Dating relationships in the workplace


  1. A look at the pros and cons of an office romance
  2. Navigation menu
  3. 5 Rules to Dating in the Workplace | HuffPost
  4. Romance In The Workplace: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Constant scrutiny can drive a quick wedge between you. Another reason work and romance rarely mix is it can put a serious hamper on job performance. You may find yourself taking longer lunches together or finding ways to sneak off to be alone.

A look at the pros and cons of an office romance

Aside from creating a tense office environment, having an office romance can also lead to potential legal consequences. Another potential ugly consequence of workplace romance? Imagine the embarrassment of finding this out through a nasty phone call or email from a furious significant other! The closeness and intimacy of a romantic relationship and the subsequent loss of this relationship could trigger a sudden and violent response.

For one, favoritism is going to be an issue. Think of it this way: You may even risk turning into the office outcast.

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As a supervisor dating a subordinate, you may run into some issues as well. Normally, you would reprimand the person but considering the relationship, your hands are now tied.

Especially in a case like this. Even if the relationship was consensual, you always run the risk of a sexual harassment claim from the subordinate who can claim feeling pressured to continue the relationship out of fear of losing their job. The purpose of these contracts is to clearly outline specific guidelines and acknowledgements by both parties in the relationship.

  • Workplace relationships?
  • A look at the pros and cons of an office romance?
  • Romance In The Workplace: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly?
  • Romance In The Workplace: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - Career Intelligence.
  • 5 Rules to Dating in the Workplace?

This protects the company, as well as defines the responsibilities and behavioral guidelines of the parties involved when they are at work. At the very least, an office tryst will change the dynamic of your working environment. It could lead to diminished job performance, gossip and possible legal issues. Be sure to think it through before jumping right in. Heidel is a freelance writer with a passion for helping others.

5 Rules to Dating in the Workplace | HuffPost

She enjoys writing articles on all subjects and is also a published fiction writer. You must be logged in to post a comment Login. Log in - Posts - Add New -. Understand that your significant other will be much more attentive to you than to others. Or, your partner may get upset that a coworker is treating you badly, whereas other peers would remain oblivious to the unfair treatment. Heightened sensitivity is one of the obstacle of workplace dating. Observe your actions so as not to create drama that seeps from your job into your relationship.

Romance In The Workplace: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

But as much as your boss will have to know the truth, your peers have to know nothing. Your private life is just that: Set up a plan B. You and your partner need to be on the same page in case the relationship ends. Come to terms on how you would handle a separation if it ever comes to that. Workplace dating can be tricky to say the least.

Office Romances

But love will find a way, as it often does, and two people who genuinely fit each other should be together no matter their employment. Consider the rules above to fulfill your career, your partner, and your own joy. To connect with Dr.

Carmen Harra on Facebook, click here. For more by Dr. Carmen Harra, click here. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. But if you find yourself in a relationship with your coworker, implement these five rules for successful workplace dating: This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site.