How to do a speed dating fundraiser


  1. How to Set Up a Speed Dating Event
  2. References
  3. How to Host a Speed Dating Event
  4. Organise a Dating Evening Fundraiser
  5. Our Everyday Video

The most important thing to remember is that, ultimately, you are providing a comfortable and welcoming environment for vulnerable singles looking to meet a mate. After all, two of your participants may fall in love, live happily ever after, and, even more importantly, tell everyone they know about how wonderful your restaurant is. Already have an account? Log In Here or Create an account. What is Speed Dating? Share Pin it Share Tweet. A WebstaurantStore account is required to comment.

Check Us Out, We're Social! Sign up to receive coupon codes in your inbox! Your email subscription has been recorded! Just a word of personal advice from experience, I have noticed that age groups that range from 35 and up are more likely to fill up faster than those events for people who are single and under the age of But approach the age group you are most comfortable dealing with and can establish some type of common ground with. Decide how you can be of benefit to the venue and how hosting a speed dating event will help them AND you so everyone can make a little extra cash.

How to Set Up a Speed Dating Event

After you secure a location s you'll want to set a date and begin marketing your Event, the Venue, and your company yourself. Even though it is important to advertise your event, remember to invite singles that you know to your event. Let them know a little about the venue you selected, the types of people you anticipate on participating, and ask them to attend. Prepare a Speed Dating Kit for your events with the following:.


At the event, make sure all of you guest have a name badge Alias's are ok and suggested and assign them a unique number for easier match results. Have them complete a registration form with contact information, email address, their real name, and Alias if using one for matching purposes. During the event, every minutes you ring the bell and the daters switch dates. At the end of the night they will all have met every opposite.

They keep track of guest they would like to meet on the note card. Guest writes Mark 12 No or Jane 16 Yes. Once all rounds are complete, guest turn their note cards in to you.

Swap contact info as soon as possible. Once you get the results, allow hours to inform guest of their matches. Only mutual interests receive contact information. Non mutual interests are voided discretely without anyone feeling put on the spot, or rejected. This should cover most of the marketing and pay you a nice wage for the evening of the event. As you build a stronger brand presence you'll be able to charge and earn more. Also mention there is a realistic opportunity for them to meet someone special. Appeal to their "social side" not their "single unmatched side".

How to Host a Speed Dating Event

Also, I wouldn't guarantee any turnout commitments, etc. Be honest and let them know your confidence and experience level. Get them involved in the promotion of the event as well! This speed dating company is based out of Atlanta and offers a unique style of events, speed dating resources, and information on getting started with hosting and coordinating speed dating events.

Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Thanks for the info. Please feel free to share your biz info or the name of the company you use. I'm sure there is someone out there who could use your help: I've been doing this for eight years and now I help people all over the US learn to market and fill their events.

Unless you already have a database of singles, I suggest you work with a national company. They do the majority of the marketing, collect the funds, train, etc. You receive a percentage of the total collected.

Organise a Dating Evening Fundraiser

Welcome everybody to the event, and confirm that all attendees have provided contact details which can be passed on to matches, and that everybody is wearing a name label. When the night is finished, encourage the guests to stay and enjoy themselves in the venue, and give details of the next event if you are planning one.

Within a week after the event, study the cards and pass on the contact details of any matches. Elle Blake has been writing since Speed dating events are great for making new friends and socializing.

Calvary House Speed Dating Fundraiser, Ferndale, MI

Meet Singles in your Area! Step 1 Explore different venue options. Step 2 Negotiate with the venue. Step 3 Advertise the event. Step 5 Set up the venue. Step 6 Greet each person at the door, asking for their name.

Our Everyday Video

Step 7 Welcome everybody to the event, and confirm that all attendees have provided contact details which can be passed on to matches, and that everybody is wearing a name label. Step 8 Conduct the event. Tip Consider asking guests to fill in a booking form before they attend the event, providing you with their name and contact details. This will mean that you can complete the labels and cards in advance.