Usa matchmaking


  1. Best matchmaking sites in the US reviewed for You
  2. 4 matchmaking services for the ultra-wealthy
  3. Compare Reviews for Top Matchmaking Services
  4. Our Online Matchmaker USA

But you can trust our matchmaking teams to personally screen and handpick all of your matches before you meet them. At Tawkify, every match is made and approved by human beings—not algorithms—after screening to access accuracy and dash deal breakers. Exhausted by Emails and Sick of Swiping? We know both your time and your trust are sacred.

Best matchmaking sites in the US reviewed for You

That's why our "Perfect Marriage of wicked-smart technology wielded by uncommonly clever humans enables us to find, screen and weed through all of your first dates, so you don't have to. Everyone's heard the horror stories: At Tawkify, your privacy is paramount, so your profile and photos will always and forever be "for our eyes only.

Learn More We're here to answer any questions! Let Tawkify put fun and romance back where they belong Because this is what it's all about. Read what our clients have to say about us and their experiences. The locations have been interesting and the people were good matches. She checks in frequently and provided excellent follow-up.

Having a matchmaker is like having a friend working between you. It's like being setup by a mutual friend and you tend to trust having friends set you up. My matchmaker's commitment to her clients is seen through her actions of following up and always going the extra mile. Master Matchmaker is a full-service matchmaker that guarantees introductions and offers coaching to help you succeed on dates. Joann and Steve Ward operate the service, which serves clients in all 50 states.

4 matchmaking services for the ultra-wealthy

Since its founding in , It's Just Lunch has arranged over 2 million first dates around the world. Clients have an interview with the company, and then It's Just Lunch's matchmakers arrange the details of the date. Events and Adventures is a dating site geared toward introducing singles at group social events. It schedules events and outings that its members can sign up for and meet other people in the process. In addition to matching services, they also offer online dating profile management and date and relationship coaching.

Elite Matchmaking has been offering matchmaking services in some of the nation's largest cities for over 22 years. Agents meet personally with members and coach them after every date to help ensure dating success. Lifemates is Canada's largest personalized dating and matchmaking service. It is focused on bringing together single men and women who are looking for lasting relationships and has been in the field for over 20 years. Based in New England, Successful Singles is a dating site that has been in operation since It works with attractive, well-educated residents who are interested in meeting other singles looking for a long-term relationship.

Selective Search uses Fortune recruitment techniques to match members to other compatible members. The company has an 87 percent success rate with its clients, thanks to the use of its Meet Your Future process. Elite Meeting is a dating site geared toward ambitious and successful men who are looking for attractive and intelligent women. It offers fast-track matchmaking and allows users to search through other members' profiles. It offers a personalized approach to finding partners for singles by screening and qualifying all members in person.

Not all matchmakers will work with any prospective client. In fact, many of the services require customers to qualify for their services in a myriad of ways before they work to match them with a partner. Matchmaking companies offer a variety of services, including matching clients with a wide variety of people or a smaller, more specific pool of people.

There are a variety of platforms and media by which customers can access a company's services, which offer different levels of convenience depending on customers' preferences. The specific aim of the matchmaking company is an important factor for clients to consider when choosing a matchmaker. In order to match clients with potential matches, matchmakers require customers to submit a range of relevant personal information.

This is normally done during a face-to-face interview and allows matchmakers to get to know their clients and to create a profile of each customer to match them with other good potential matches from their client base or beyond.


Most matchmaking companies use professional matchmakers who work closely with clients in-person to get a good sense of their personalities and with whom they would pair well. A few matchmaking companies do the in-person interviews and then are more customer-driven after the initial interview. They offer an Internet-based platform on which customers can browse through potential matches and make contact themselves. Matchmaking companies are moving toward using computer-based algorithms to match potential partners. They gather information about clients from their initial online screening and interview and match them based on personality stated and inferred and preferences, and then use a pre-programmed system to match up the best potential pairs.

Single people who are looking for a relationship can turn to a matchmaker to find a good pairing. Many matchmakers have a reasonable selection of customers interested in a committed partnership. Ask the matchmaker to show you how many people they have in their database in your desired age range, and look at testimonials.

Adults who have ended one relationship and are looking for a new partnership, but have been out of the dating pool for many years, are good candidates for matchmakers. Matchmakers can pair them with the right pool of singles looking for partners in their age range, and they can benefit greatly from the pre-date guidance and post-date feedback. A particularly good use of matchmakers is with people who are new in town.

We don't just "match" you. We introduce you on creative, curated date experiences designed to banish the butterflies and encourage connection. From urban scavenger hunts to progressive cheese-tasting adventures, our date concierges orchestrate initial meeting experiences as unforgettable as the potential matches you'll meet.

How can you trust anything anyone says on a dating site? But you can trust our matchmaking teams to personally screen and handpick all of your matches before you meet them.

Compare Reviews for Top Matchmaking Services

At Tawkify, every match is made and approved by human beings—not algorithms—after screening to access accuracy and dash deal breakers. Exhausted by Emails and Sick of Swiping? We know both your time and your trust are sacred. That's why our "Perfect Marriage of wicked-smart technology wielded by uncommonly clever humans enables us to find, screen and weed through all of your first dates, so you don't have to.

Everyone's heard the horror stories: At Tawkify, your privacy is paramount, so your profile and photos will always and forever be "for our eyes only. Learn More We're here to answer any questions!

Our Online Matchmaker USA

Let Tawkify put fun and romance back where they belong Because this is what it's all about. Read what our clients have to say about us and their experiences. The locations have been interesting and the people were good matches.