot have a civilized conversation about this topic!

After reading many of the comments here, I see that many young women have married ridiculously older men. Whatever reasons led to this, my heart goes out to them; once they have evolved and their psychological issues have passed, there could be many problems and regrets. I don't think its normal for a woman to want a man more than 10 years older, at the most. I also think that once society deems it more acceptable, women will start to admit that younger men are very appealing. Sexually, youth is appealing to everyone - including women. I had older-man fantasies in my youth because I had issues with my own father.

When I tried it, I was quite turned off, sad to say.


Unless the older man looks like James Bond, it is not too appealing for a woman. I personally have never been attracted to anyone more than 6 years my senior. Maybe, had I been dirt poor, I would have forced myself to marry a much older man but since I did not have to, I did not. This article is rubbish! Woman by nature is attracted to older men.

By nature woman is hypergamous, tend to marry upward, and monogamous. While men by nature tends to be hypogamous, marries downward, and polygamous. Since women and society tend to force monogamy there is the tendency of serial monogamy. Serial monogamy usually goes hand in hand with something called menopause, in which women tend to lose interest in sex and men tend to look for another women and there comes the divorce.

Marrying a younger women in a worst case scenario it can end up during sex by the young women giving the man a heart attack, and that, is dying happy! I date women 20 years younger than me because ive kept myself well. One of the main reasons is men my age know how to be a man. Younger men struggle with this today.

What You Must Know Before Dating an Older Man

They dont take charge, they ask too many questions, they arent humble, and in lots of cases they arent tough. The list goes on and on. Its not about money. No man wants to date a woman that wants him for his money. The attraction is his hustle and drive. The woman i date now is great. Shes funny, cool, and is interesting. Shes not some 22 year old club chick. Been with my husband for 13 years we are 29 years apart he still grade in bed he's 64 years old great sex Great Adventures we love each other for a compatible that's all there is to it God has blessed our marriage also and again sex is great!

Somehow I've fallen in love with my 54 yo neighbor I will say he is awesome in bed, very mentally, physically and emotionally attentive to my children and I. Hello, I am 28 and my husband We have been together for almost 4 years so far. We have a son. He was single when we met, simply he hadn't found a soulmate. When we met he was unemployed because the factory where he had worked for 10 years had closed.

So I find offensive pretending that all women dating older men do it for money. I found him sweeter and more reliable, that's all. By time he started to work again. With the son he has far more energy than me, this is a thing that surprised me very much: A man in his 40s is still strong and pretty young but at the same time not immature and superficial like younger men.

I think that men in their 40s are better marriage-material, and not just for money, oh no! That's the last why. Just look at how younger people are: I am tired of everyone thinking if you are only with an older man for money. I am stl supportive.

Why Do Women Choose Older Men?

He has a farm he loves and I have a house in town. His farm is left to his daughters so I will be in my house when he passes. I love him more than the men I have dated who were younger. He is a widower who never went out on his wife.