Dating basics 101


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  3. First Date 101- Back To The Basics

When someone decides to present his or her unkempt self to you upon the initial meeting take that as a huge red flag. While tequila may be your lady, do not bring her with you on your initial rendezvous. Going for a drink is a nice idea, it will help quell any nervousness that either you or your date may share. Yes, a drink may subdue any jitters and a second drink may banish all nerves. Except, by the third drink your date is starting to look and sound better. The issue with drinking is that your thought process may be skewed.

Go for a coffee, tea, half-calf low-fat hold the sugar latte, heck take a trip on the wild side and enjoy an ice cream cone. Regardless of your drink of choice, ensure that you give the date the opportunity for clarity. There is something to be said for sharing too much information.

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You want the conversation to progress with ease. If you are lucky, your wish is granted. As the banter moves forward you find yourself divulging more than you thought you would.

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You know, that time you were arrested, or that glorious summer at band camp. This is a first date.

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  4. The Blade | Gillette’s Shaving & Lifestyle Blog | Gillette.

Go easy on the deep dark secrets. Save those for the sequel. A first date is your moment to shine and bring your best self. Take the time and the effort to impress you. If you feel confident, happy and sexy, just imagine the impact you will have on your date.

5 Psychological Flirting Tips

Rebecca has fallen in love with helping people find happiness. Her company, Match Me Canada, offers personalized matchmaking services, augmented by professional life coaching, image consultation and date mentoring to support her clients on their quest. She is endorsed by and affiliated with several of her top competitors in order to ensure her clients are connecting with singles of the highest caliber. She is currently living her own ideal, happily married to the love of her life, winemaker Mike Traynor, and raising their daughter Audrey. Eligible Magazine is a lifestyle magazine for urban men and women who want the best from their dating life, their relationships and themselves.

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    First Date 101- Back To The Basics

    The 4 Elements of Game. Product Information This book covers what women want from men in terms of dating.

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