Dating in high school without a car


  1. Top 10 Tips for High School Dating
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  4. Is it possible to be in a relationship without a car?
  5. Top 10 Tips for High School Dating

I really don't want to pull up to her house being driven by my mom, or worse both of us going to a date with one of our parents driving. So how can we make it work? Should I just wait? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? I was 22 years old when I finally got my drivers license. I know people who lost their licenses because of DWI and they depend on getting rides from people.

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For now maybe it would be best just to talk on the phone with her and meet up once a week. Like any relationship it takes time to develop.

Maybe she can help you study for the book exam. Well, my first question is: Do you want a relationship, or just the fun of dating someone? If you want a relationship, then I would go ahead and explain your feelings, but also your dilemma. Use this time to get to know her. Meet up at places. This will make your first car date very special.

Also, if her parents are anything like mine were, they may appreciate time to get to know you before you whisk her away on a date. Some parents are kind of apprehensive about their daughters leaving with a boy, and a chance to get to know their character before hand, often puts them at ease. It was so nice because it was less awkward and still special. I think that if you are honest about your feelings don't play games and be respectful of her time by calling when you say you will and not being late when you guys plan to meet somewhere and spend time with her now, she will be totally cool about the no driving thing.

If you just want to hang out with the girl and aren't looking to have a relationship, don't bother. It's so much work to date without a car. Enjoy each other's company at school and look forward to dating her in the future if you are both still interested, but don't stress about it. If she will only date guys with cars, she is a very shallow girl. I did not have my own car or a driver's license until I was out of college. That made it a bit hard to "date" in the classical sense, but you can still go places together with other couples or groups, attend functions together as a couple.

Now consider this, you have found a girl who like you for you, not your car or your ability to take her fancy places. You, my friend, are one very lucky person. Why dont you both get dropped off somewhere seperatly. Like go to a mall that has a movie theater in it. That way you can see a movie and eat at the food court. That way if you meet inside If she really likes you and is a realy cool girl she isnt going to care or judge you because you cant drive yet.

Top 10 Tips for High School Dating

He's usually goes to their house and they both takes the bus to the movies or something. Originally Posted by moveouttamyway. Originally Posted by Kirra. Much easier in decently large city with good public transit. Only , people with worse-than-nonexistant transit system and the city's spread all out into subdivisions with very few high-rises.

The Shakerite

Thank christ I've got some wheels. If you think that you are hindered by not having a car, well, guess what, you are. You are creating limitations for yourself, creating limiting beliefs. It's all in your head man. Have fun with your insecurities. Try and go for students Living on campus ftw.


Its actually more weird for people to actually have a car at my school. Uni is one of the few places that actually has a bus-taking culture and it is totally socially acceptable. But your real problem, as has already been noted, is your insecurity. Screw if you have a car, a house or even a job.

The fact that you have waited a year to even try and talk to this girl means you are insecure on a way deeper level. What do any of those things about you matter if you don't even talk to her? You are using them as an excuse not to talk to this girl and on a bigger scale an excuse not to talk to any girls I bet. You are just scared Heres the truth that will really help you: You shouldn't have such bad one-itis for a chick that she becomes the center of your world if she is making your hair fall out.

Everyone has had one-itis before and knows that feeling. The best way to get over one girl is to get under another one I've been through some bad breakups and one-itis myself and it is the only real solution!

Is it possible to be in a relationship without a car?

Originally Posted by yoj. I mean I dunno bro, if she's older and really career-oriented she probably won't wanna stick around with a dude that doesn't even have a car. Most girls won't necessarily want to play chaffeur and take on your responsibilities while trying to get their own in order. Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.

Top 10 Tips for High School Dating

Originally Posted by cheerupemokid. There are girls out there that literally support their bf's who sit at home and watch tv while they work It just depends on the girl and your personality. Currently, you lack the personality to pull such a feat off. Your hair is falling out over anxiety about a chick you've only made eye contact with?

I suggest you work on that before you even attempt to get with any girls. Originally Posted by janky. Originally Posted by Chicopartiesbig.

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Chances are you're gonna get played man, I've been there. You wanna get serious based off the fact of eye contact? Man ,if you exude your confidence everywhere you'll see much more eye contact and you wont feel like getting into a committed relationship with someone you don't know well. Ask her out to lunch or something casual after both your shifts. Make it casual and take it from there.