El show de cuello hook up animation


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  3. Tomy Mackey's Page - Voiceover Universe

The project consisted in a series of commemorative spots and the slogan was: Another one of the projects we developed that year was the video for the Basilos' song "Caraluna", by Cartoon Network's request. It was one of the first jobs where we had the total freedom to create and propose our point of view, the only instruction was the song. The result was an award at the New York Festivals and an original and different piece we like very much. Our fame had crossed the ocean and drowned.

Tomy Mackey's Friends

But before that it had managed to reach the United Kigndom and in spite of Diego's goals the people at Turner UK ordered us an animation for an image change of Boomerang channel. One of the most loved producers of Cartoon Network, Carlo Olivares had a crazy idea, making a series of animated cartoons in a animated cartoons channel. Who could have come up with that? And the thing is, it was done!

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The first episode… but it was done and was called "Bobots". That year the people at Disney released a Platinum edition of "Aladdin" and asked us to rub the lamp and make some animations for a video game that was included in this special edition. Hook Up in the memory. I've been thinking about anecdotes of those years and many of them would burn the people or the studio itself. Beyond the classic paper wars of the middle, I remember one between backgrounds and postproduction in which the paper basket actually got to fly fortunately without injured , a co-worker who enjoyed or did catharsis by destroying gadgets that were no longer functioning, another one that swam by on a chair with wheels, a pair of twins where one of them mutated every other day getting to look even like two different species, and an endless number of characters that were in general all very good people.

All very nice memories.

Tomy Mackey's Page

One Friday by the end of the day a very raging Omar the moodiest of the bosses pressing for the submission of some shots, I assisted and was an in-between artist and Leandro Corral did the clean up of a long shot of the Coyote. I won't say the animator's name but by that time the Coyote had mutated to the dog Juan Carlos and in that moment after several request of promptitude by Omar I said - this is absurd! Well yes, he knew how to laugh too. I also remember the first shot I had to assist was one of Aladdin, it took a lot of work and I received through Kechu a congratulation from Joche for how well the model had been kept.

When the shot got to pencil already set, Gonzalo Azpiri saw it - … and… he doesn't speak?! Ramiro Cabrera - Kevin.

3D El Show De Cuello (Hiper y los Transportes) - Hook-Up Animation 2007

How could we forget that year! And we put a lot… it wasn't an easy project even though the director was the friendliest guy, though a little forgetful. The movie was a success and became the 3rd best "mexican" film in the box-office in history. Apparently the people at MTV were in need of a mouthful of freshness and vitality, a cool studio and they also decided to call us. That's how these first works were born.

When one is lucky enough to have worked a long time in what you love the most, in my case animation, and having passed in more than 15 years for over 10 different places it's quite a nomad profession, we have to accept it the memory becomes more selective, and one remembers strongly and with more love those places that, even without realizing at the moment, marked them the most. But well, the road sometimes opens and in some moment I took another way. The years pass, Hook Up moves, I change once again from one company to another… and another… and another… and destiny wants years later for my new job to be exactly next to that mythical Hook Up, of the thousand anecdotes, the most beloved of my memories.

To get there, the same bus, walking the same blocks, watching the same houses and sidewalks from those times go by… some things changed, but not many… except when I arrive I go on a few meters to enter through the next door, not in the one of that Hook Up that is no longer Hook Up… the memories come down like a waterfall: She even recognizes me when she sees me!!!

And the toy-store around the corner, and the horns outside the door and the traffic when River plays, and the park with the basketball rings… and this, and that… so many memories… and the turns of destiny, what a surreal feeling, of daydreaming. And going to the new terrace, through little windows, the chance to see the new face of that place where so many spent so many hours drawing, painting, scanning, composing, rendering, eating, chatting, laughing, discussing, playing, learning, suffering and enjoying… I lean over though I know nothing is left of the tables, PCs, boards; Hook Up moved years ago and still goes on but in another place, another neighborhood, but what was lived in that building is very strong.

You can see it changed, dirty, different, but the memory flies to a dear place, the mind completes it and with some nostalgia many of us would love to go back there, to those adventures and misfortunes of 'Artilleros '. We'll cross paths again, I have no doubt…. Regards to all Joche, and a big hug!! Our friend Fernando Semenzato settled at Fox summons us to make some shorts of a couple of spies for Universal Channel and unconsciously gives us the freedom to create aside from the designs and the animation, the scripts. Incredibly they turned out okay!

With you Spy games.

Tomy Mackey's Page - Voiceover Universe

Fernando keeps testing his luck and entrusts us the designs and animation of a new series, "The League of Unnecessary Heroes". And all of this in the middle of a remodeling, construction workers, painters and cartoonists… everything very nice. From the designs, the art and the direction we were in charge of all and produced again by Fernando Semenzato.

The kids went crazy, another hit.

Or write me directly to my email: Or visit my website: Fear Short animation just for fun. Just how I imagine the creation of the Universe was. Watch the full montage here: Space Money It's not usual to find a penny in space. Fortune loop My submission for the 'Fortune' issue of loopdeloop. Elderly Care This is an animation made for Imaginary Lava.

Paralo Play I was asked by Gonzo in the Wild Productions to make an animation that would be part of a video for a Kickstarter campaign for the Paralo Play project. Wishlocker Explainer video I made for Wishlocker. Inmoclick Stats Animation made for Inmoclick, aimed to show the statistics of Z This is a simple little short animation I did to test some rigging, animation and compositing techniques.

A young fox goes crazy happy crazy when his TV breaks. Inmoclick Explainer video made for Inmoclick. Girl with a book. Just a random character design: Inktober Collection of ink drawings from my Inktober , randomly ordered. It's not easy to walk your dog in space And the glass handed Kites Concept fan-artwork for one of my favorite albums. Critical Update Latino Illustration for a magazine called Vlov. The theme of the issue was Cosmos. Escarabeajos Beatles inspired personal illustration.

Ilustrati Ergo Monstrum Participation in a monster illustration exhibition.

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