Hermione draco dating fanfiction


  1. Winter Ball, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

When he wasn't acting like a pompous git, Hermione found Draco an interesting companion.

He had a sharp brain and wicked wit, which she found she liked now that it wasn't aimed at her. Their initial conversations had centered around assignments and gradually progressed to more personal matters. They purposefully avoided any talk of their house rivalry or their affiliations in the coming war. As the Christmas holidays approached, they were quite comfortable with each other. The rest of the school would have been amazed, if they had known. Outside of patrol times, things didn't appear too different. True to his word, Draco didn't call her a mudblood.

He still insulted her in public, but his barbs were more general, and not personally wounding. No one appeared to notice the difference though, because he seemed to have stepped up his verbal attacks on anyone who was with her when their paths crossed.

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Numerous times, he almost came to hexes or blows with Harry and Ron. After one of these times, Hermione chided him for it when she saw him for patrol that night. I'm nice to you. Take what you get. You called me a 'know-it-all Gryffindork' in Potions today," she reminded him swatting at his chest. She looked at him in shock as that was the first time that he had ever called her by her first name. He was also still holding both of her hands. Before she could even think of how to respond to him, his mouth had crashed down upon hers in a demanding kiss. Even more startling to her was that she liked it and kissed him back.

That night was the turning point in their relationship. Hermione ended up staying at the castle for the duration of the holiday break. Harry had gone to the Burrow with the Weasley siblings, but she had declined the invitation saying that she had special projects she was working on at school. Her parents had been offered places on a trip to a third world country with Smiles for All, the dental offshoot of Doctors without Borders. She knew they had always wanted to be more than just financial backers of that organization, so she didn't complain that she couldn't return home.

Most importantly, Draco was going to be at Hogwarts since his parents were off to places unknown. The two sixth years were actually the only students from Slytherin and Gryffindor houses remaining at school. There were four Hufflepuffs and three Ravenclaws also staying, but they were all below fourth year. As the only upperclassmen, Draco and Hermione were pretty much left to their own devices. Without the interference of anyone who might object, Hermione was able to explore the new direction that this relationship was taking.

She spent each day with Draco getting to know him and talking about everything. They took walks, went shopping in Hogsmeade, and spent their time getting closer physically, though they hadn't moved the relationship to the next level yet. Hermione found herself happier than she had ever been. She did worry about what the other Gryffindor reactions would be, but knew that Draco was the right person for her. He seemed tailor made for her. He always knew the right thing to say and do. He was romantic, sweet, and everything that a sixteen year old girl could want in a boyfriend.

The spoiled, condescending boy that she had known since she was eleven seemed to have disappeared. Christmas morning dawned and Hermione found a pile of presents at the foot of her bed. She had already sent her gifts out via owl the day before. She still had her parents gifts, but they had told her to save them for when she saw them next.

They had sent her some clothes, muggle books, and a fantastic pair of boots that she had seen on her last trip to London. Harry had given her a clever collapsible cauldron. Ron had sent her an assortment of candy from Honeydukes with a funny note saying that he was sure her parents wouldn't get her any because they were "denters". She received the usual "Weasley sweater" from Molly and Aurthur along with some lovely homemade cookies. Ginny and she hadn't exchanged gifts, saying they were going to treat themselves to a special Girls' Day Out together in Hogsmeade after the New Year.

Her roommates, Lavender and Parvati, had sent her a subscription to Teen Witch Weekly, and a book of make-up spells. She rolled her eyes, knowing when they returned that they would get more use out of the gifts than she would, since she didn't typically go for that kind of thing. The last present was a small silver box tied with a green bow. She smiled looking at the Slytherin colors, knowing it was from her boyfriend.

"Obliviate..." - Draco + Hermione {Fanfiction TRAILER}

When she opened it, she found a bracelet with three small charms on it: The parchment that accompanied it was simple. Back in the present, Hermione looked at the bracelet on her wrist. She played with the charms as she started worrying about her friends' reactions again. Thank God for Ginny, she thought. Only Ginny knew about the older witch's relationship with Draco, since she had accidentally come across them kissing in the back of the library a few weeks ago.

The fifth year had been helping the two ever since, by covering for Hermione when people wondered where she was. The clandestine romance touched her romantic heart and she didn't blame Hermione one little bit. During the past summer, Ron and Hermione had tried and failed at going out. While it was technically a mutual break-up, their friendship had been strained ever since.

Winter Ball, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction

Ginny thought her brother was stupid and had been genuinely happy that her best girlfriend had found someone new, even if it had to be Draco Malfoy. Hermione had continued to see Draco in secret once the new term started and the rest of the students returned. She looked forward to their rounds and met up with him whenever she had a free moment. This was a year of heavy responsibility for her. She took more classes than anyone, yet she still managed to handle her prefect duties, run study groups for her friends, tutor the younger years referred to her by the professors, and knit hats for house elves though none, except Dobby, would dream of accepting one.

Her house mates watched her rushing from activity to activity and shook their heads in amusement thinking: There she goes again. They didn't really mind, though, because she had proven in the past that she would always make time for anyone who really needed her. She walked around happily, even singing to herself on occasion. Everyone thought her new found joy was just part of "being Hermione".

The sixteen year old looked at the blond boy standing next to her. He stood tall and handsome in his elegant black dress robes.

Merlin, he looks good , she thought. Then she blushed as she thought of the night before. She had finally felt ready to become intimate with Draco and he had readily complied. It had been an amazing experience for her contrary to what books said about the first time. Draco had guided her through her first sexual experience with a particular sweetness.

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His excitement and lust she had been prepared for, but his gentleness and care were unexpected gifts. Last night was also the first time that they had declared their love for each other aloud. She knew it was the right time to share her happiness with the world. Well, who in the hell would date Granger?

He followed her out of her room, all the way to the entrance hall. He pestered her but she flatly ignored him. Ginny smiled wickedly at Draco. Hermione turned at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and issued a small wave at the figure on the stairs. Draco sat, staring after her. Did she really have a date? Why did he care that she had a date?

Why didn't he have a date!

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He stood up to run across the slopes towards the wood. Stopping at the lake to turn around and head back. Finally, he turned again and sprinted after her. Draco followed quickly after Hermione. He stayed on the opposite side of the river, careful not to step on anything that would alert her attention. He followed her to a small clearing next the river. A blanket was already laid out. But no one was waiting for her. She sat down and pulled out a book.