18 year old opens up about dating her father


  1. 18-year-old opens up about dating her biological father
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My eldest son is a well educated child, good exam results, excellent uni then he started a relationship with a woman and it totally changed him.

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  • Genetic Sexual Attraction: 18-year-old woman opens up about marrying her father.

He left home and married a woman much older than him, without telling any of his family, we only found out on Social Media. He came back after a year, when I contacted him, told him we all loved him, missed him dearly and we enjoyed the next 18 months together as a family. We helped him buy his first flat, his family all chipped in to help, he had a good job, then things changed again when he met a new girl, she has a child and is a few years older again like the last.

18-year-old opens up about dating her biological father

We went to visit him a few months ago, we emptied his flat which we are now having to rent out to cover the mortgage payments. We had a great few days together but she stayed well away, pretended she was working but our son looked unhappy so his father asked him if he was happy, his siblings have always had a solid relationship and they heard him on the phone to him, her tone was very sharp towards him. He messaged me the following morning and told us he had given his girlfriend an ultimatum as her ex partner was always going round to see his child.

His girlfriend couldn't choose between them.

15 Things All Dads of Daughters Should Know | HuffPost Life

Our son was upset and was leaving her to return to his flat, he was waiting to be allowed back to collect his things. He text and said he's ok don't worry. Her family were disgusted with her, they gave her money each month to subsidise her wages. I phoned him, he said, he wasn't leaving her and she had chosen him. I suggested prosponing renting out his flat go back and see how things go. He had told me during the long conversation that she didnt do family visits, doesn't speak to her only sister as she's jealous of her, She enjoys going out for expensive meals.

He has since lost his job and is doing a course at Uni, we offered to help him out financially as much as we could afford, but to her that wasn't enough, she is high maintenance and has demanded money from us to pay her rent for him. We sent him a cheque for his birthday and he has spent it on an engagement ring for her. We have enjoyed a good relationship for the past 18 months with our son, he has telephoned me everyday, visited his grandparents and us, now he's ignoring us all again.

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He asked us a few weeks ago to apologise to his girlfriend as she heard our telephone conversation about our concerns that she was using him against her ex partner. I messaged her and apologised twice and told her I was sorry and for the sake of my son please could we put all this misunderstanding behind us. She has refused to accept my apology even my husband has now apologised, she told my husband that she wants nothing to do with any of his family and he will never see any of his grandchildren. She asked my husband for money, my son has said if she sees we are helping him out Financial she might eventually come round.

We asked to meet him last weekend, we travelled a long way to visit him but he text and told us he was busy with her and her son. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I do not want this to spoil his siblings Christmas and upset his elderly Grandparents. His Grandparents are elderly and it's unfair that they are having to go through this again. Hello, my situation is very hard and I truly feel like my son hates me at this point. He has a girlfriend and we allowed her to come stay in our home 3 nights a week.

Also, she was told that when my son leaves for work in the mornings, she must leave at the same time. We did this due to her poor attitude and disrespect towards me and my fiance. In the beginning sge was living by those two rules. Then she became extremely hateful cussing my fiance and making threats to bust him in the mouth. Then there was the mornings she would stay in bed and my son trying to wake her but she wouldn't get up.

In turn that left us having to beat on the door asking her to please get up and leave. We had work of our own to do. I felt like I was babysitting a 26 year old child. Things continued to worsen.


I tried to talk to my son several times but he brushed me off. Then things got even worse. She cussed me and called me horrible names. I told her the last time she disrespected me she was not welcome here any longer. The things she said to me were unacceptable along with the nasty threatening text messages of how I ruined his life now and that I hoped I was happy.

She made physical threats and destroyed any hope of acceptance again. He has allowed her to disrespect me in every sense of the word. Now he is staying gone and won't have anything to do with me. He chose a young girl over his own family knowing she disrespected me. She is very controlling and walks around like she is better than us or above us.

All she talks about is herself. I would say some of the things here but I don't want to offend anyone. She lied about being pregnant last year, she has cheated on him and he still chooses her.

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She talks about her own mother like she is trash and she is not. She told me her daughter is a chronic liar and makes things up. Why would my son stay with a girl that threatened to beat my butt and call me horrible names? I feel at a loss because my son and I have always been close until she came along. Now I never see him or talk to him. When he does come by to grab closes he says hello mom and closea the door in my face.

Then he showers and leaves. Im struggling and I can't sleep well at night. She is into voo doo and casting spells. She claims to be a witch. I almost feel as though she's brain washing him. How can a man, my son, allow someone to treat me as such and why is it acceptable to him?

Am I in the wrong?

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I need advice very badly because I feel like Im loosing it. My heart feels broken into a million pieces. I have been reading all the stories that you ladies have been posting. Although it is disheartening, it also gives me a sense of support - as this subject has been one that has been very difficult to handle for the past 2 years in my house.

The woman that my son has fallen for is extremely, apologetically disrespectful as well.

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It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about the things that have transpired through those years I just saw that she was posting on his FB page different things that a gf normally would. Come to find out, she worked at a cookie shop in the mall with my son's ex-girlfriend who was very nice and we loved very much I could immediately tell from the type of pictures she had on her social media accounts and the tings that she would say that she was not someone I wanted for my son. Up until then, my son and I could talk about any and everything and we would talk for hours.

So I made the mistake of telling him what I thought of her and there it all began. The first relationship she tore apart was he and his 1st girlfriend. Now me and my husband because we do not approve. Whenever I would tell my son anything, he then went back and told her about it. Needless to say, it infuriated me!!