Dating my best friends older sister


  1. Should I Date My Best Friends Older Sister?
  2. My best friend's older sister? - GirlsAskGuys
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Should I Date My Best Friends Older Sister?

I would be more likely to consider dating a friend's sister if I thought there was a good chance something lasting could come from it. But, if no relationship is likely to come from it, why introduce that potential bit of awkward into your friendship? Puxin , May 12, A started talking to B's sister on facebook without ever really talking to her before facebook and they started shooting the s commenting on each others status all that bulls A fell on hard times and bailed on the date and never brought it back up i think he thought B was upset still but whatever so after that pointless ramble i say go for it if its for the right reasons man.

I nailed my good friend's cute older sister and her friend at a party; everyone found out not from me. He sucker punched me in the stomach but I was a god to the rest of my friends.

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Was well worth it. Gnarcore , May 12, If he's cool with it But it is a good way to f up a friendship. Scott , May 12, It speaks highly of your character that you sought to first gain the approval of your friend; as it is his sister.

My best friend's older sister? - GirlsAskGuys

The fact that your friend is also okay with it, speaks highly of your character, as well as the fact that you still feel weird about it. I question whether you believe you friend was being sincere when he said he was okay with you dating his sister? If you question whether he was being sincere, then revisit the subject; as from my understanding you have some time before you actual would make the trip. If you are not questioning his sincerity, then it may just take you some time to feel comfortable about the situation as, I'm sure you were aprehensive about the whole thing at first; as well as possibly being aprehensive in the past.


If you have time, don't feel rushed to make a decision, whether it be for or against. Continue to talk to her if you are interested to gain a better perspective of whether or not the two of you are compatible. If you really like her and think its necessary, but first get your friend a heads up before asking her out.

If shes older then you take a shot it may or may not work. Don't feel rejected though if your friend denies your decision.

  1. funny internet dating questions;
  2. The time I ended up dating my best friends older sister : PlanetDolan.
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He needs to have intercourse with a 14 three hundred and sixty 5 days previous woman, and in all probability already is. This infant would be scarred for existence and there are people who do no longer understand what to do?!?! My God, what's erroneous with you human beings? How does your best friend feels about this and would screw up your friendship. If it worth losing your friendship then it fine.


But if i was your your best friend i will never 4give you for dating my big sister. Think about b4 making a stupid move. How much time do you spend with your best friend? I dated one of my brothers friends, and now Just dont be secretive about it and talk to your friend and hope he supports it. If not decide which is more important, a friend or a girlfriend. I ask the questions round here..

You should know better, what do you think, if he won't mind go ahead but if he will, then choose between the friendship and a girlfriend. No its a cardinal sin How is he meant to look at you when you are screwing his sister dude? Related Questions My friends 14 year old sister is dating a 21 year old man?