Successful dating profile


  1. Your online profile says a lot about you.
  2. The Social Man
  3. How to construct an ideal dating profile - The Boston Globe
  4. How to construct a dating profile that might get attention

This is a chance to compliment your date before you even get to know her. This little secret makes her want to be that girl with a great smile, fun personality, or whatever positive trait or characteristic you write. The same goes for adding quotation marks for emphasis. Leave the emojis, numbers, and abbreviations out of your bio and reserve them for tweets, Instagram hashtags, and Facebook posts.

This is always where guys drop the ball, but not you.

Your online profile says a lot about you.

Do not end your bio on a weak note. You want to be unique, different, and, most importantly, you want to make it easy for her to send you a message. So give her directions. Doing this not only proves that you care about what she has to say, but it also creates an instant connection through a shared interest.

Remember, your dating profile is the first glimpse a potential date will see into who you are, so make it light, fun, and flirty.

Copy and paste these tested words to get a response and get her addicted to you - every time! Enter your name and email below to get a FREE copy of this report By Judith Villarreal Judith is a professional writer, margarita enthusiast, and love doctor minus the degree, lab coat, and clammy hands.

The Social Man

Follow Judith on Instagram. Generally speaking, you can meet a woman anywhere. I want to turn things around with her so we can be a LOT more than friends. I'm cool being friend zone by girls I want to date.

There's a lot of pressure in the online dating world to create a beautifully crafted profile, complete with star quality pictures and a list of exciting interests. After all, it's the only thing you have to attract the partner of your dreams through the internet.

How to construct an ideal dating profile - The Boston Globe

But according to a new study , there's a list of key words you should be using if you want your profile to be successful. Research conducted by Match.

Women React to 8 Types of Online Dating Profiles of Men

Petar Chernaev via Getty Images. The terms make a lot of sense.

How to meet women online

Other top terms for men and women include "fun," "friends," "laugh," and "music. Women, however, are specifically drawn to profiles with the words "caring" and "family," perhaps suggesting that they are looking for a long-term or serious relationship.

How to construct a dating profile that might get attention

For men, the word they react to most is "easy. Bloomberg via Getty Images A page from the dating website Match.

Last year, eHarmony looked at more than 12, of their popular profiles to determine the most and least attractive terms on their site.