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  1. Ohio Laws for a Minor Dating an Adult | pcppk.com
  2. Minors 15 and Under
  3. Minors 16 and 17 Years Old
  4. Ohio Laws for a Minor Dating an Adult

However, the difference in age plays a role in the severity of the sentence if an adult is accused of violating Ohio's age of consent law.

For example, an year-old high school senior might be dating a year-old high school sophomore. While sexual conduct would still violate Ohio's age of consent law, it would only be considered a misdemeanor offense. If the adult is 10 or more years older than the minor, illegal sexual conduct is a third-degree felony. However, if the adult is less than four years older than the minor, illegal sexual conduct is a first-degree misdemeanor.

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If a minor is legally emancipated, she has all the rights and privileges of an adult despite her age. However, unlike many other states, Ohio does not have a specific law dealing with emancipation of minors. Rather, a judge would consider the minor's circumstances in determining whether to consider her legally emancipated. If the minor is married, enlisted in the armed forces, or self-supporting and living on his own, he is more likely to be considered emancipated. The age of consent law would not apply to a minor who was considered emancipated.

Ohio Laws for a Minor Dating an Adult | pcppk.com

However, as a practical matter, most emancipated minors will be over the age of 16 anyway. Jennifer Mueller has a J. She has been sharing her legal knowledge on the internet since Mueller has been published in the Indiana Law Journal, and her writing appears on legal websites such as LegalZoom.

Tip The legal age of consent in Ohio is Ohio Laws on Harboring Teen Runaways. Maryland Pepper Spray Laws.

Minors 15 and Under

Reasons for an Annulment. Ohio Laws for a Minor Dating an Adult. Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name. The law states that if an adult 4 years or more older than the child under 16, engages in sexual conduct with that child, he is guilty — period. There is no knowledge or intent requirement under this statute hence the standard — strict liability.

Minors 16 and 17 Years Old

This strict liability standard can be terribly unfair to the defendant in certain circumstances including a recent client of mine. My client, who was just 19 years old at the time of the offense, rented several connecting hotel rooms one evening to throw a party. My client advised me that he was acutely aware of the danger of having sex with underage girls because a friend of his had recently gone to prison for doing so. On this night he met a girl who he ended up hanging out with for several hours during the party.

Ohio Laws for a Minor Dating an Adult

My client and the girl had both consumed alcohol but neither were drunk and the State did allege that she was incapacitated when the sexual conduct occurred. The girl had advised my client that she was 18 from when he first met her and by her appearance, she could easily pass for that age.

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  4. What Is the Age of Consent for Sex?.
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  6. Later that evening my client and the girl went into one of the unoccupied rooms. My client and the girl then engaged in consensual sexual intercourse. It turned out that this girl was actually 15 years old — 15 years 9 months to be exact.

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    Ultimately, the girl stayed out way past her curfew and, after calling several of her friends, her parents determined her location. He father went to the hotel and called the police, who knocked on the door. My client answered the door half asleep in his boxers.