Intimate questions to ask a guy your dating


  1. Here are 30 questions to ask a guy you're dating to get to know him better - HelloGiggles
  2. Romantic Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
  3. 40 Intimate Questions to Ask a Guy

How do you feel about pornography? There are different views on this topic. Some consider it to be normal while others say it is cheating. Ask your boyfriend this question to see whether you have the same line of thought on it. What is the favorite thing we can do together while in bed? Whatever his answer to this question is, note it down. If it is possible, you may want to give him the privilege of enjoying it. What is the definition of love according to you? How many girls have you ever slept with? This question is like digging into his past and it means a lot. You will either discover whether he is the solo type or a player.

If his answer to this question is something aside forever, then, you have reasons to doubt being with him. When was your first kiss? This is a funny but intimate question that would allow you to know your boyfriend a bit more.

Here are 30 questions to ask a guy you're dating to get to know him better - HelloGiggles

Do you have anything you want to reveal to me? This is possibly a great way of making him open up to you. It is a question that is more of a tricking type. This will make him feel comfortable pouring out his mind for you. What is your greatest achievement in life? His greatest achievement might be his first-degree certificate or the day he bought a car. Just ask to find out whatever it is. This question speaks more of his personality.

Romantic Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Have you been in love before? Are you the religious type? Knowing the stance of your boyfriend on this subject is not only intimate, it is necessary too. So, take him seriously on this. Are you comfortable staying around me? Your guy or boyfriend should be comfortable being with you always.

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But if he has not got to this stage, that means both of you might need to work things out. How do you like describing me to your friends? He should definitely have something great and wonderful to speak about you.

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  7. 100+ Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend That Will Turn Him On;
  8. But that does not stop you from finding out how exactly he describes you to his friends. What element do you think can ruin our relationship? This question needs no explanation because we all know how breakups have become rampant these days.

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    Ask this question to know how to brace up. What do you consider your biggest fantasy? This invasive intimate question is a funny type to ask your guy. Ask him about his fantasies, you may end up enjoying a big wide ride in his world of fantasies. Is there any way I have hurt you unintentionally? Describe a perfect relationship. Ask him this question to express his mind for you.

    He probably has been longing for this opportunity. Have you done something in your past that keeps hurting you? The unforgotten past that still hurts him must be reconciled. If not, you will feel the effect later on. Therefore, if he has such a situation, make him feel at peace and happy to have a clear conscience. What is the best way of showing love? Have you ever cheated on someone before?

    40 Intimate Questions to Ask a Guy

    You need to ask this question to know whether you are in a relationship that will be fruitful or not. Most times, a guy that has serially cheated on someone should be avoided. What is your thought on our first date? A post shared by Alexia Kogni alexiakogniphotography on Aug 3, at 1: Do not hesitate to ask him these cute questions no matter how flirty you may consider them to be. It shows you are comfortable with him. How do you deal with intimate questions and conversations? How do you communicate your wants and needs to your partner? Do you like to experiment with new positions and settings?

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