Reviews our time dating


  1. Design and Functionality
  2. OurTime Review January 12222
  3. Review - AskMen
  4. Review

Sorry buddy your ass is staying in SA if that is were you really at.

Design and Functionality

Crying C……… is the name of the SOB.. Worse dating website EVER. Forgot my password and cannot get in. No way to reset it. Cannot contact them — you only get their FAQ. Email they provide is not monitored, no phone number — number I found by googling them is no longer in service.

I have had to stop the renewal from deducting by contacting my bank. This is site is only good because of its instant match option.

OurTime Review January 12222

I hope to meet some of them soon. I would recommend this site to all folks in their 60s and even 70s, it really helps you break your routine. Submit Review for Our Time. I am a long term member of this site although I actually view the site very infrequently as each time I do, there is very little activity. I realized that activity increases dramatically as the account is due to expire and this company wants you to renew your subscription. Suddenly I had over views of my information, multiple flirts and a couple of dozen messages. I called customer service to express my dismay.

Well, that was quite the experience in itself. Got a woman on the phone who I could barely understand. She was in the Philippines. There is nobody in America I could speak with. This company is a scam. I spoke with 4 women in 8 years. Turns out, none lived in my area. Save your money folks! OurTime update limits description fields to characters. What a joke removing our long profiles. Had I known I would not have updated my description. I imagine it is greed. If we pay more no doubt we will be able to once again write longer profiles. What horses behind thought this up? Fire them, this is not the service I paid for.

Called them , long wait times. More than 20 min on hold, to drill down to a human being, and finally customer service said there is nothing they can do to help, the new upgrade is the way it is going to be, really?? I can leave and I will call my credit card company and tell them I am not getting what I paid for and dispute the last renewal. How is it an equal playing field if others who have long profiles never update their information, so their profiles remain as is. Review - AskMen

I went and looked at various profiles. All new members are now on the character per description field system and so members of the opposite sex, well male and or female some have long descriptions some do not. My experience was a total negative. I was enticed to join by reviewing the prospects they showed that were close to the area I reside in. This was false advertising.

The messages I received came from out of the U. They also were out of the age range and gender I requested.

Anyone I communicated with did not want to communicate on the site. They just wanted my e-mail. While on the site they keep trying to get you to upgrade, and buy their products. I am trying to get a refund, but not too hopeful after reading reviews. Every time I open the website an advertisement overtakes the site and will not let me out of it. Even if I shut off WiFi and data it still takes over.

I am not able to contact the company because of the advertisement. Paid for 3 month membership. Logged out after doing my profile. Cannot get back in. They tell me wrong password and email. I know what my password and email is. Sent several messages to them, they totally ignore them. They have taken few out of my bank. Review

There are three areas of filling out your profile where you can tell your story, what you're looking for, and what else you would like to add. What can you possibly say and truly express yourself when you are so limited. I called the company and they said it was an update. I explained I signed up because I saw very lengthy profiles and thought I could do the same.

Then I was told there was an update and now the limitation. I said I wanted a partial refund since they weren't providing the service I paid for. The answer was no! I joined OurTime and quickly realized that many of the profiles pictured are not active accounts. Read a lot of profiles and you'll see that many have the exact same wording, as if they were auto-filled. I started writing to everyone pictured to see who was real and who was a ghost profile and 12 hours later I was locked out of the site.

I am contacting the Attorney General to file fraud charges. Just to update my experience with OurTime. I felt security as the main issue. They promptly responded with the offer. Customer care was very understanding. They asked for suggestions of improvement of which I did. They would send those to the Products and Development Team. The main issue is the site allows pictures and profiles to be copied. Hackers and make copies and use those on that site or other sites. I experienced the site was full of stolen identity.