General conference talks on dating


  1. The Relationship Advice from General Conference You Might Have Missed
  2. Best Talks About Marriage Given by LDS Leaders | Temple Square
  3. Dating Advice from Prophets and Apostles
  4. Prophets and Church Leaders
  5. Good Reasons to Date

Please ask for something else. The young lady thinks again and says: I think I fell in love with my wife, Harriet, from the first moment I saw her. Nevertheless, had she decided to marry someone else, I believe I would have met and fallen in love with someone else. Another error you might easily make in dating is expecting to find perfection in the person you are with.

The Relationship Advice from General Conference You Might Have Missed

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, and I would never counsel you to marry someone you do not love. Nevertheless — and here is another thing that is sometimes hard to accept — that magic sparkle needs continuous polishing. Frankly, it takes work. For any relationship to survive, both parties bring their own magic with them and use that to sustain their love. Although I have said that I do not believe in a one-and-only soul mate for anyone, I do know this: Once you have committed, the search for a soul mate is over.

Our thoughts and actions turn from looking to creating. But what about those who despair of ever finding an eternal companion? Go to activities, meet people, and do all you can. I know that dating can be rough. Rejection is one of the most painful things we can experience. Trust me, I know how this feels. I fell in love with Harriet long before she fell in love with me. I found ways to be in the same place she was. When I was administering the sacrament at church, I arranged to pass it to her family. I was doing the best I could to impress her, but I think she found me a little immature.

I despaired of ever convincing her that I could be anything more than a friend. I went away, joined the Air Force, and then traveled half a world away to attend pilot training in the United States. I moved quickly after that, and within a few months I married the woman I had loved for a long, long time. Brethren, the secret to finding the girl of your dreams is to get to know many of them and then, when you fall in love and it feels right, ask her to marry you.

If she says no, you continue to search and to pray until finally you will arrive with that young woman at the altar of the temple. Now, sisters, be gentle. But please do it gently.

Best Talks About Marriage Given by LDS Leaders | Temple Square

And brethren, please start asking! There are too many of our young women who never go on dates.

Sometimes they are wondering why no one asks them out. Just ask, and be prepared to move on if the answer is no. One of the things you need to learn is how to have a conversation with a member of the opposite sex. A great way to learn this is by being alone with someone — talking without a net, so to speak. When my wife and I moved from Germany to Salt Lake City, one of the things that most surprised us was the elaborate and sometimes stressful process young people had developed of asking for and accepting dates.

Dating Advice from Prophets and Apostles

Find simple ways to be together. One of my favorite things to do when I was young and looking for a date was to walk a young lady home after a Church meeting. Remember, your goal should not be to have a video of your date get a million views on YouTube. The goal is to get to know one individual person and learn how to develop a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex.

Now, there are those among you fine young members of the Church who might never marry.

Prophets and Church Leaders

Although they are worthy in every way, they may never find someone to whom they will be sealed in the temple of the Lord in this life. There is no way for those who have not experienced this despair to truly understand the loneliness and pain they might feel. I know of many women who want more than anything else to be a wife and a mother, and they cannot understand why their prayers have never been answered. He lovingly describes their relationship, blessings and trials, and how Jeanene was an influence for good.

One principle that stands out in particular is about expressing gratitude. Express that love and gratitude often. In this time time and age everything seems to be disposable and replaceable. President Uchtdorf teaches us that marriage is not, and it must not be treated that way. He talks about how happy marriages are meant to last forever. It requires you to be kind, envy not, seek not your own, not be easily provoked, think no evil, and rejoice in the truth. What is your favorite talk about marriage? Share with us in the comments below!

Content and Creative Specialist at Temple Square Hospitality, born and raised in Brazil, enthusiastic designer, cosmopolitan traveler and master recycler.

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Good Reasons to Date

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Burton It melts my heart when I hear the General Authorities talk about their spouses!