How long to wait to respond online dating


  1. Online Dating: How Long to Wait Before You Respond?
  2. It IS you - why the longer it takes someone to reply to a text, the less they like you
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In fact, in terms of heterosexual relationships, game-playing on a woman's part is down to evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychology tells women 'we're carrying the babies, so this man needs to prove his worth. So you'll think 'I can't believe X got back to me so quickly' - but it's because you're score is akin to theirs, you just don't see it that way. It might actually be personal Image: Getty Get daily news updates directly to your inbox Subscribe See our privacy notice More newsletters. Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice.

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Perishers Perishers - 18th January Perishers originally ran from to The strip is still so popular today that we decided to reprint the best of the strips by Maurice Dodd and Dennis Collins. The strip originally ran from to Due to public demand, reprints of classic stories began in Enjoy the adventures of Andy Capp and wife Flo every day. Ilham Cahyani has been arrested after the married could got into an argument over his mobile phone pasword. Don't you have some websites bookmarked that you check so often it's reflexive?

At any given moment when I'm online, I'm likely to head to nytimes. Sometimes it's just "I have this computer with internet access in front of me and I'm bored, so I guess I'll go to one of my default sites. You have no way of knowing, so try not to stress about this at all.

Online Dating: How Long to Wait Before You Respond?

I have no idea if she's waited a couple days because she's not interested or because she wants to take some extra time to write a good message. If it's the latter, she might still intentionally log in for any number of reasons that have nothing to do with you. Since you haven't even gotten to the first-date stage yet, it's entirely possible she's actively interested in someone else Or maybe she just got an email alert with a preview of a message from some random guy, and it's so horribly written that she wants to log in to read the message for a good laugh.

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Maybe she just quit smoking and logged in purely to change the smoking field in her profile to "no. It would take a pattern of instant enthusiastic responses for me to be freaked out by a short response turnaround time. For example, this would be both classic and alarming: Him, 7am - Hi you seem neat Me, 8pm - blah blah blah Him, 8: I am easily smothered.

And I mostly get creepy, non-thought-out booty call messages on OKCupid. And I'm not a "you seem neat, let's go out this weekend, person I don't really know" girl. Think about it, but don't over think it. It helps to keep sending out messages to other people. Don't focus entirely on someone awesome in the early stages. I try to wait at least a day to compose a message, so that I have time to calm down and not say something stupid. But I let freaking voicemail greetings marinate in the same way, so. I don't understand this rule you are talking about.

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What's wrong with being excited about communicating with someone and responding quickly? Honestly, if I knew the same was going through a potential date's mind while communicating with me, I would be extremely disappointed, because it strikes me as very disingenuous. If this sounds overly harsh, don't take it personally, since I don't really know you, but consider it a data point when it comes to the kind of mindset that would lead you to overthink the issue as you have.

Thank you for all the responses. If anything, the message would get shorter if I remove digressions. I am hearing the advice on not overthinking things. The first two responses came in so fast I thought I was being stalked. I am gaining it. They become the perfect FakeSelf, because it's what everyone seems to think they're supposed to do. Then they go on dates with people and continue that pattern of attempting to be the "perfect" and "attractive" FakeSelf, and then wait 72 hours to talk to the person again because that's the rule.

At this point, one of two things generally happens: FakeSelf, over time, becomes frustrated and angry at online dating, because gosh darn it, it seems like FakeSelf just puts FakeSelf out there over and over, and nothing ever comes of all that effort. I mean, what would it be like if you just wrote what you wanted to write to someone, when you wanted to write it?

It IS you - why the longer it takes someone to reply to a text, the less they like you

And then, what if you went out on a date and said what you actually thought and felt about things?! Then when we went out, he was being RealSelf with me. I knew I would never have to wait 3 days before he would call me back. I knew I would never have to wonder whether he was playing me while he was actually into someone else.

I knew I would never have to think, "is he just saying that because he thinks it's the right way to respond? Being RealSelf, however, isn't the thing that takes all of the energy and effort--it's being FakeSelf that does. So do the thing that's easier, stop wasting your own time, and just be RealSelf from the beginning. I reply pretty much as soon as I get a message - otherwise I'll forget. I basically treat the OKCupid message system like email, or facebook, or text messages.

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I don't use any voodoo or Jane Austenian social codes or whatever. I also don't set any stock in how quickly or slowly anyone replies to my messages. It's really all about what they say. Also about getting to the point and asking me out rather than stringing it along for a million rounds.

About the author:

Don't care, don't notice, and don't use any special rules for my own behavior. Well, even if men and women think about things the same way all other things being equal, all things are not equal with online dating. If two people are inherently the same but are in two different situations, it isn't surprising if they act in different ways. Nthing don't overthink this. As someone who has been on OkC for a while now, people are often very different in real life than their profiles would seem to indicate.

And its not because they are all trying to be deceptive, its just that its very hard to accurately convey who you are via that kind of medium. So don't get too excited about anyone person. Am I the only one who finds the whole concept of dating "rules" really stupid? In conclusion, understanding how long to wait before you respond isn't that complicated. The hard part is the stuff that happens earlier: Creating a profile that's good enough to make her interested in the first place and a conversation that makes her want to meet you.

When guys fail at online dating, the main problem is usually found in these two issues. Incidentally, I cover both of them in detail in my book. My name is Sondre and I'm an obsessive guy. I've spent the better part of a decade studying how attraction is kindled by text and images, and through interviews and experiments I have figured out how to create a profile that appeals to exactly the kind of women you want to meet. Good Vibes Dating Create the ultimate impression. Should you wait before responding? The right answer is yes!