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This is seen in the numerous requests made by other cities to the magistrates of Frankfurt for information concerning their method of procedure in cases affecting Jews.

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The reports of this commission from to are in the archives of the community. In the Jews were threatened with confiscation of their Hebrew books by Pfefferkorn , who arrived in the city with an imperial edict; on April 10, , they were obliged to surrender all their books, which were not restored to them until June 6, after they had sent a special embassy to the emperor. In the impending danger of expulsion was averted by the municipal council; but the Jews were restricted in their commerce and were forbidden to build their houses higher than three stories.

Although this measure crowded them more closely, there were 43 Jewish families in Frankfurt in , and in Hard times were now approaching. In the Jews of Frankfurt suffered much on account of some persons who were heavily indebted to them, chief among these being Fettmilch. The synagogue as well as the Torah-scrolls were destroyed, and the cemetery was desecrated.

When the emperor heard of the affair he proscribed Fettmilch; but the Jews were not brought back until February , when their street was placed under the protection of the emperor and the empire, as announced in a notice affixed to each of the three gates. By there were families, living in houses, of which lay to the right of the Bornheimerpforte, and 84 to the left. The houses were of wood, with stone foundations, and were named according to signs suspended in front.

The names were those of animals e. Among the other communal buildings were the bath, to the east of the synagogue, the dance house, the inn, the slaughterhouse, the bakehouse, and the hospital. With their return to Frankfurt a new epoch in the history of the Jews of that city begins. They were still debarred from acquiring real estate, but they loaned money, even accepting manuscripts as pledges. The rate of interest, formerly as high as 24 percent, was now reduced to 8 percent. As the unredeemed pledges were sold, traffic in second-hand goods arose, which was further stimulated by the fact that the Jews were not permitted to sell new goods.

They were also forbidden to deal in spices, provisions, weapons, cloth, and from on grain. But in spite of these interdictions, their commerce gradually increased.

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During the Thirty Years' War the Jews fared no worse than their neighbors. In there were Jewish families; of these, persons were engaged as moneylenders and dealers in second-hand goods; dealt in dry goods, clothes, and trimmings; 24 in spices and provisions; 9 retailed wine and beer ; 3 were innkeepers; and 2 had restaurants. Besides these there were the communal officials. The importance and status of the community at the beginning of the eighteenth century are indicated by the gracious reception accorded to the deputation that offered presents to Joseph I on his visit to Heidelberg in The rabbi was accused of having caused the fire by cabalistic means and was forced to leave the city.

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The 8, homeless Jews found shelter either in the pest house or with compassionate Christians. The synagogue and the dwelling houses were speedily rebuilt, and the street was widened six feet. In the community issued an edict against luxury. From onward the "Residenten", or representatives of the community of Frankfurt at Vienna, were accorded official recognition.

In part of the Judengasse was again destroyed by fire. About the same period, conflicts with the Shabbethaians a messianic Jewish sect caused excitement in the community.

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In consequence of the denunciation of a baptized Jew the edition of the Talmud published at Frankfurt and Amsterdam between the years and was confiscated; and certain prayer books were likewise seized on account of the "Alenu" prayer. The books were restored, however, on Aug. The middle of the century was marked by the dissensions between the Kann and Kulp parties. The Kulp party, to which many influential men belonged, endeavored to harmonize the ancient constitution of the community with new measures for the benefit of the people; but their efforts were thwarted by the wealthy Kann family, whose influence was predominant both in the government of the community and among the people.

In the two parties effected a compromise, which was, however, of but short duration. In the Jews received permission to leave their street in urgent cases on Sundays and feast days for the purpose of fetching a physician or a barber or mailing a letter, but they were required to return by the shortest way.

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In the Cleve divorce controversy began to excite the rabbinate of Frankfurt also. At the coronation of Joseph II. The community of Frankfurt rendered great service in suppressing Eisenmenger's "Entdecktes Judenthum", confiscating all the copies in Eisenmenger sued the community for 30, gulden. Although he lost his case, proceedings were several times renewed with the aid of King Frederick I of Prussia, and only in was the community finally released from all claims brought by Eisenmenger's heirs. In there were houses, built on both sides of the Jews' street.

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On May 29, , a fire destroyed 21 dwellings, and the homeless again found shelter in the houses of Christians. When their houses were rebuilt, the Jews endeavored to remain outside of the ghetto but were forced to return by a decree of Feb. One hundred and forty houses on the Jews' street were destroyed by fire when the French bombarded the city in The Jewish cemetery , as mentioned above, is situated on the old Fischerfeld. In the cemetery was enclosed within the city moat and walls, which were fortified with jetties.

Beginning in the neighboring communities also buried their dead there; but this privilege was withdrawn by the magistrate in When Frankfurt was besieged during the interregnum in , a garrison with cannon was stationed in the cemetery, and an attempt was even made to force the Jews to sink the tombstones and to level the ground; but against this they protested successfully July 15, During the Fettmilch riots the whole community spent the night of September 1, , in the cemetery, prepared for death, and thought themselves fortunate when they were permitted to leave the city through the Fischerfeld gate on the following afternoon.

In a dispute in regard to passage through the cemetery was decided in favor of the Jews. The community occasionally paid damages to Christians who were injured by the oxen bekorim , the first-born that may not be used in accordance with Exodus xiii. In a neighboring garden was bought for the purpose of enlarging the cemetery.

During the great fire of the Jews sought refuge withall their possessions among the tombs of the fathers. The communal baking ovens, which before the fire were behind the synagogue, were transferred to a new site acquired in The only building preserved from the flames was the hospital for the poor, near the cemetery; behind it, another hospital was built in to replace the one in the Judengasse that had been destroyed.

A slaughterhouse for poultry and a fire station were erected between the ovens and the cemetery. The fire station existed down to ; the site of the ovens is now covered by the handsome building of the Sick Fund, and that of the Holzplatz and the garden by the Philanthropin schoolhouse. On the site of the two hospitals the Neue Gemeinde-Synagoge was built in The end of the eighteenth century marks a new epoch for the Jews of Frankfurt. In they received permission to live among Christians.

In the prince-primate granted them full civic equality. In they were already scattered throughout the city and had taken surnames. A reaction, however, came in , when the city, on regaining its autonomy, completely excluded the Jews from the municipal government.

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  7. In there were riots to the cry of "Hep-hep! These schemes, however, were not carried into effect. In the civic rights of the Jews were enlarged, and in all restrictions were removed. The synagogue that had been rebuilt after the fire of in the Judengasse was torn down in , and a new synagogue was erected on the site — The Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft, an independent congregation founded in incorporated , built a synagogue in and enlarged it in In there were 4, Jews in Frankfurt; in , 5,; in , 10,; in , 13,; in , 17,; and in , 22, in a total population of , Naphtali Cohen 's successors in the rabbinate of Frankfurt were as follows:.

    Among the philanthropic institutions of Frankfurt the following are important:. The law of this free city decreeing that no Jew should establish a printing house there greatly impeded the development of Hebrew publishing in Frankfurt. Many books published there, especially prayer books, appeared without place of publication or publisher's name. Besides the local wants of Frankfurt there was the yearly fair which was practically the center of the German-Jewish book trade. In a measure the presses of the above four towns were really intended to supply the fair trade of Frankfurt.

    According to Wolf "Bibl. But Steinschneider and Cassel declare this statement doubtful. The chronogram of a certain prayer book seems to show that it was printed there in , but this chronogram is known only from references to it in a second edition printed at Amsterdam in "Cat.