Disability dating agency australia


  1. Protection from abuse
  2. Dating and disability; an adventure online
  3. Latest Disabled Members
  4. Coast man creates way for people with disability to find love | Sunshine Coast Daily

Protection from abuse

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It's not paranoia; hackers can be using your digital cameras to spy on you.

Trusted Disabled Dating

But what if, like me, your most characteristic trait is the thing that discourages people from dating you in the first place? Sitting in a wheelchair doesn't necessarily scream 'tall, dark and handsome' does it? I am not a very social person, so I tend to rely on my conversational skills to make friends, finding common ground in politics, music, movies or television shows. I am not 'the life of the party' nor will I ever be, because I detest large social gatherings.

Handicapped Dating Australia

Recently however, I decided that I needed to broaden my small social circle. Taking into account all factors, I shuddered and concluded that I needed to try online dating. Weighing up the pros and cons of online dating, I decided that even though I had sworn to friends that I would never attempt such a thing, I had to take the plunge.

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  • People with learning disabilities want to find love too!

The biggest advantage is that it would highlight the strengths in my personality, rather than my disability. Online communication has its risks, but I always prefer meeting people this way, because people get an insight into who I am first, not what I am. Paradoxically, online dating can also be a superficial supermarket where preferences are based on looks and personality surveys where things like a physical disability can be passed over easily with no further investigation. This, to me, is no different to every time I leave the house.

I still get stared at by strangers, I still get treated with condescension, and on occasion people say moronic things to me like 'I didn't know you people could go to University.

Dating and disability; an adventure online

I figured based on those experiences that I was better equipped than most to handle dating online. Of course, just like everyone else, I have criteria.

Potential mates don't necessarily have to say 'I am really nice to people with disabilities', but as soon as someone mentions they like to climb mountains or bushwalk through thick rainforest I can pretty much conclude that we are not destined to be together. I judge people on first impressions too. The dilemma for a person with a disability is how to broach the subject.

Latest Disabled Members

I went with the direct approach. One dating website wanted people to come up with a one line 'first impression' to encourage clicks on your profile. And I do mean that literally. I even supply my own vehicle.

Coast man creates way for people with disability to find love | Sunshine Coast Daily

I have Cerebral Palsy and am in an electric wheelchair: I am the classic case of not judging a book by its cover. Obviously I can't do any hiking or rock climbing, but would you settle for a ride on the back of a wheelchair? Those looking for something unique might like to ask themselves: When was the last time your date got free drinks for you every time he went out just because he sat on his bum?

The aim here is to make people at ease with my disability, to show that I am comfortable with it, and so they should be too. Even if they don't want to date me, viewers will hopefully be able to understand that disability is not a thing to be dreaded and that, like them, I just want to meet people and have a good time.