Spiritual awakening dating site


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As a devout overly quirky, overly trusting and overly forgiving metro-spiritual, I use to take democracy for granted. I was an unsorted, naively complacent constituent with a child-like simplicity, believing that the overall ethics and morals of any American leader s would always leave me feeling safe about my country and loved ones…even if I didn't always fully agree.

Maybe the universe has a bigger plan. But the willingly ignorant innocents who have been stolen and sold for cheap to the dark side, without even a chirp, was something I was not prepared for. Not the people of this country! Surely everyone would have done their due diligence by now. Maybe the dog ate their bipartisan homework?

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While I refuse to give up any of the dearly beloved to the dark side, never have I ever felt so divided and tortured inside. Prejudice is now being worn on the sleeves of every person in this country. Let the cards fall as they may so open eyes can see those who judge without cause and those who are only out for themselves.

But hip-hip-hooray to the droves of Americans focused on the simple right and wrong, for they are the ones beginning to balance out the sanctity of our treasured democracy. Open voices have become our greatest strength. Sexual harassment for the first time is being taken seriously and power-bullies are being rightfully restrained. Who you are and what you stand for, rather then your gender, race, religion or sexual orientation, is also on the fast track of popular acceptability.


The new kids are coming to town! Destination — Pennsylvania Ave. First-time candidate Danica Roem trumped 'em all. There are approximately 7 billion humans on earth, therefore at this point in our perceived time-line there are 7 billion points of consciousness incarnate as human within the portion of the unified field or creation called Earth. These other consciousnesses go about their perceived daily lives interacting with the unified field, creating too. They use 'set one' of resources to move objects around, prepare food, exercise their bodies, go to work, perform tasks and so on.

They use 'set two' of resources to think up ideas, feel love for their children, enjoy socializing, have wants, needs and desires, and so on. Each and every time 'set one' or 'set two' of resources are used, the unified field is altered. The unified field or creation remembers all alterations and keeps them that way, in accordance with the natural laws programmed into this illusion. For example; you make a sandwich and place it outside. You altered the energetic coding of the unified field by assembling the sandwich, and this the field remembers.

A fox comes along and takes the sandwich. The fox is a co-creator because it too has the ability to manipulate the field. It eats the sandwich.

The Most Significant Signes OF Spiritual Awakening !!

The field is programmed in it's infinite intelligence that the food will be broken down by the fox's stomach controlled by its own consciousness , be excreted as other substances and then be absorbed into the earth. All actions taking place according to the programmed natural laws of this illusion. You and the fox are co-creators. Another example; you strongly desire some companionship. Another person a co-creator just like you also strongly desires companionship.

These emotions of a loving nature, cause you both to manipulate the unified field by searching a dating website in which you find each other and go on a date. You remain together due to the emotion of love. The entire experience is a creation, co-created by souls point's of consciousness incarnate as human, within the unified field creation manipulating it for the purpose of experience. If you created a sculpture and placed at the front of a building, the unified field would remember this energetic alteration. It would subject it to some natural laws such as weathering, decomposition depending upon the sculpture's composition and maybe the odd bird perching on top doing its business.

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The sculpture would remain there until another co-creator, perhaps in 60 years time, comes and tares it down. The consciousness of the co-creator is interacting with and altering the information within the field. The atoms are being moved. This kind of thing we take for granted. People change things and we live with the changes. There are further implications however. We greatly overlook the impact of 'set 2' of resources, in this case emotions, as a form of energy that manipulates our reality.

As co-creators, the vibration we are holding in large groups or populations affects each and every individual, yet we barely acknowledge this fact. This effect is vividly apparent when the 'meditation effect' is studied. This is where large groups of meditators meditate together at the same time.

Positive effects are felt in surrounding areas, and even globally as crime rates and violence reduce significantly during those periods of time. As a race we are subjected to media that frequently serve to create fear and anxiety to increase our dependence on those who administer the system as well as dumbing us down to create subservient populations. The system itself is one where stress and anxiety tend to fester.

The negative energies manifest by populations cause many individuals to hold a negative vibration, in turn, attracting negative experience. All property, assets and even alimony should be rewarded to the spouse who has to bear the cost of the hurt, pain, and betrayal of being married to a down low brother. I call it the Caitlin Jenner affect. The character of a person is important despite their sexual orientation. If you are a lying, cheating, down low brother, you are not a good person! Being afraid to come out of the closet is no excuse for being a liar!

I recently met a guy who I believe is secretly gay. It has nothing to do with him being afraid of coming out. His mother suspects he is gay, and she even asked him.

Of course, he denied it. He continues to battle with his own sexuality more than likely sleeping with both men and women in the process. Exposing women to HIV, carelessly while selfishly getting sex from both genders. These types of people should be prosecuted by the law, just like a person who knows they have AIDS and sleeps with people without disclosing that information upfront.

We need to start holding down low brothers accountable for their selfish actions instead of feeling sorry for them.

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To all my gay friends who are proud of their sexuality and will tell you in 1. Not to mention, Gay men who are married to women and have children literally devastate their kids with their sudden bravery to come out of the closet. Had they been honest from the beginning, there would be no marriage and no kid to hurt! I am not sure how kids recover from the betrayal of their fathers.

Openly gay people are honest, courageous and overall good people of good character.