Dating kitty


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When they returned to Earth, Kitty got her 14th birthday party in X-Men: Special Edition 1 by Claremont and Cockrum and we finally got a firm bead on Colossus' age, as the issue specifically notes that Kitty is now 14 and Colossus is now Now, do note that we are not saying that there has never been a case of a year-old dating a year-old out there.

Of course there are examples of that happening.

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However, "I've seen year-olds date year-olds before" is not really a good reason to have a year-old superhero dating a year-old superhero. Still, though, their relationship has remained mostly flirting up until this point, outside of the kiss on the space ship, but A. Colossus made a whole big deal about her being too young and B. It's a weird time for everyone.

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Dating Dilemmas

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