Not dating until college


  1. The Pros and Cons of Dating in High School
  2. Should people wait until after high school to get into relationships? |
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  4. Last Woman Standing: Why It's Okay to Wait to Date Until College

So it really doesn't matter. However, those with a relationship do get practice on how the dating world works. You say that those getting into high school relationships are setting themselves up for heartbreak, but that's part of life. Most relationships end in some way or another, so it's fine. Plus, dating gives people the experience of dealing with the opposite sex and how to date. However, if a person decides not to date in high school, they aren't missing out or anything.

Both ways can work. Believe me, waiting for college to date is fine. However, don't go to college looking to date. I highly, highly recommend staying single for the first year. Don't fall for one guy so much and then forget to live. For my first year of college, I am so glad I stayed single; it just allowed me to meet more people and have fun. There was this guy and girl who got involved from the way beginning still in a relationship Not trying to sound rude at all, but they just had no friends because they got too caught up in each other.

You should date in high school to gain experience, I think. You do not want to go to college being extremely naive when it comes to dating. Remember most guys in college are there not only to get an education, but also to get laid and party. You want to make sure you know all about lame excuses, cheating behavior, and if a guy really likes you or only wants you in bed.

The Pros and Cons of Dating in High School

Also, if you wait to date while you are in college, more than likely the guys you will be choosing from will have lots of experience and might make you do things you don't really want to do, not forcefully, but you will not know how to deal with these situations. She and I then grabbed a piece of paper and brainstormed all the pros and cons of dating in high school.

When you date in high school, you learn how to date. You learn what you like about guys and what you want dating to look like. I would be practicing how to date, thus when I got older dating will more likely be easier. A boyfriend can be a great shoulder to lean on, which is a great pro to dating in general. My friend told me that she and her ex-boyfriend had gotten too deep too fast when they were dating.

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  • 5 Reasons You’re Better Off Not Dating In College | Thought Catalog.

I learned that one could get too deep emotionally and not just physically. When I was in high school I was in two choirs and insanely involved in my youth group. I also took several AP classes, so schoolwork took up a bunch of my time too. Realistically, I knew I could make a relationship work despite my busyness, but it would be hard.

For Twenty Year Olds Who Have Never Been Loved

Especially considering how the guy I liked was super busy too. Okay, first I feel like I need to say that I know some people get married right after they graduate high school, and that is a different story. So dating in high school meant it would be a really long time before he and I could get married. I struggled with loneliness some back in high school. I knew that having a boyfriend would make me feel less lonely, but I knew that loneliness was a lie. I had friends and family around me who I could hang out with.

Additionally, I believed Jesus was right by my side every inch of the way, so I had no cause to turn to a boyfriend to stop my loneliness. My friend pointed out that now that she was single again, she felt freer to reach out to other girls around her and grow in friendships. She had more time to serve with her church than she did when she was dating. I just see my self as having a lot of potential and desire to love someone. And considering I love God and want a Godly marriage I see no reason to wait if I were to find the right guy.

I think it would be silly of me to sacrifice an opportunity to love sent from God in exchange for more life experience. And as far as understanding the opposite gender.. What guy do I need to understand aside from my future husband?

Should people wait until after high school to get into relationships? |

I just need to follow God not some silly socially determined "normal" timeline. If I committed to being with a guy I don't see how my life experience would even matter. So long as we both wanted a Godly relationship. I'm being mostly objective here but I always find it offensive to hear that for whatever reason teens aren't supposed to be in love or commit.

Why can't teens have a mature relationship? I don't plan on dating to learn about guys or get experience. I will date a guy with the intentions of marrying him and I wouldn't want to wait years. It doesn't matter of your "ready" were never fully ready for anything. That's the whole point of commitment we grow together. Wee don't grow apart to gain life experience then eventually marry. I don't get that.


Sure my situation affects my opinion on it. But for certain it's NOT the same for everybody. In that, for some people it's beneficial, for others it's not. My better half didn't go to the same school as me, so I've never seen it as a school relationship. Talk about your problems, be open and honest about your feelings, and break up in person all of which I did. Dating for a long time makes you comfortable with that person in all settings which I'm sure is a good segway into living with one another in marriage.

Last Woman Standing: Why It's Okay to Wait to Date Until College

Some of these opinions If you've found the one, great. Dating and courtship are interchangeable words. Let's not spiral into semantics. Dating, or courting, someone to get to know them is a good thing. Yes but only dating someone to get to know them with the intentions of furthering the relationship. If you want to get to know someone just to get to know someone I don't think you should date them just be friends.

I hate when I've heard people say "let's see other people" "we don't know what love feels like yet" that's sill in my opinion. Love is a human individualistisc trait. Love somebody how you love how you believe God wants you to love. Love is a gift, it can be developed but I believe should be developed in a real relationship or your just devaluing and tainting it honestly. That's not what I was suggesting.

You should date for the experience though.

I have a friend who was home schooled all his life. He just recently graduate college and is just now getting used to talking with women. Last year I invited him over to my brother's house where there were 4 ladies already there when he arrived we were going to watch a movie. My friend later confessed to me that when he saw "all the girls" he got physically sick to his stomach. It's not only about being comfortable with the opposite sex, but also about misnomers people have about how a relationship should operate.

They tend to believe it doesn't take a lot of work. They are sadly mistaken. I'm telling you, I've dated 4 girls and for each one I was their first boyfriend. All 4 of them made the same mistakes that they wouldn't have had I been their second boyfriend.