Things you should know before dating a med student


  1. The Person You’re Dating is in Med School? Here’s How to Deal
  2. 5 Things You Inevitably Learn When You Date A Med Student | Thought Catalog
  3. How to Date a Med Student

This goes for both parties or family members. We typically make a big breakfast, go to the beach or on a hike, and reconvene in the evening to cook dinner and watch a movie. That time together allows you both to recharge after your busy and largely independent workweeks.

The Person You’re Dating is in Med School? Here’s How to Deal

Her advice to combat this is to never let yourself believe that just because your partner is pursuing a career as an MD that you and your career are in some way of lesser value. This is the same even if your partner is going to law school or any other type of graduate school. Like many recent graduates, Katherine felt pretty blindsided after she graduated.

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  • Things You Need To Know About Dating Someone In Med School?

During school she had been so focused on her academics that she had inadvertently missed the bigger picture—life after college. This program had a concentration in Social and Behavioral Health Sciences which really appealed to her.

5 Things You Inevitably Learn When You Date A Med Student | Thought Catalog

Hang in there; you are a team and you can do it! Before medical school, she majored in photography. Her present interests include but are not limited to: She enjoys finding the humor inherent in the life of a medical student and the process of becoming a physician. Do not make us feel guilty for having to study.

In fact, you should encourage us to study. Maybe sit with us and read your own book or look at really important arguments on reddit while we study.


Med school can be very isolating, and it gets downright depressing quite frequently. Your email address will not be published. We take your privacy very seriously and promise never to spam you.

How to Date a Med Student

See our terms and privacy here. This site contains affiliate links. Purchasing through these links helps support this site at no additional cost to you. Please see the policies page for more information. I also added a couple at the end after 13 that are from my personal experience… Dating a med student?

Session 251

Accept the fact they will have many affairs. Each week they will have a new illness.