Dating games playing hard to get


  1. Why “Play hard to get” is terrible dating advice for women
  2. We don't send regular emails, we send cool emails
  3. Myths About Playing Hard To Get That Are Sabotaging Your Dating Life · Betches

One thing all guys should stop doing is idealizing relationships. Some of the healthiest relationships are the ones in which two people could easily sleep with other people, but actively choose not to.

Why “Play hard to get” is terrible dating advice for women

Playing hard to get, or preserving your value in a relationship is essential to keeping the spark alive. There is nothing more attractive than someone who other people want. No one is saying to cheat. However, preserving your identity, and making each other work to preserve the passion, is definitely smart. The best relationships are the ones where both people see the importance of keeping the other person happy and make an effort to do so.

However, this is not how to project real value or confidence to a girl you like. Here are some small things you can adjust in your game:. Being too agreeable, or dropping everything to answer her texts is tempting, because everywhere else in life, being polite and nice usually gets you some positive benefit. Sometimes you have to be your own person with your own plan and schedule, and let them in on it, rather than make them the entire focus of your life. A nice guy is boring. A really beautiful woman has probably developed a very high level of confidence.

Some girls even find it a little pathetic.

A really beautiful woman would rather a guy be hard to get. Essentially, no girl is going to hook up with a guy who she perceives as not being good enough for her. It sounds selfish, but men and women both look at dating in terms of resource extraction. Compatibility certainly plays a role, but for the most part, decisions on who we date are made for selfish reasons. Utility, value, and rarity will always trump things like politeness and chivalry.

The game goes both ways. A girl you might be after could be playing hard to get.

We don't send regular emails, we send cool emails

Sometimes this is a test to see how interested you are, but be careful. If she sends two texts , you send one.

Regardless, when it comes to dating, always think of things in terms of value and rarity. Projecting these two qualities sets you up for success, and makes you seem much more like the alpha-male you are. Copy and paste these tested words to get a response and get her addicted to you - every time! Here are five women who did it in real life. Whenever he asked me out, I didn't think twice about saying yes, no matter how frequent the dates were.

What's The Difference Between Hard To Get And Not Interested

Dating's not something you keep a score on. I don't believe in waiting around and replying to texts hours later just to string him along. So one day, when we were hanging out at his place watching TV , I bit the bullet and asked him to kiss me. He was surprised, but obliged.

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It must have worked, because soon after, he invited me on a holiday with him and his sister. We ended up dating for two years.

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It didn't work out, but I never regretted what I did - at least I tried! I was keen, but told him that he'd have to wait as I was still getting over an ex. I knew it was a risk as he might not still be interested when I was ready. But after two months of patience, we got together. While it would have been easier to say yes the first time and seal the deal. I was glad I was honest. He was so attentive - delivering ice cream and making me gifts for Valentine's Day - it felt like we were in a relationship, only we never talked about it.

Myths About Playing Hard To Get That Are Sabotaging Your Dating Life · Betches

It was confusing, and I was getting fed up. When he asked to join me on a solo trip. I snapped and asked him what was going on. Turns out, he was afraid of hurting our friendship. My confrontation motivated him to give a proper relationship a shot. After several weeks of chatting and no move being made, I gave him my number and said he should ask me out.