Persona 3 portable dating guide


  1. Table of Contents
  2. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - Walkthrough/guide
  3. Cari Blog Ini
  4. Persona 3 Portable review

May 20 Third day of Midterms.

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The answer is "Chaos Theory". May 21 Fourth day of Midterms. The answer is "Basic".

Table of Contents

May 22 Fifth day of Midterms. The answer is "How the tools are made". May 23 Today is the last day of Midterms. Just like with the first day, the last day is dependent on your Academic stat, so level 3 should suffice. May 25 The midterm exams are posted today. Depending on how many answers you correctly answered and depending on your Academic level, you'll find out how well you did on it. If you got the best score in your class, you'll receive a boost in your charm.

Also, the next day, make sure to visit Mitsuru in the halls of the school to receive your reward. June 8 Yup, it's time for a full moon already. You'll be going to the Tartarus tonight to look for Fuuka.

Tweaks an all too familiar formula just enough to feel fresh

Once you gain control, go to where the Faculty Office is and you'll find the Gym Key. Go back to the main hall for another scene and you'll wind up in Tartarus, split up from Akihiko and Junpei. Just make your way up a few floors and you'll find them eventually. When you do, the real fun begins. Obviously from this, the Empress has a weakness to Slash, Strike, and Pierce attacks while the Emperor has a weakness to all four elemental attacks. The best way to deal with this? On your first turn, have the main character attack the Empress to knock her down, and then use a Persona with any elemental skill and use it on the Emperor to knock him down.

Use an All Out Attack and you should do a decent amount of damage. Well, once they get low on health, Empress and Emperor will start switching their attributes around. This is where Fuuka comes in handy. Use L1 to bring up the Analyze option and have her Analyze them while you guess their weaknesses. Once you hit them, they'll switch again. Repeat until they die. June 9 The antique shop is open now. Take a peek inside to see what it is and what items you can get. June 12 Agree to become friends with the Mysterious Boy and he'll reveal himself as Pharos.

The Death Arcana will also become available. June 13 Elizabeth will give you a call, telling you that new floors of the Tartarus are available for exploring, which means she has new requests for you as well. June 15 You'll be quizzed today. The answer is "Colon". I don't know how I got this wrong on my first playthrough since I'm aiming for Journalism. June 17 You'll be quizzed again. The answer is "Shamanism".

After school, the three school clubs Music, Art, Photography are recruiting. It doesn't matter which one you pick.

June 18 Nothing special on this day. Just wanted to put it here because this is my birthday. June 22 You'll be quizzed. The answer is "Chinese". June 29 You'll be quizzed. The answer is "Leonardo da Vinci". July 3 You'll be quizzed. The answer is "The 2, Yen Bill". July 7 It's time for the next operation.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - Walkthrough/guide

Yukari will be a mandatory member this time, so select your other two party members. Chances are Akihiko and Junpei are leveled higher than Mitsuru at this point. Once you're ready, make your way to the top floor and enter the room to the northeast on the map. The one thing that might pose as a tiny problem is that he tends to use Zio based skills. So just use your best non-Zio Persona and he'll go down rather quickly. When given the following choices, select these: Your next objective is to destroy two mirrors to break the seal to the second shadow.

Go to the second floor and enter Room Break the window and climb to the third floor. Enter Room and break the window. Now go back to the room where you fought the shadow and you'll be treated to another fight. While it doesn't have any strengths and weaknesses, the main problem with this fight is that it can Charm your party, meaning if the main character gets charmed, you'll either Heal the Lovers if you have a Persona equipped with Dia, do nothing, or attack your party members. The worst part about this is that your party members don't give a damn and won't use a Dis-Charm on you, so if the main character gets charmed, you either need to hope to hold out long enough or start the battle over.

Aside from Charm, it's a normal fight, so use your best Persona. July 8 You'll be quizzed. The answer is "o-no-ma-to-pee-ah". July 9 You'll be quizzed. The answer is "Heian-Kyo became the Capital. July 10 Another fuggin' quiz. The answer is "Kabbalah". July 11 You guessed it. The answer is "Their hairdos".

Cari Blog Ini

July 14 Final exams start today. The answer is "Jewish". July 15 Second day of Final Exams. The answer is "Murasaki Shikibu". July 16 Third day of Final Exams.

The answer is "The topknot fired bullets". July 17 Fourth day of Final Exams. July 18 Final day of Final Exams.

Persona 3 Portable review

Your end result will depend on your current Academic Level and how many answers you got correct. You need at least Level 5 in Academics if you want to ace it. July 20 Today, you leave for Yakushima, which means no Tartarus until you get back. Kiss my ass, Shadows. July 21 Today, operation "Babe Hunt" will commence. With Junpei in your party, there's no way you can fail, right? After the set of scenes the last 'female' you try to hit on is quite hilarious indeed , you'll try to hit up on some girl standing on the pier.

Afterwards, run into the forest and follow the path until you come across her. After some more scenes, Aigis will join the party.